by Sherman H. Skolnick 6/3/01
by Sherman H. Skolnick 6/3/01
There is one term lawyers seldom study about or use. Perhaps reading
about this will help you understand why. That phrase is "fraud upon the
In Anglo-Saxon Law, lawyers are "officers of the court", pledged to
uphold the court system. In the beginning of this nation, the lawyers
and judges in the colonies, generally were Tories who supported the
Crown, the Monarchy in England that sought to tax the colonists without
With the Declaration of INDEPENDENCE from England and the American
Revolutionary War, among other things, the non-lawyer colonists rose up
against the lawyers and lawyers acting as judges. To identify these
enemies of the people, the colonists painted black the chimneys of
lawyers and judges, many of whom fled to
From the standpoint of lawyers and judges, the most troublesome "fraud
upon the court" involves a corrupter or "bagman", working a malign if
not corrupt influence on the judge or judges to procure an arbitrary
ruling. In the whole history of jurisprudence in the United States, with
just one rare exception of record, lawyers have NOT been the ones
invoking, in court, the principle of "fraud upon the court" to challenge
a court ruling by fingering the
Even to this day, lawyers generally by what they do and say in court,
support the system, upholding whatever nowadays constitutes the "Crown".
With that one exception of record, in the entire history of the United
States, all the invoking in court of "fraud upon the court" as to
corrupt judges has been done in the last four decades by me and my
associates in our court reform, investigation, and research group,
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, of which since 1963 I have
been the
As a group, we early on by our work came to understand the general
principles of judicial corruption endemic in America. Such as namely,
oftentimes, the judges in the courthouse building own and operate a
bank, together with their lawyers/cronies/corrupters. And, surprisingly,
very often that selfsame bank is right across the alley or right across
the street from the
Identified by others as the greatest bribery-of-judges scandal in
American history, was caused by us in
The State courthouse in Chicago at the time was called the Civic Center.
It housed the Circuit Court of Cook County; and the next higher level in
a three-tier state court system, the Appellate Court of Illinois, First
District, being Cook County; and the Chicago offices of three of the
seven Justices of Illinois' highest tribunal, the Illinois Supreme Court
whose court building is in the state
Through an intense investigation, we as non-lawyers but self-educated in
law, and not wishing to be members of the bar, unearthed documents and
details supporting the
[1] That across the street from the Civic Center was a small, CLOSELY
HELD bank. Following the cynical tradition in America. it was called,
naturally, the Civic Center
[2] From all the details, we understood it was a quiet money laundry for
criminal purposes. We called it "the shuttle bus to Switzerland".
It was founded by Illinois' chief tax collector, Theodore J. Isaacs, who
had been Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue, interlocked
with the highly corrupt Chicago District office of the Internal Revenue
[4] Isaacs
brought into his bank enterprise as fellow owners the Chief Bank
Examiner; Otto Kerner, Jr., Governor of Illinois and later, made a
federal appeals court judge; together with thirty state and federal
judges and nine name-brand Chicago-area gangsters.
[5] To assure himself that the pressfakers would censor any negative
stories about the criminal operation, Isaacs also brought in as fellow
owners the head of Field Enterprises that at that time owned the Chicago
Sun-Times and the Chicago Daily News; and the political editor of the
Chicago Tribune; and a further assortment of City Hall and media
Because of his previous activities, Isaacs was convicted of state
criminal offenses. His appeal was pending in the Illinois Supreme
Court. Being a man that understands the American judicial system, he did
a natural thing. Just two weeks before the oral argument and
presentation of his appeal, he brought into the bank, as fellow owners,
most of the judges of the Illinois Supreme
The high court judges did a natural thing. As banker-judges they
understood the judicial system such as it is. They overturned the
conviction of their fellow bank-owner Isaacs. [As we have pointed out on
our website, the court system is riddled in key places with
Banker-Judges. They do not disqualify themselves when their bank is in
their court. Guess who wins in their crooked
Our policy is and has always been when we are convinced that certain
judges are corrupt, we file and present, to their face, an
extra-ordinary court petition, accusing the judge or judges openly that
certain court judgments were procured by a malign if not corrupt
influence on the judges. We do not engage in secret poison pen letters,
or mere rumors, or tactics of disguise and evasion. Direct confrontation
is our motto and my job, as chairman, founder, and spokesman of our
group since 1963. It is a hazard and jeopardy required by a court system
which does not cure itself by the internal operation of the Bench and
Designating ourselves as amici curiae, "friends of the court", I and an
associate of mine, by an extra-ordinary motion, filed in the criminal
case of People of the State of Illinois versus Theodore J. Isaacs,
directly confronted the state high court judges with their own crimes in
their purported temple of justice. Angry at our audacity, they ordered
and supervised a Chicago judge to grill me. Under threat of jail, I was
ordered by the accused high court judges to divulge all our methods of
investigation of them. They evidently figured, that since I am a
paraplegic from polio in a wheelchair since childhood, that I am a
weakling and will fold up and disappear. I refused to divulge our
methods to the accused judges and their
Dealing with me as if I were a desperate and dangerous bank robber, they
had four state troopers haul me to prison in an armored truck. After two
weeks of the resulting public commotions, I was vindicated. The high
court Chief Justice and an Associate Justice were ordered removed from
the bench. A third accused high court justice promptly bugged out; he
died under fire. A fourth high court justice and the remaining Associate
Justices somehow escaped. As an institution of stone sitting on a hill,
the state high court fell into the dark pit of infamy. It was a
beautiful but temporary moment in
Thereafter, in the federal court system, likewise designating myself as
a "friend of the court", I filed an extra-ordinary court petition. I
accused Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., a pal of Isaacs,
of specific bribery. After having been Illinois Governor, Kerner had
been appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit,
Judge Kerner arranged with the Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court in
Chicago to try to jail me for "contempt of court". When that did not
stop me, Kerner held a press conference, trying to smear me as a "liar".
Like a gangster making too much noise, when a pillar of the Government
Establishment does not do his dirty work quietly, the Establishment
throws him away. He serves no further purpose. No "sensible" bagman or
fellow banker will corrupt him. Kerner was prosecuted and jailed on my
charges and died an ex-convict. He became the highest level sitting
federal judge in American history to be jailed for bribery. [Isaacs was
sent to jail as well on federal
The preceding are just two examples of our work as a group over the last
In the Timothy McVeigh murder case, the chief defense counsel, Stephen
Jones, prior to the start of the trial, brought an extra-ordinary
petition in the next higher court, U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit,
Denver. In the 185-page document, Jones sought to compel trial Judge
Richard Matsch to be required to force the American CIA and other
espionage agencies to divulge the details of Iraqi involvement in the
Oklahoma City bombing. In his court papers, called Petition for Mandamus
AGAINST JUDGE MATSCH, Jones referred to secret portions of the court
records as well as other evidence showing the CIA cover up; that the CIA
and other espionage agencies had prior knowledge of the bombing. And
that there were others
[At the close of the Persian Gulf War, 1991, then President George
Herbert Walker Bush arranged to quietly bring into the United States,
some four thousand Iraqi military officers, supposed defectors, many
from Iraqi intelligence units, with their families. Some two thousand of
these live in Oklahoma City or right nearby. Bush was in a position to
know that some of them were double agents. The FBI has concealed that
they have closed circuit video showing an Iraqi military officer
supervising the bombings; multiple devices were used, some around or
strapped to the pillars of the Alfred P. Murrah
Using U.S. domestic dissidents, as patsies and surrogates, apparently
insulated from knowing about the Iraqi link, Iraq thus got revenge upon
the United States by the worst, so far, terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Iraq and others consider the Oklahoma bombings justified. Some have
contended that at the close of the Persian Gulf War, the U.S. committed
war crimes in that our military was ordered to shoot in the back some
150 thousand Iraqi soldiers, mostly conscripts, proceeding under a white
flag of surrender. With bulldozers, the U.S. military buried many of
them, still alive, in mass graves in the desert. The only even remotely
similar event was late in World War Two, at the "Battle of the Bulge",
when German troops slaughtered some 86 U.S. soldiers proceeding under a
white flag of surrender. Can 86 soldiers be compared to 150
In the only case of its kind of record in U.S. history, is outlined,
step by step, the procedure that is to be used in unearthing whether a
court judgment or verdict has been procured by a malign if not corrupt
influence on a judge, constituting a "fraud upon the court". That case,
invoked by us in the Illinois Supreme Court mess and the Kerner matter,
is Root Refining Co. versus Universal Oil Products Co. In law libraries
it is Volume 169 Federal Reporter Second Series, starting at page 514.
Legal researchers cite it as 169 F.2d 514 (3rd Circuit, 1948). This rare
case provides
[A] A court, regardless of its level in the court system whether trial
court or reviewing court, has inherent power and original jurisdiction,
at any time (even years and years later) to inquire whether its
judgments and decrees had been procured by a "fraud upon the court",
poisoning up the temple of justice. That is, by some happening not known
at the time of judgment and not previously in the court record but
becoming known at a later
[B] This inherent power is particularly so when the judgments and
decrees had been obtained by a malign if not corrupt influence on one or
more Judges of the
[C} To supervise the investigation, and to assure the public that there
will not be a cover up, the Chief Justice of the United States has to
designate judges from faraway to specifically sit in the district of the
inquiry. Such faraway judges should appoint a Master, that is, a
court-appointed taker-of-evidence, to quiz witnesses, to compile
evidence and documents, and to submit a report to the special panel of
faraway judges. And that the special panel consider the
[D} Without exception, every possible witness, document, and means is to
be used, using court process,to compel the appearance of witnesses and
production of documents,in order to be able to effectively unearth the
"fraud upon the court".
The circumstances of the accused judges and how they went about entering
the challenged and tainted judgments and decrees are to be examined and
scrutinized, or whether others unlawfully and secretly entered such
judgments and decrees for or on behalf of such judges. [One of the
examined judges in the Root case, was an elderly senile judge. Court
orders were secretly entered by corrupters in his name without his
apparent knowledge.] The circumstances have to be examined to determine
if corrupters worked a malign if not corrupt influence on the accused
judge or
[F] To assist in the inquiry, there is to be permitted outsiders, not
themselves directly involved in the judgments or decrees; that is, as
amicus curiae, "friends of the
[G} The special panel of faraway judges has to determine whether the
court judgments, orders, and decrees, shown to be tainted by having been
procured by malign influence and corruption, are to now be purged from
the court records.
[H] The special panel has to consider whether the now identified
perpetrators of the "fraud upon the court", are to hereafter be barred
from the courthouse and not allowed to be further
In the claim of "fraud upon the court", the defense attorneys in the
McVeigh case have not focussed on the tainted role of the judges which
should be considered. Those in the McVeigh case who should be questioned
under oath by a panel of faraway judges, designated by the Chief Justice
of the United States to especially sit in Denver to consider the
extra-ordinary situation should include the
===Denver Federal District Judge Richard Matsch who apparently had been
told certain matters are to be covered up because of "national
security", that is, the Iraqi connection. Also, Judge Matsch has
reportedly been terrorized and intimidated by the reported murder of his
daughter who fell or was pushed into a volcano in Hawaii. Judge Matsch
refused to compel the American CIA and other espionage agencies to
produce records, which by other factual data they are known to have,
showing prior U.S. government knowledge of the Murrah Building Bombings.
The Judge should have compelled the American CIA to divulge their
records as to Andreas Strassmeier, connected to German
Counter-Intelligence, and supervised by a secret CIA unit in the Justice
Department. Strassmeier reportedly was a go-between for Iraqis and the
American domestic dissidents as surrogates and patsies. And remember our
prior stories about German Counter-Intelligence having advance knowledge
of the murder of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster,
Jr. German big business supplied weapons to
===Oklahoma City U.S. District
Judge Wayne Alley who was given, by federal officials, advance warning
of a bombing to be at the Murrah Building on April 19, 1995. Judge Alley
purposely did not come to his office that day. His office is close by
the Murrah Building. Judge Alley admitted his prior knowledge in an
interview in the newspaper the Oregonian, in his original home state of
Oregon. Those who forewarned him should be compelled to be
===Former President George Herbert Walker Bush, to testify under oath,
subject to penalty for perjury about (a) how he arranged to bring into
the U.S. the 4 thousand Iraqi military defectors, some of whom were
known to Bush as being double-agents. And the inter-face arrangement
between Bush and President Clinton as to the housing, payment, and work
provided for the defectors some two thousand of whom live in Oklahoma
City or right nearby. (b)The Elder Bush and his son George W. Bush
should be questioned under oath about the private business partnership
of the Elder Bush with Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein for the decade of
the 1980s; to cover up the bank records of the same, a federal suit was
brought in Chicago 1990-91, at the hearing of which the only journalist
was Skolnick.
===Judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit, Denver, who were
told in private that they should not compel Judge Matsch to force out
the records of the CIA and other espionage agencies, because of
so-called "national security", being a link to Iraq. They were also
terrorized and intimidated by the reported murder of Matsch's
===William Rockefeller Clinton should be forced to testify under sworn
oath, subject to penalty for perjury, about his interface with the Elder
Bush and George W. Bush, as to the Iraqi defectors, some of them known
double-agents, brought into the U.S., with some two thousand of them in
Oklahoma City or right nearby. Clinton should be grilled as to why he
had a U.S. Secret Service agent, Alan Whitcher, re-assigned to the
Murrah Building where he died in the bombings. As known to Clinton, the
agent had lots of knowledge about Clinton's treason with the Red Chinese
Secret Police. With Clinton's prior knowledge of the bombings, Clinton
thus arranged to snuff out the Secret Service agent. Showing fake
remorse, Clinton as President attended a post-bombings memorial for the
agents and officials current and former, should be questioned under
sworn oath, subject to penalty for perjury, about the close circuit
video FBI has showing an Iraqi military officer supervising the multiple
bombings of the Murrah Building, as well as FBI knowledge of the
A free lance journalist interviewing Timothy McVeigh in prison wanted to
ask him a question without being overheard. So the journalist wrote
down the letters CIA on a piece of paper, and with a questioning look on
the journalist's face and holding up the paper for McVeigh to see while
the journalist pointed to McVeigh for an answer, McVeigh nodded his
===Past and present relevant Directors of Central Intelligence as to
some of the matters here mentioned.
===Past and present members of Counter-Intelligence of Saudi, a U.S.
ally, as to the Iraqi connection and U.S. intelligence prior knowledge
of the Murrah Building
The defense attorneys for Timothy McVeigh and their bringing up the
matter of "fraud upon the court"; nowhere do they seem ready or willing
to bring up any matters of the judges operating in the McVeigh matter
under a malign if not corrupt influence, constituting the strongest
showing of a "fraud upon the court". At the minimum, bringing up some of
the matters mentioned here would constitute strong grounds for a new
trial and/or changing the death penalty for McVeigh. Like attorneys
throughout the history of American courts, the McVeigh attorneys are not
inclined to finger judges, even if rightfully necessary. In plain lingo,
the lawyers are too chicken or they simply go along with supporting the
"Crown", regardless of the
More coming.
Stay tuned.
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