- Giza Death Star Community
November 8, 2012 By 1 Comment
Well folks, the breakaway civilization marches on, and I absolutely had to comment on it, and to share the comments of Mr. B., who kindly brought this article to my attention:
Boeing Successfully Tests Microwave Missile That Takes Out Electronic Targets
Let’s pause and consider a few things and implications. Most people are aware that one of the consequences of the nuclear age was the phenomenon of electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, resulting ordinarily from the explosion of nuclear or thermonuclear bombs. This pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation was discovered to be capable of knocking out radio communications and interfering with, or completely collapsing, electronic equipment…
I submit what we have here is the development of a kind of “Mark One” capability: the deployment of a mobile electronic warfare capability, whose testing, I also submit, is designed to send the message that the USA and the West have the capability to fly a drone over an area, and knock out all electronics.
But let’s consider the implications of such public disclosures, for usually they portend a greater hidden capability. This implies, as Mr. B. detailed in his email to me, an interesting speculative possibility, a kind of Mark II possibility. I have indicated on this website and in some books, that interesting mind-control technologies are emerging, technologies implying the ability to manipulate thoughts and emotional states via electronic means from a distance. This would be one additional capability, and there is yet another.
It is also known that electromagnetic technologies can literally kill from a distance, so we may envision Mark II drone capabilities as being capable of flying over a region, inducing emotional states, mental confusion, strokes, and even death, by means of electromagnetic drones, and these could, in turn, be “plausibly denied.” As Mr. B. also indicated, this technology could be made even more portable for use in helicopters, or vehicles… and used against crowds and mobs…
And, if prior patterns hold true, we may then expect these technologies to be employed by “local law enfarcement” in efforts to keep the Heimat secure… for the elite…
Boeing Successfully Tests Microwave Missile That Takes Out Electronic Targets
Let’s pause and consider a few things and implications. Most people are aware that one of the consequences of the nuclear age was the phenomenon of electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, resulting ordinarily from the explosion of nuclear or thermonuclear bombs. This pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation was discovered to be capable of knocking out radio communications and interfering with, or completely collapsing, electronic equipment…
I submit what we have here is the development of a kind of “Mark One” capability: the deployment of a mobile electronic warfare capability, whose testing, I also submit, is designed to send the message that the USA and the West have the capability to fly a drone over an area, and knock out all electronics.
But let’s consider the implications of such public disclosures, for usually they portend a greater hidden capability. This implies, as Mr. B. detailed in his email to me, an interesting speculative possibility, a kind of Mark II possibility. I have indicated on this website and in some books, that interesting mind-control technologies are emerging, technologies implying the ability to manipulate thoughts and emotional states via electronic means from a distance. This would be one additional capability, and there is yet another.
It is also known that electromagnetic technologies can literally kill from a distance, so we may envision Mark II drone capabilities as being capable of flying over a region, inducing emotional states, mental confusion, strokes, and even death, by means of electromagnetic drones, and these could, in turn, be “plausibly denied.” As Mr. B. also indicated, this technology could be made even more portable for use in helicopters, or vehicles… and used against crowds and mobs…
And, if prior patterns hold true, we may then expect these technologies to be employed by “local law enfarcement” in efforts to keep the Heimat secure… for the elite…
- Giza Death Star Community
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