King-Kill 33: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of
John F.Kennedy
By James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II
Mystical Toponomy
The Killing of the King
Arlington Necrology
Funerary Rites
Truth or Consequences
Preface to King-Kill/ 33: James Shelby Downard’s Vision
This excerpt from the essay "King-Kill/33" has been out of print since 1987 and the publication of the first edition of Adam Parfrey’s conspiracy anthology, ‘Apocalypse Culture.’ Subsequent editions of ‘Apocalypse Culture’ (including the current Feral House edition), do not carry it.
The Campaign for Radical Truth in History ( is pleased to make this excerpt available once again, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the immolation of America’s only Catholic president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. May his surviving murderers be yet brought to justice. Convicted Mafia hit-man Charles Harrelson, a suspected Kennedy assassin, is incarcerated in a Federal prison for the contract killing of a federal judge. (The suspect is the father of "Natural Born Killer" movie star Woody Harrelson, who was directed by "JFK" filmmaker Oliver Stone). Journalists have thus far shown little interest in attempting to interview the senior Harrelson and persuade him to provide information which might lead to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for Kennedy’s killing. The late James Shelby Downard’s primal way of looking at things, which is the way I think ancient man perceived the world, encompasses a vision that detects every link and every symbol, beginning with the significance of names, then places and then the obsessive actions which stem from the confluence of the two and which have come to be known as ritual. Publisher Adam Parfrey, who first brought Shelby’s work to a mass audience, states:
"In Downard’s writings, the products of his subconscious bubble to the surface and catalyze painstaking research. The collision of the poetic against the logical works especially well in the field of conspiracy; it remains the freshest approach to a field of inquiry..."
I remember sitting in Shelby’s airstream trailer in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1977, along with the great Fortean philosopher William N. Grimstad and Charles Saunders, a brilliant recluse who was a close friend of Jack Kerouac toward the end of the Beat writer’s life (a fact missed by every one of Kerouac’s numerous biographers; so much for biographers).
Shelby’s conversation that day ranged from the occult significance of the Theremin musical instrument to the sorcerous implications of elevators, the relationship he had with an evanescent rabbit named Petey; the sinister connotations of the circus and the mystical topography of the American Southwest, which Mr. Downard knew the way you and I know our backyard.
As he fried our hamburgers, he regaled us in his prospector’s drawl with the hidden wonders of a tapestry of coincidences which he wove from the seeming mundane details of everyday living, into a magic carpet of incomparable strangeness and peerless utility.
Parfrey spoke for many of Shelby’s friends and associates when he stated:
"Downard has influenced me to look with interest upon the details and the fantastic convergences of life..."
For my money, James Shelby Downard is the one man most intimately tied to the once and future November, on the Camelot calendar’s 33rd turning of the wheel, in this age of the Revelation of the Method; the era of the deluge of hidden facts made public, which Downard predicted would not liberate us, but only enslave us further.
More than two decades ago he foresaw the coming of this time as the fulfillment of the final dictum of the alchemical rampage of the elephant Must Be; the behemoth run amok in the fields of our nightmares. As the "X-Files" and the other fictional TV shows which neither I or Shelby have ever seen, purposefully muddy the waters with a flood of pop drivel disguised as revelation, the actual truths are lost in the swirl.
James Shelby Downard looked forward to the time beyond Must Be, to the era which will witness the return of could be. After the coming cataclysmic chastisement has run its cleansing course, we will once again wish upon a star and dream a destiny free of the masonic chain that at present binds our nation as tightly as the hangman’s rope once bound the rotted cadavers on Tyburn Tree.
Despite having been relentlessly targeted and attacked for more than a
half century, Mr. Downard, unlike poor
Kennedy, did trip the Harodim on the winding
stairs and did slide down the railing, like a child outwitting enormously
big and powerful bad guys, by the fortune which Providence reserves for the
guileless.—Michael A. Hoffman II
Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy By
James Shelby
Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II
This excerpt Copyright©1998. All Rights Reserved. To purchase a ring-bound copy of the complete 41 pp. King-Kill 33 manuscript, as well as other writings of Mr. Downard, visit our secure online store.
The information I present in these pages on the Kennedy assassination is well-known to certain news agencies who have chosen to suppress it, just as the motivation for the assassination has been plunged into cryonic secrecy. Masonic betrayal of the "common man" involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and establish a One World government.
It is by way of Masonic sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about. The criminals who stage-managed Dallas in the killing of Kennedy have controlled the American people’s will in exchange for a sleep without nightmares. I publish this in the wake of the situation Charles Seymour alluded to: "The moralist unquestionably secures wide support; but he also wearies his audience." Most Americans are beyond being tired; the revelations have benumbed them.
Most Freemasons apparently have no idea of the evil that is part of Masonry, and if they do know about it they don’t believe it. The same holds true for most members of the "Clandestine Lodges" and Masonic-oriented fraternal organizations as well as Androgynous Masonic Societies.
It is certain that onomatology, or the science of names, forms a very interesting part of the investigations of the higher Masonry.... --(Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
When the ancients saw a scapegoat, they could at least recognize him for what he was: a pharmakos, a human sacrifice. When modern man sees one, he does not, or refuses to, recognize him for what he IS; instead he looks for "scientific" explanations-to explain away the obvious.
Mystical Toponomy
Mystical toponomy incorporates word wizardry (onomatology) and the Masonic science of symbolism. In considering my data it would be helpful to consider a dictum of Einsteinian physics: "Time relations among events are assumed to be first constituted by the specific physical relations obtaining between them." My study of place names imbued with sorcerous significance necessarily includes lines of latitude and longitude and the divisions of degrees in geography and cartography (minutes and seconds).
Let us take as an example the "Mason Road" in Texas that connects to the "Mason No El Bar" and the Texas-New Mexico ("The Land of Enchantment") border. This connecting line is on the 32nd degree. The 32nd degree is the penultimate Masonic degree awarded. When this 32nd degree of latitude is traced west into the "Land of Enchantment" it becomes situated midway between Deming and Columbus, New Mexico.
Slightly to the north of the town of Columbus are the Tres Hermanas (three sisters) mountains. It is approximately 32 miles between Deming and Columbus. The Three Sisters mountains are a minute and some seconds south of the 32nd degree line. When this line is traced further west it passes the ghost town of Shakespeare at a distance south of the town which is roughly equivalent to the distance which the 32nd degree line passes north of the Three Sisters mountains. The names "Shakespeare" and "Three Sisters" find a connection in the tragedy Macbeth which comprises such a large part of JFK assassination imagery.
When this 32nd degree line is traced a little distance farther west, into Arizona, it crosses an old trail which meandered north of what is now another ghost town but which at one time was called the town of "Ruby." Part of the old winding trail became known as the "Ruby Road." The town of Ruby acquired its name officially on April 11, 1912, and was notorious for many brutal murders which had ritual aspects. Four of these homicides occurred in a store attached to the post office which had been erected over the grave of a Catholic priest. Continuing on with mystical toponomy, one encounters the fact that Ruby road twists north into the area known as the Kennedy and Johnson mountains. Johnson Mountain is supposedly named after the general manager of the Peabody Mining Company who also had a town named after him which was the location of the Keystone and Peabody copper mines. The 32nd degree of latitude is but a few seconds from Johnson. In this frontier town on a December evening, 1883, a Colonel Mike Smith and a man Mason were ambushed by gunfighters described as being of questionable reputation and questionable character. These terms are employed in Masonic writings:
He [Captain William Morgan, victim of an early 19th century torture-murder by Masons] was a man of questionable character and dissolute habits, and his enmity to Masonry originated in his refusal of the Masons of Leroy. (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry).
A "keystone" is the designation for which, when set in place, "keys" or locks the whole. A symbolic keystone is vital to the legend of the Masonic Royal Arch Degree of York. The earliest known record of such a degree is in the annals of the city of Fredericksburg, Virginia, on December 22, 1753. Fredericksburg is also the location of the "House of the Rising Sun," a masonic meeting place for such notables as founding fathers George Washington and Benjamin Franklin (of Hell-Fire Club fame) and George Mason.
The Killing of the King
Never allow anyone the luxury of assuming that because the dead and deadening scenery of the American city-of-dreadful-night is so utterly devoid of mystery, so thoroughly flat-footed, sterile and infantile, so burdened with the illusory gloss of "baseball-hot dogs-apple-pie-and-Chevrolet" that it is somehow outside the psycho-sexual domain.
The eternal pagan psychodrama is escalated under these "modern" conditions precisely because sorcery is not what 20th century man can accept as real. Thus the "Killing of the King" rite of November, 1963 is alternately diagnosed as a conflict Needless to say, each of these groups has a place in the symbolism having to do with the Kennedy assassination.
But the ultimate purpose of that assassination was not political or economic but sorcerous: for the control of the dreaming mind and the marshalling of its forces is the omnipotent force in this entire scenario of lies, cruelty and degradation. Something died in the American people on November 22, 1963-call it idealism, innocence or the quest for moral excellence. It is the transformation of human beings which is the authentic reason and motive for the Kennedy murder and until so-called conspiracy theorists can accept this very real element they will be reduced to so many eccentrics amusing a tiny remnant of dilettantes and hobbyists.
President Kennedy and his wife left the Temple Houston and were met at midnight by tireless crowds present to cheer the virile "Sun God" and his dazzlingly erotic wife, the "Queen of Love and Beauty," in Fort Worth. On the morning of November 22, they flew to Gate 28 at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. The number 28 is one of the correspondences of Solomon in kabbalistic numerology; the Solomonic name assigned to 28 is "Beale."
On the 28th degree of latitude in the state of Texas is the site of what was once the giant "Kennedy ranch." On the 28th degree is also Cape Canaveral from which the moon flight was launched-made possible not only by the President’s various feats but by his death as well, for the placing of the Freemasons on the moon could occur only after the Killing of the King. The 28th degree of Templarism is the "King of the Sun" degree. The President and First Lady arrived in Air Force One, code-named "Angel."
The motorcade proceeded from Love Field to Dealey Plaza. Dealey Plaza is the site of the Masonic temple in Dallas (now razed) and there is a marker attesting to this fact in the plaza.
Important "protective" strategy for Dealey Plaza was planned by the New Orleans CIA station whose headquarters were a Masonic temple building. Dallas, Texas is located ten miles north of the 33rd degree of latitude. The 33rd degree is the highest in Freemasonry and the founding lodge of the Scottish Rite in America was created in Charleston, South Carolina, exactly on the 33rd degree line. Dealey Plaza is close to the Trinity River. At 12:22 p.m. the motorcade proceeded down Main Street toward the Triple Underpass, traveling first down ("Bloody") Elm St. The latter was the scene of numerous gun fights, stabbings and other violence, and it is the location of the Majestic Theatre, the pawn shop/negro district, and industrial district.
It was also the home of the Blue Front Tavern, a Masonic hangout in the grand tradition of "tavern-Masonry": Sam Adams and the Masons of the American Revolution did much of their conspiring at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. One of the many bars claiming the honor of being the first Masonic lodge is the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, also in Boston.
The Blue Front was the site of the "broken-man" ritual in which various members of the "Brotherhood of the Broom" swept the floor and tended some fierce javelino pigs. The Blue Front was once a fire-house and was still sporting its fire-pole in the late 1920s. This is extremely germane symbolism. The national offices of the Texaco Oil Corporation are located on Elm St., Dallas. Its chief products are "Haviland (javalino) Oil" and "Fire Chief" gasoline. On the corner of Bloody Elm and Houston is the "Sexton Building." "Sexton" is heavily laden with graveyard connotations. It is closely associated to the beetles of the genus Necrophorus or Sexton Beetles, so-called because they bury the remains of tiny animals with their eggs.
Bloody Elm, Main, and Commerce form a trident pattern in alignment with the triple underpass as any Dallas map will show. Many analysts contend that at least three assassins were involved in the crossfire ambush of Kennedy. It is a prime tenet of Masonry that its assassins come in threes. Masonic assassins are known in the code of the lodge as the "unworthy craftsmen." Because Masonry is obsessed with earth-as-gameboard (tessellation) and the ancillary alignments necessary to facilitate the "game," it is inordinately concerned with railroads and railroad personnel to the extent that outside of lawyers and circus performers, no other vocation has a higher percentage of Masons than railroad workers.
Minutes after John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered three "hoboes" ("unworthy craftsmen") were arrested at the railyard behind Dealey Plaza. No records of their identities have ever been revealed nor the "identity" of the arresting officer. All that remains of those few minutes are a series of photographs which have reached legendary proportions among persons concerned with uncovering the real forces and persons behind the assassination. Dealey Plaza breaks down symbolically in this manner: "Dea" means "goddess" in Latin and "Ley" can pertain to the law or rule in the Spanish, or lines of preternatural geographic significance in the pre-Christian nature religions of the English.
For many years Dealey Plaza was underwater at different seasons, having been flooded by the Trinity River until the introduction of a flood-control system. To this trident-Neptune site came the "Queen of Love and Beauty" and her spouse, the scapegoat in the Killing of the King rite, the "Ceannaideach" (Gaelic word for Kennedy meaning "ugly head" or "wounded head"). The systematic arrangement and pattern of symbolic things having to do with the killing of Kennedy indicates that he was a scapegoat in a sacrifice. The purpose of such macabre ritualism is further recognizable in patterns of symbolism culminating in the final "making manifest all that is hidden."
Oswald means "divine strength." The diminutive form of the word is "os" or "Oz": denoting strength. The role which "Divine Strength" played in the Dealey "Goddess Rule" Killing of the King ritual should be given careful consideration.
One should also note the significance of (Jack) Ruby’s killing (destroying) of "Ozwald" in reference to the "Ruby Slippers" of The Wizard of Oz which one may deride as a fairy tale but which nevertheless symbolizes the immense power of "ruby light," otherwise known as the laser.
Oswald may have undergone biotelemetry implantation in the Soviet Union while a "volunteer" at a Behavior Control Center at Minsk. Oswald roomed with Cubans and was allegedly friendly with a Castro-man identified only as being "burly" and a "key man." "Burly" can mean burlecue, burlicue or burlesque. The "key," of course, is one of the most important symbols in Masonry and the symbol of silence.
If Oswald was the result of some Soviet Frankenstein process why did he have to travel several thousand miles for such treatment when it is a routine operation in America?
While such activities of the Mill-of-Dread are pro forma at a variety of institutions at the present, there was once a time when it was deemed necessary to do such work at Walter Reed Hospital.
These implants were back alley operations in which the victims were overpowered in some place or other, drugged and then dragged to this government hospital. They were operated on, continued on a heavy drug regimen and varied from somnolent to comatose for a number of days. The electrical function of the victim was recorded and monitored and the biotelemetry plant tested. Subsequently the victims were "brainwashed" and returned to the place where they had been seized. The targets then continued their existence, unaware of how their bodies had been invaded and their autonomy stolen. Occasionally, victims were returned to Walter Reed because of abscesses at the incision or for the replacement of the obsolete device with an updated one. Biotelemetry implants were made in various parts of the body depending on the desired effect and function.
Like the disgraceful treatment of the autopsy of President Kennedy, Oswald’s is similarly weird. Oswald was literally butchered in the "postmortem examination." Pieces were actually cut out of his body. The major incision in his torso resembled a huge "Y" which ran from the area of his groin to the solar plexus region. From there incisions were made to the right and left armpits. The so-called "two horns of the letter Y" supposedly symbolize the paths of virtue and vice: the right branch leading to the former and the left to the latter. The letter is sometimes referred to as the "Litera Pythagorae" (The Letter of Pythagoras): "Litera Pythagorae, discrimine secta bicorni, Humanae vitae speciem praeferre videtur" (The Letter of Pythagoras parted by its two branched division appears to exhibit the image of human life).
In the 47th Problem of Euclid lies a secret of the 3rd Degree of Masonry. Pythagoras is called by Freemasons "our ancient friend and brother." One of Pythagoras’ main doctrines was the system of "Metempsychosis" which pertains to the passing of a human soul into the body of an animal. Perhaps this was the intention of the autopsy-by incising in Oswald’s body the "Letter of Pythagoras" they sought to expedite transmigration, and they may even have gone as far as feeding sections of Oswald’s corpse to the intended animal, for this too is a practice of what used to be widely feared as necromancy.
Arlington Necrology
The Kennedy and Oswald burials were both at "Arlington": JFK at the National Cemetery near Washington, D.C., and Oswald at Rosehill Cemetery near Arlington, Texas. "Arlington" is a word of significance in Masonic sorcery and mysticism and it has a hidden meaning which ties in with necrolatry. At the Kennedy gravesite there is a stone circle and in its middle a fire that is called an "eternal flame." The fire in the middle of the circle represents a point in the circle, the same type of symbolism that is recognizable in Kennedy’s bier and cof fin being in the center of the rotunda in the Capitol. A point in a circle symbolized the sun in ancient sun worship. It was also a symbol of fecundity, with the point symbolizing a phallus and the circle a vagina.
At the Oswald gravesite stands a small tree. There exists an old belief that a tree which grows at or on a grave is embodied with the spirit-force of the person buried at that site, and that a twig or branch taken from such a tree has magical powers.
I suggest that Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother should gently remove a twig from the tree at her son’s grave and then at every opportunity touch FBI agents, CIA operatives, policemen, etc., with that same twig. Such a procedure couldn’t help but be more efficacious in bringing the murderers of JFK to justice than the Warren Commission was.
Funerary Rites
John F. (Honey Fitz) Fitzgerald, the grandfather of John F. Kennedy, was elected mayor of Boston thanks in part to his "Wake House" campaigns which were much imitated. These consisted of a daily surveillance of the newspapers for announcements of deaths after which a discreet "sympathizer" would be dispatched and a good deal of political mileage accumulated in the bargain. For a time the Fitzgeralds lived near the former site of the Green Dragon Tavern, established around 1680 and demolished for the widening of a street in 1820. The Fitzgerald home was on Hanover Street and the Green Dragon Tavern was on Green Dragon Lane (now Union Street). The tavern boasted the "first lodge room of Freemasonry in America," the St. Andrew Lodge located within the tavern proper.
In the mysticism of the Chinese tongs, the Green Dragon is a death symbol. A symbol of the dragon is worn on a ring or held in the hand of a "hatchet man." The Green Dragon is supposed to impart the notion of a "license to kill" for it signifies that the murder is an affair of "honor": the Green Dragon is the guardian of the god-with-a-thousand-eyes who protects the sanctity of the third heaven.
Much of Boston’s Irish population arrived in American in what were nicknamed the "coffin ships." Members of the Kennedy family were acquainted with the "Coffin" family. The Reverend William Sloane Coffin was the son of the theologian Henry Sloane Coffin; the younger Coffin was a member of the Peace Corps Advisory Council that Sargent Shriver headed. "Shriver" or "Shrive" has the meaning of one who grants absolution to a penitent, and it was customary to call upon a shriver before death. If the shriver was not available, a "sin eater" was summoned. The old pious cry which was connected with the request for a shriving was "Shrive me O Holy Land and Give Me Peace." To this the shriver would respond "Pax Vobiscum":
...the spell lies in two words, Pax Vobiscum will answer all queries. If you go or come, eat or drink, bless or ban, Pax Vobiscum carries you through it all. It is as useful to a friar as a broomstick to a witch or a wand to a conjurer. Speak it but thus, in a deep grave tone, Pax Vobiscum! It is irresistible-watch and ward, Knight and squire, foot and horse, it acts as a charm upon them all. I think, if they bring me out to be hanged tomorrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weights upon the finisher of the sentence. ("Wamba, son of Witless")
Sargent Shriver, a Catholic and Kennedy by marriage, as head of the Peace Corps and in association with a Coffin, might be considered to be in a sensitive position in relation to mystical onomatology.
In the ancient mysteries the aspirant could not claim a participation in the highest secrets until he had been placed in the Pastos, bed or coffin. The placing of him in the coffin was called the symbolical death of the mysteries, and his deliverance was termed a rising from the dead; the "mind," says an ancient writer quoted by Stobaeus, is afflicted in death just as it is in the initiation in the mysteries. And word answers to word, as well as thing to thing; for burial is to die and death to be initiated. The coffin in Masonry is found on the tracing boards of the early part of the last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree, where the reference is precisely to the same as that of the Pastos in the ancient mysteries. [My emphasis.] (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry) President Kennedy sat at the head of a coffin table at the White House. To his back, over a fireplace, hung a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated president. On either side of the picture were urns that resembled the type called "cinerary urns" which are vessels in which the ashes of the dead are kept.
A book about JFK was called Three Steps to the White House. In Masonry are what is known as the "three symbolical steps." "The three grand steps symbolically lead from this life to the source of all knowledge." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
It must be evident to every Master Mason without further explanation, that the three steps are taken from the darkness to a place of light, either figuratively or really over a coffin, the symbol of death, to teach symbolically that the passage from darkness and ignorance of this life through death to the light and knowledge of eternal life. And this from earliest times was the true symbolism of the step. (Ibid.)
The body of President Kennedy was placed in a coffin which was positioned in the center of a circle under the Capitol dome. The catafalque was "a temporary structure of wood appropriately decorated with funeral symbols and representing a tomb or cenotaph. It forms a part of the decorations of a ‘Sorrow Lodge.’ " This Masonic Encyclopedia entry refers to the ceremonies of the Third Degree in Lodges of the French Rite.
Pictures taken of the Kennedy coffin and catafalque show these two props of the funerary rite as a point in a circle. Fecundity is the symbolic signification of the Point within a circle and is a derivation of ancient sun worship. In the lore of mystery cults and fertility religions was invariably the legend of the death of the hero god and the disappearance of his body. In the subsequent search and supposed finding of the body we see the contrivance of an elaborate psychological ruse. The body was said to have been concealed by the killer or killers of the hero god. The concealment of the body was called "aphanism" and is a rite of the Masonic 3rd Degree. Anyone interested in comprehending the mechanics of group mind control would do well to study the 3rd and 9th degrees in particular, and all the grades of Masonry in general. The disappearance of the body, this aphanism, is to be found in the assassination of President Kennedy:
The President’s brain was removed and his body buried without it ... Dr. Cyril Wecht, chief medical examiner of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, past president of the American Academy of Forensic Scientists, and a professor of pathology and law, received permission from the Kennedy family in 1972 to view the autopsy materials (at the National Archives) ... When he routinely asked to see the brain, Wecht was told it was missing, along with the microscopic slides of the brain. Marion Johnson, curator of the Warren Commission’s material at the Archives said, "The brain’s not here. We don’t know what happened to it." (Los Angeles Free Press, Special Report No. I, pg. 16)
If and when the brain is recovered, the entire process will have been completed under the term "euresis." In the Masonic Mysteries are "symbolical ladders." On the Masonic tracing board of 1776 there is a ladder with three steps, a significant revision of the usual ladder in such references (seven steps). There are of course all sorts of ladders: the Brahmanical Ladder (seven steps), the Kadosh Ladder (seven steps), Rosicrucian Ladder (seven steps), Jacob’s Ladder (various numbers attributed), the Kabbalistic Ladder (ten steps); then there is old "Tim Finnegan’s Ladder" which is known to some as the "Ladder of Misfortune," and it is seemingly comprised of one false step after another. Tim Finnegan was an Irish hod carrier who fell off his ladder while drunk. Since he was apparently dead, his friends held a "Death Watch" (black watch or wake) at his coffin. This watch lived up to the traditional "liveliness" of these affairs and Mr. Finnegan was splashed with some vintage Irish whiskey (Fitzgerald’s?) and resurrected. "Finnegan’s Wake"... After the Kennedy coffin was removed from the center of the Capitol rotunda circle, it was taken, with pageantry, to the street for viewing. The funeral procession made an "unplanned stop" on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the "Occidental Restaurant" and a picture was taken of the flag draped Kennedy coffin with the word "Occidental" featured prominently over it. In Masonry and in the lore of the Egyptian jackal-god Anubis, a dead person is said to have "gone west."
Several months after the Kennedy funeral, "Occidental Life," an insurance branch of the Transamerica Corporation, ran an advertisement for group life insurance which it proclaimed to be "new" but contained a turn that was indeed original: the inferential weird claim was made that "Until now there was only one way to cash in on Group Insurance" (my emphasis); apparently some rather profound changes were made in the manner of things-as-they-are after the "Killing of the King" had become a fait accompli.
The spontaneous stop was made because of the horse Sardar ("chief"), a gelding ("Castro"), which was wearing boots pointing around to the rear in the Kennedy funerary rite. Horses figure prominently not only in the pleasure of kings but in their murders as well. James Earl Ray was convicted partly on the evidence of a "white Mustang" (automobile), Sirhan Sirhan claimed to his psychiatrists, trance-like, that he shot Robert Kennedy "for a mustang, mustang, mustang ..." John F. Kennedy had demonstrated affection for the performance of a lady who was a renowned ostrich-feather fan-manipulator (Norma Jean Baker a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe). In Egypt, lamenting girls with ostrich feather-fans sang a song of entreaty of the type that Nephthys and Isis reputedly sang as a dirge, before the partial resurrection and/or erection of Osiris. The sad dirge or lamentation has become known as a "Maneros" consisting primarily of the singers entreating the dead to return, by singing "come to my house" and then offering inducements of some type or other.
It is a damn pity that the ritualists didn’t have Marilyn Monroe and Rosemary Clooney sing a Maneros at the JFK funeral, for Rosemary Clooney just couldn’t believe that JFK was dead at the time, and Marilyn Monroe was killed because of JFK. In Ancient Egypt the entreaty to the dead of the type said to be performed by Isis and Nepthys was usually performed with a hawk-fertility-goddess statue present along with other funerary symbolism.
Jacqueline Kennedy was considered "fashionable, erudite, erotic and stunningly gorgeous." Mrs. Kennedy visited an exhibition of Egyptian funerary rite symbols at the National Gallery of Art where she was photographed with a depiction of the "hawk-headed divinity that was said to be named Hor-khenty-khem." Recently there was a traveling nightmare of funerary symbolism touring the country (the Tutankhamen exhibit of the National Endowment of the Humanities). Before JFK began his Jornada del Muerto (Journey of Death), he was photographed with Yugoslavian dictator Tito on the winding stairs in the White House. Tito is a significant name in Masonry since it was the title given to Prince Harodim, the first Judge and Provost said to be appointed by King Solomon. The Tito was a reputed favorite of Solomon, whose temple was a hotbed of thievery, money-changing, male and female prostitution and sorcery. This ancient Tito presided over the Lodge of Intendants of this temple and was one of the "twelve knights of the twelve tribes of Israel."
Let me repeat, JFK was on some winding stairs with a man named Tito. Winding stairs are symbolically important in Masonry.
The degree of the winding stair is taught in the degree of Fellow Craft. This is the Second Degree, and a person at this grade is of course a candidate for the symbolic assassination, euresis, autopsy and coffin resurrection of the Third Degree.
The number of steps in the winding stair are "odd" although no less so than the fact that this Tito or Harodim is a name translating as "those who rule over" the activities of the temple Solomon.
The winding stairs of this temple, according to the Masons, begins at the porch and winds to a level purified by the Divine Presence (Shekinah) and dominated by the Divine Strength (Oswald).
President Kennedy preceded Tito down the stairs to a portrait of the assassinated President Garfield where he was photographed, and another picture was taken on the stairs before a picture of Lincoln (recall the black walnut rocker of JFK, comparable to the black walnut rocker Lincoln was assassinated in; the "Lincoln Continental" limousine in which Kennedy was shot and the dozens of other parallels between the two men). It’s unfortunate that President Kennedy didn’t trip Tito and then slide down the stair-rail, for he was in a very vulnerable position as related to Masonic sorcery, and such unorthodox action might have rattled the "Prince of Harodim."
John F. Kennedy, the one and only Catholic president of the United States, was a human scapegoat, a "pharmakos." "Pharmakos" or "Pharmak-vos" can mean "enchantment with drugs and sorcery" or "beaten, crippled or immolated." In alchemy, the Killing of the King was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus Christ was tortured and murdered as the result of the intrigue of the men of the Temple of Solomon who hated and feared Him. They were steeped in Egyptian, Babylonian and Phoenician mysticism.
Masonry does not believe in murdering a man in just any old way and in the JFK assassination it went to incredible lengths and took great risks in order to make this heinous act of theirs correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of the Killing of the King.
I have stated that the three hoboes arrested at the time of the assassination in Dallas are at least as important symbolically as operationally and that they comprise the "Three Unworthy Craftsmen" of Masonry. This symbolism is at once a telling psychological blow against the victim and his comrades, a sign of frustrated inquiry—the supposedly senseless nature of any quest into the authentic nature of the murderers—and a mirror or doppelganger of the three assassins who execute the actual murder.
As for the three assassins themselves:
Perry Raymond Russo told a New Orleans grand jury that [CIA agent David] Ferrie said [regarding the assassination of JFK] that "there would have to be a minimum of three people involved. Two of the persons would shoot diversionary shots and the third ... shot the good shot." Ferrie said that one of the three would have to be the "scapegoat." He also said that Ferrie discoursed on the availability of exit, saying that the sacrificed man would give the other two time to escape. (Quoted by W.H. Bowart in Operation Mind Control).
The Warren Commission
Gentlemen, don’t pass me by!
Don’t miss your opportunity!
Inspect my wares with careful eye; I have a great variety. And yet there is
nothing on my stall.
(Witch in Goethe’s Faust I, Walpurgis Night)
These are the thoughts of a huckster-witch which one need not search for dressed all in black with conical cap; instead, look among the gray flannel suits in the board rooms and offices of the newspapers, electronic media, government and advertising agencies-that is, those who are not busy working for the CIA or Naval Intelligence selling the public lies.
Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to investigate the death of Catholic Kennedy. Mason and member of the 33rd degree, Gerald R. Ford, was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial nature reached the commission. Responsible for supplying information to the commission was Mason and member of the 33rd degree, J. Edgar Hoover. Former CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for most of his agency’s data supplied to the panel.
Is it paranoid to be suspicious of the findings of the panel on these grounds? Would it be paranoid to suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to investigate the death of a Jew or to suspect a commission of Klansmen appointed to investigate the death of a negro?
Representative Hale Boggs, the only Catholic on the commission, at first agreed with its findings and when he later began to seriously question them he was "accidentally" killed in a plane crash.
HOODWINK. (Definition.) A symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane."-Dr. Albert Mackey, Mason, member of the 33rd degree, foremost Masonic historian of the nineteenth century, writing in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
That is how they see us, as "profane," as "cowans" (outsiders), unclean and too perverted to look upon their hallowed truths. Yes, murder, sexual atrocities, mind control, attacks against the people of the United States, all of these things are so elevated, so lofty and holy as to be beyond the view of mere humans.
On December 20, 1947, Jacob Rubinstein changed his name to Jack L. Ruby by decree of the 68th Judicial Court of Dallas, Texas. The etymology of the term "Ruby": (French) rubis; (Spanish) rubi; (Latin) rubinus, carbuncle. ln old law books it was once the practice to print some of the titles of the statutes in red and these were termed rubrics or a ruby and hence any fixed, formulated or authoritative injunction of duty was apt to be designated as being a rubric or ruby.
As a rubinus or carbuncle Ruby is associated with the "Breastplate of Judgment" used by the Chosen Mispet (High Priests) of Jewish sorcery, enabling them to receive "divine" answers regarding the welfare of Judaism; some interpretations claim that the "Breastplate of Judgment" manifested the immediate presence of Jehovah and was also worn by Masons in Royal Arch chapters. This "breastplate [which] contained twelve stones" each symbolized one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The carbuncle or ruby was connected to the tribe of Judah (Nohpech).
The term "Jack Ruby" was once used by pawnbrokers to indicated a fake ruby.
In iconography a ruby or carbuncle symbolizes blood, suffering and death.
Truth or Consequences
District Attorney for New Orleans, James Garrison, was supported by a "Truth or Consequences" Club and is alleged to have been an ex-FBI agent and to have been mentally disturbed at one time. Jim Garrison was an outsider in the Secret Society machinations of the FBI and may very well have been pharmacologically or hypnotically induced to set up his ill-fated investigation and the position he acquired in the "Truth or Consequences Commission."
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, is a town located on the 33rd degree of parallel latitude, and near the same latitude John Fitzgerald Kennedy became an oblation and on the same latitude is the chief Temple on this planet in the minds of sorcerers, namely the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem, which was once located there and is sworn to be rebuilt on this 33rd degree. In a literal, alchemical sense, the Making Manifest of All That is Hidden is the accomplishment of the 3rd Law of the Alchemists and is, as yet, unfulfilled or at least not completed; the other two have been: the creation and destruction of primordial mater (the detonation of the first Atomic Bomb at the Trinity Site, at White Sands, New Mexico, on the 33rd degree of parallel), the Killing of the King (at the Trinity Site, at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, near the 33rd degree of latitude).
Only the repetition of information presented in conjunction with knowledge of this mechanism of Making Manifest of All That is Hidden provides the sort of boldness and will which can demonstrate that we are aware of all the enemies, all the opponents, all the tricks and gadgetry, and yet we are still not dissuaded, that we work for the truth for the sake of the truth. Let the rest take upon themselves and their children the consequences of their actions.
Published electronically in conjunction with the 33rd anniversary of the
assassination by the Campaign for Radical Truth in History,
P.O. Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816
Recommended resources:
Essay: "Dark Side of a Bad Moon: The Ritual Aspects of Criminal Politics" by Michael A. Hoffman II, in Revisionist History no. 12 (Jan. 2000) Book: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II The complete manuscript: King-Kill 33 by James Shelby Downard and Michael A.
Hoffman II
Manuscript: Skullduggery by James Shelby Downard
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The Campaign for Radical Truth in History
By James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II
Mystical Toponomy
The Killing of the King
Arlington Necrology
Funerary Rites
Truth or Consequences
Preface to King-Kill/ 33: James Shelby Downard’s Vision
This excerpt from the essay "King-Kill/33" has been out of print since 1987 and the publication of the first edition of Adam Parfrey’s conspiracy anthology, ‘Apocalypse Culture.’ Subsequent editions of ‘Apocalypse Culture’ (including the current Feral House edition), do not carry it.
The Campaign for Radical Truth in History ( is pleased to make this excerpt available once again, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the immolation of America’s only Catholic president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. May his surviving murderers be yet brought to justice. Convicted Mafia hit-man Charles Harrelson, a suspected Kennedy assassin, is incarcerated in a Federal prison for the contract killing of a federal judge. (The suspect is the father of "Natural Born Killer" movie star Woody Harrelson, who was directed by "JFK" filmmaker Oliver Stone). Journalists have thus far shown little interest in attempting to interview the senior Harrelson and persuade him to provide information which might lead to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for Kennedy’s killing. The late James Shelby Downard’s primal way of looking at things, which is the way I think ancient man perceived the world, encompasses a vision that detects every link and every symbol, beginning with the significance of names, then places and then the obsessive actions which stem from the confluence of the two and which have come to be known as ritual. Publisher Adam Parfrey, who first brought Shelby’s work to a mass audience, states:
"In Downard’s writings, the products of his subconscious bubble to the surface and catalyze painstaking research. The collision of the poetic against the logical works especially well in the field of conspiracy; it remains the freshest approach to a field of inquiry..."
I remember sitting in Shelby’s airstream trailer in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1977, along with the great Fortean philosopher William N. Grimstad and Charles Saunders, a brilliant recluse who was a close friend of Jack Kerouac toward the end of the Beat writer’s life (a fact missed by every one of Kerouac’s numerous biographers; so much for biographers).
Shelby’s conversation that day ranged from the occult significance of the Theremin musical instrument to the sorcerous implications of elevators, the relationship he had with an evanescent rabbit named Petey; the sinister connotations of the circus and the mystical topography of the American Southwest, which Mr. Downard knew the way you and I know our backyard.
As he fried our hamburgers, he regaled us in his prospector’s drawl with the hidden wonders of a tapestry of coincidences which he wove from the seeming mundane details of everyday living, into a magic carpet of incomparable strangeness and peerless utility.
Parfrey spoke for many of Shelby’s friends and associates when he stated:
"Downard has influenced me to look with interest upon the details and the fantastic convergences of life..."
For my money, James Shelby Downard is the one man most intimately tied to the once and future November, on the Camelot calendar’s 33rd turning of the wheel, in this age of the Revelation of the Method; the era of the deluge of hidden facts made public, which Downard predicted would not liberate us, but only enslave us further.
More than two decades ago he foresaw the coming of this time as the fulfillment of the final dictum of the alchemical rampage of the elephant Must Be; the behemoth run amok in the fields of our nightmares. As the "X-Files" and the other fictional TV shows which neither I or Shelby have ever seen, purposefully muddy the waters with a flood of pop drivel disguised as revelation, the actual truths are lost in the swirl.
James Shelby Downard looked forward to the time beyond Must Be, to the era which will witness the return of could be. After the coming cataclysmic chastisement has run its cleansing course, we will once again wish upon a star and dream a destiny free of the masonic chain that at present binds our nation as tightly as the hangman’s rope once bound the rotted cadavers on Tyburn Tree.
This excerpt Copyright©1998. All Rights Reserved. To purchase a ring-bound copy of the complete 41 pp. King-Kill 33 manuscript, as well as other writings of Mr. Downard, visit our secure online store.
The information I present in these pages on the Kennedy assassination is well-known to certain news agencies who have chosen to suppress it, just as the motivation for the assassination has been plunged into cryonic secrecy. Masonic betrayal of the "common man" involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and establish a One World government.
It is by way of Masonic sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about. The criminals who stage-managed Dallas in the killing of Kennedy have controlled the American people’s will in exchange for a sleep without nightmares. I publish this in the wake of the situation Charles Seymour alluded to: "The moralist unquestionably secures wide support; but he also wearies his audience." Most Americans are beyond being tired; the revelations have benumbed them.
Most Freemasons apparently have no idea of the evil that is part of Masonry, and if they do know about it they don’t believe it. The same holds true for most members of the "Clandestine Lodges" and Masonic-oriented fraternal organizations as well as Androgynous Masonic Societies.
It is certain that onomatology, or the science of names, forms a very interesting part of the investigations of the higher Masonry.... --(Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
When the ancients saw a scapegoat, they could at least recognize him for what he was: a pharmakos, a human sacrifice. When modern man sees one, he does not, or refuses to, recognize him for what he IS; instead he looks for "scientific" explanations-to explain away the obvious.
- Thomas Szasz, (Ceremonial Chemistry)
Mystical Toponomy
Mystical toponomy incorporates word wizardry (onomatology) and the Masonic science of symbolism. In considering my data it would be helpful to consider a dictum of Einsteinian physics: "Time relations among events are assumed to be first constituted by the specific physical relations obtaining between them." My study of place names imbued with sorcerous significance necessarily includes lines of latitude and longitude and the divisions of degrees in geography and cartography (minutes and seconds).
Let us take as an example the "Mason Road" in Texas that connects to the "Mason No El Bar" and the Texas-New Mexico ("The Land of Enchantment") border. This connecting line is on the 32nd degree. The 32nd degree is the penultimate Masonic degree awarded. When this 32nd degree of latitude is traced west into the "Land of Enchantment" it becomes situated midway between Deming and Columbus, New Mexico.
Slightly to the north of the town of Columbus are the Tres Hermanas (three sisters) mountains. It is approximately 32 miles between Deming and Columbus. The Three Sisters mountains are a minute and some seconds south of the 32nd degree line. When this line is traced further west it passes the ghost town of Shakespeare at a distance south of the town which is roughly equivalent to the distance which the 32nd degree line passes north of the Three Sisters mountains. The names "Shakespeare" and "Three Sisters" find a connection in the tragedy Macbeth which comprises such a large part of JFK assassination imagery.
When this 32nd degree line is traced a little distance farther west, into Arizona, it crosses an old trail which meandered north of what is now another ghost town but which at one time was called the town of "Ruby." Part of the old winding trail became known as the "Ruby Road." The town of Ruby acquired its name officially on April 11, 1912, and was notorious for many brutal murders which had ritual aspects. Four of these homicides occurred in a store attached to the post office which had been erected over the grave of a Catholic priest. Continuing on with mystical toponomy, one encounters the fact that Ruby road twists north into the area known as the Kennedy and Johnson mountains. Johnson Mountain is supposedly named after the general manager of the Peabody Mining Company who also had a town named after him which was the location of the Keystone and Peabody copper mines. The 32nd degree of latitude is but a few seconds from Johnson. In this frontier town on a December evening, 1883, a Colonel Mike Smith and a man Mason were ambushed by gunfighters described as being of questionable reputation and questionable character. These terms are employed in Masonic writings:
He [Captain William Morgan, victim of an early 19th century torture-murder by Masons] was a man of questionable character and dissolute habits, and his enmity to Masonry originated in his refusal of the Masons of Leroy. (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry).
A "keystone" is the designation for which, when set in place, "keys" or locks the whole. A symbolic keystone is vital to the legend of the Masonic Royal Arch Degree of York. The earliest known record of such a degree is in the annals of the city of Fredericksburg, Virginia, on December 22, 1753. Fredericksburg is also the location of the "House of the Rising Sun," a masonic meeting place for such notables as founding fathers George Washington and Benjamin Franklin (of Hell-Fire Club fame) and George Mason.
The Killing of the King
Never allow anyone the luxury of assuming that because the dead and deadening scenery of the American city-of-dreadful-night is so utterly devoid of mystery, so thoroughly flat-footed, sterile and infantile, so burdened with the illusory gloss of "baseball-hot dogs-apple-pie-and-Chevrolet" that it is somehow outside the psycho-sexual domain.
The eternal pagan psychodrama is escalated under these "modern" conditions precisely because sorcery is not what 20th century man can accept as real. Thus the "Killing of the King" rite of November, 1963 is alternately diagnosed as a conflict Needless to say, each of these groups has a place in the symbolism having to do with the Kennedy assassination.
But the ultimate purpose of that assassination was not political or economic but sorcerous: for the control of the dreaming mind and the marshalling of its forces is the omnipotent force in this entire scenario of lies, cruelty and degradation. Something died in the American people on November 22, 1963-call it idealism, innocence or the quest for moral excellence. It is the transformation of human beings which is the authentic reason and motive for the Kennedy murder and until so-called conspiracy theorists can accept this very real element they will be reduced to so many eccentrics amusing a tiny remnant of dilettantes and hobbyists.
President Kennedy and his wife left the Temple Houston and were met at midnight by tireless crowds present to cheer the virile "Sun God" and his dazzlingly erotic wife, the "Queen of Love and Beauty," in Fort Worth. On the morning of November 22, they flew to Gate 28 at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. The number 28 is one of the correspondences of Solomon in kabbalistic numerology; the Solomonic name assigned to 28 is "Beale."
On the 28th degree of latitude in the state of Texas is the site of what was once the giant "Kennedy ranch." On the 28th degree is also Cape Canaveral from which the moon flight was launched-made possible not only by the President’s various feats but by his death as well, for the placing of the Freemasons on the moon could occur only after the Killing of the King. The 28th degree of Templarism is the "King of the Sun" degree. The President and First Lady arrived in Air Force One, code-named "Angel."
The motorcade proceeded from Love Field to Dealey Plaza. Dealey Plaza is the site of the Masonic temple in Dallas (now razed) and there is a marker attesting to this fact in the plaza.
Important "protective" strategy for Dealey Plaza was planned by the New Orleans CIA station whose headquarters were a Masonic temple building. Dallas, Texas is located ten miles north of the 33rd degree of latitude. The 33rd degree is the highest in Freemasonry and the founding lodge of the Scottish Rite in America was created in Charleston, South Carolina, exactly on the 33rd degree line. Dealey Plaza is close to the Trinity River. At 12:22 p.m. the motorcade proceeded down Main Street toward the Triple Underpass, traveling first down ("Bloody") Elm St. The latter was the scene of numerous gun fights, stabbings and other violence, and it is the location of the Majestic Theatre, the pawn shop/negro district, and industrial district.
It was also the home of the Blue Front Tavern, a Masonic hangout in the grand tradition of "tavern-Masonry": Sam Adams and the Masons of the American Revolution did much of their conspiring at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. One of the many bars claiming the honor of being the first Masonic lodge is the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, also in Boston.
The Blue Front was the site of the "broken-man" ritual in which various members of the "Brotherhood of the Broom" swept the floor and tended some fierce javelino pigs. The Blue Front was once a fire-house and was still sporting its fire-pole in the late 1920s. This is extremely germane symbolism. The national offices of the Texaco Oil Corporation are located on Elm St., Dallas. Its chief products are "Haviland (javalino) Oil" and "Fire Chief" gasoline. On the corner of Bloody Elm and Houston is the "Sexton Building." "Sexton" is heavily laden with graveyard connotations. It is closely associated to the beetles of the genus Necrophorus or Sexton Beetles, so-called because they bury the remains of tiny animals with their eggs.
Bloody Elm, Main, and Commerce form a trident pattern in alignment with the triple underpass as any Dallas map will show. Many analysts contend that at least three assassins were involved in the crossfire ambush of Kennedy. It is a prime tenet of Masonry that its assassins come in threes. Masonic assassins are known in the code of the lodge as the "unworthy craftsmen." Because Masonry is obsessed with earth-as-gameboard (tessellation) and the ancillary alignments necessary to facilitate the "game," it is inordinately concerned with railroads and railroad personnel to the extent that outside of lawyers and circus performers, no other vocation has a higher percentage of Masons than railroad workers.
Minutes after John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered three "hoboes" ("unworthy craftsmen") were arrested at the railyard behind Dealey Plaza. No records of their identities have ever been revealed nor the "identity" of the arresting officer. All that remains of those few minutes are a series of photographs which have reached legendary proportions among persons concerned with uncovering the real forces and persons behind the assassination. Dealey Plaza breaks down symbolically in this manner: "Dea" means "goddess" in Latin and "Ley" can pertain to the law or rule in the Spanish, or lines of preternatural geographic significance in the pre-Christian nature religions of the English.
For many years Dealey Plaza was underwater at different seasons, having been flooded by the Trinity River until the introduction of a flood-control system. To this trident-Neptune site came the "Queen of Love and Beauty" and her spouse, the scapegoat in the Killing of the King rite, the "Ceannaideach" (Gaelic word for Kennedy meaning "ugly head" or "wounded head"). The systematic arrangement and pattern of symbolic things having to do with the killing of Kennedy indicates that he was a scapegoat in a sacrifice. The purpose of such macabre ritualism is further recognizable in patterns of symbolism culminating in the final "making manifest all that is hidden."
Oswald means "divine strength." The diminutive form of the word is "os" or "Oz": denoting strength. The role which "Divine Strength" played in the Dealey "Goddess Rule" Killing of the King ritual should be given careful consideration.
One should also note the significance of (Jack) Ruby’s killing (destroying) of "Ozwald" in reference to the "Ruby Slippers" of The Wizard of Oz which one may deride as a fairy tale but which nevertheless symbolizes the immense power of "ruby light," otherwise known as the laser.
Oswald may have undergone biotelemetry implantation in the Soviet Union while a "volunteer" at a Behavior Control Center at Minsk. Oswald roomed with Cubans and was allegedly friendly with a Castro-man identified only as being "burly" and a "key man." "Burly" can mean burlecue, burlicue or burlesque. The "key," of course, is one of the most important symbols in Masonry and the symbol of silence.
If Oswald was the result of some Soviet Frankenstein process why did he have to travel several thousand miles for such treatment when it is a routine operation in America?
While such activities of the Mill-of-Dread are pro forma at a variety of institutions at the present, there was once a time when it was deemed necessary to do such work at Walter Reed Hospital.
These implants were back alley operations in which the victims were overpowered in some place or other, drugged and then dragged to this government hospital. They were operated on, continued on a heavy drug regimen and varied from somnolent to comatose for a number of days. The electrical function of the victim was recorded and monitored and the biotelemetry plant tested. Subsequently the victims were "brainwashed" and returned to the place where they had been seized. The targets then continued their existence, unaware of how their bodies had been invaded and their autonomy stolen. Occasionally, victims were returned to Walter Reed because of abscesses at the incision or for the replacement of the obsolete device with an updated one. Biotelemetry implants were made in various parts of the body depending on the desired effect and function.
Like the disgraceful treatment of the autopsy of President Kennedy, Oswald’s is similarly weird. Oswald was literally butchered in the "postmortem examination." Pieces were actually cut out of his body. The major incision in his torso resembled a huge "Y" which ran from the area of his groin to the solar plexus region. From there incisions were made to the right and left armpits. The so-called "two horns of the letter Y" supposedly symbolize the paths of virtue and vice: the right branch leading to the former and the left to the latter. The letter is sometimes referred to as the "Litera Pythagorae" (The Letter of Pythagoras): "Litera Pythagorae, discrimine secta bicorni, Humanae vitae speciem praeferre videtur" (The Letter of Pythagoras parted by its two branched division appears to exhibit the image of human life).
In the 47th Problem of Euclid lies a secret of the 3rd Degree of Masonry. Pythagoras is called by Freemasons "our ancient friend and brother." One of Pythagoras’ main doctrines was the system of "Metempsychosis" which pertains to the passing of a human soul into the body of an animal. Perhaps this was the intention of the autopsy-by incising in Oswald’s body the "Letter of Pythagoras" they sought to expedite transmigration, and they may even have gone as far as feeding sections of Oswald’s corpse to the intended animal, for this too is a practice of what used to be widely feared as necromancy.
Arlington Necrology
The Kennedy and Oswald burials were both at "Arlington": JFK at the National Cemetery near Washington, D.C., and Oswald at Rosehill Cemetery near Arlington, Texas. "Arlington" is a word of significance in Masonic sorcery and mysticism and it has a hidden meaning which ties in with necrolatry. At the Kennedy gravesite there is a stone circle and in its middle a fire that is called an "eternal flame." The fire in the middle of the circle represents a point in the circle, the same type of symbolism that is recognizable in Kennedy’s bier and cof fin being in the center of the rotunda in the Capitol. A point in a circle symbolized the sun in ancient sun worship. It was also a symbol of fecundity, with the point symbolizing a phallus and the circle a vagina.
At the Oswald gravesite stands a small tree. There exists an old belief that a tree which grows at or on a grave is embodied with the spirit-force of the person buried at that site, and that a twig or branch taken from such a tree has magical powers.
I suggest that Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother should gently remove a twig from the tree at her son’s grave and then at every opportunity touch FBI agents, CIA operatives, policemen, etc., with that same twig. Such a procedure couldn’t help but be more efficacious in bringing the murderers of JFK to justice than the Warren Commission was.
Funerary Rites
John F. (Honey Fitz) Fitzgerald, the grandfather of John F. Kennedy, was elected mayor of Boston thanks in part to his "Wake House" campaigns which were much imitated. These consisted of a daily surveillance of the newspapers for announcements of deaths after which a discreet "sympathizer" would be dispatched and a good deal of political mileage accumulated in the bargain. For a time the Fitzgeralds lived near the former site of the Green Dragon Tavern, established around 1680 and demolished for the widening of a street in 1820. The Fitzgerald home was on Hanover Street and the Green Dragon Tavern was on Green Dragon Lane (now Union Street). The tavern boasted the "first lodge room of Freemasonry in America," the St. Andrew Lodge located within the tavern proper.
In the mysticism of the Chinese tongs, the Green Dragon is a death symbol. A symbol of the dragon is worn on a ring or held in the hand of a "hatchet man." The Green Dragon is supposed to impart the notion of a "license to kill" for it signifies that the murder is an affair of "honor": the Green Dragon is the guardian of the god-with-a-thousand-eyes who protects the sanctity of the third heaven.
Much of Boston’s Irish population arrived in American in what were nicknamed the "coffin ships." Members of the Kennedy family were acquainted with the "Coffin" family. The Reverend William Sloane Coffin was the son of the theologian Henry Sloane Coffin; the younger Coffin was a member of the Peace Corps Advisory Council that Sargent Shriver headed. "Shriver" or "Shrive" has the meaning of one who grants absolution to a penitent, and it was customary to call upon a shriver before death. If the shriver was not available, a "sin eater" was summoned. The old pious cry which was connected with the request for a shriving was "Shrive me O Holy Land and Give Me Peace." To this the shriver would respond "Pax Vobiscum":
...the spell lies in two words, Pax Vobiscum will answer all queries. If you go or come, eat or drink, bless or ban, Pax Vobiscum carries you through it all. It is as useful to a friar as a broomstick to a witch or a wand to a conjurer. Speak it but thus, in a deep grave tone, Pax Vobiscum! It is irresistible-watch and ward, Knight and squire, foot and horse, it acts as a charm upon them all. I think, if they bring me out to be hanged tomorrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weights upon the finisher of the sentence. ("Wamba, son of Witless")
Sargent Shriver, a Catholic and Kennedy by marriage, as head of the Peace Corps and in association with a Coffin, might be considered to be in a sensitive position in relation to mystical onomatology.
In the ancient mysteries the aspirant could not claim a participation in the highest secrets until he had been placed in the Pastos, bed or coffin. The placing of him in the coffin was called the symbolical death of the mysteries, and his deliverance was termed a rising from the dead; the "mind," says an ancient writer quoted by Stobaeus, is afflicted in death just as it is in the initiation in the mysteries. And word answers to word, as well as thing to thing; for burial is to die and death to be initiated. The coffin in Masonry is found on the tracing boards of the early part of the last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree, where the reference is precisely to the same as that of the Pastos in the ancient mysteries. [My emphasis.] (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry) President Kennedy sat at the head of a coffin table at the White House. To his back, over a fireplace, hung a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated president. On either side of the picture were urns that resembled the type called "cinerary urns" which are vessels in which the ashes of the dead are kept.
A book about JFK was called Three Steps to the White House. In Masonry are what is known as the "three symbolical steps." "The three grand steps symbolically lead from this life to the source of all knowledge." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
It must be evident to every Master Mason without further explanation, that the three steps are taken from the darkness to a place of light, either figuratively or really over a coffin, the symbol of death, to teach symbolically that the passage from darkness and ignorance of this life through death to the light and knowledge of eternal life. And this from earliest times was the true symbolism of the step. (Ibid.)
The body of President Kennedy was placed in a coffin which was positioned in the center of a circle under the Capitol dome. The catafalque was "a temporary structure of wood appropriately decorated with funeral symbols and representing a tomb or cenotaph. It forms a part of the decorations of a ‘Sorrow Lodge.’ " This Masonic Encyclopedia entry refers to the ceremonies of the Third Degree in Lodges of the French Rite.
Pictures taken of the Kennedy coffin and catafalque show these two props of the funerary rite as a point in a circle. Fecundity is the symbolic signification of the Point within a circle and is a derivation of ancient sun worship. In the lore of mystery cults and fertility religions was invariably the legend of the death of the hero god and the disappearance of his body. In the subsequent search and supposed finding of the body we see the contrivance of an elaborate psychological ruse. The body was said to have been concealed by the killer or killers of the hero god. The concealment of the body was called "aphanism" and is a rite of the Masonic 3rd Degree. Anyone interested in comprehending the mechanics of group mind control would do well to study the 3rd and 9th degrees in particular, and all the grades of Masonry in general. The disappearance of the body, this aphanism, is to be found in the assassination of President Kennedy:
The President’s brain was removed and his body buried without it ... Dr. Cyril Wecht, chief medical examiner of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, past president of the American Academy of Forensic Scientists, and a professor of pathology and law, received permission from the Kennedy family in 1972 to view the autopsy materials (at the National Archives) ... When he routinely asked to see the brain, Wecht was told it was missing, along with the microscopic slides of the brain. Marion Johnson, curator of the Warren Commission’s material at the Archives said, "The brain’s not here. We don’t know what happened to it." (Los Angeles Free Press, Special Report No. I, pg. 16)
If and when the brain is recovered, the entire process will have been completed under the term "euresis." In the Masonic Mysteries are "symbolical ladders." On the Masonic tracing board of 1776 there is a ladder with three steps, a significant revision of the usual ladder in such references (seven steps). There are of course all sorts of ladders: the Brahmanical Ladder (seven steps), the Kadosh Ladder (seven steps), Rosicrucian Ladder (seven steps), Jacob’s Ladder (various numbers attributed), the Kabbalistic Ladder (ten steps); then there is old "Tim Finnegan’s Ladder" which is known to some as the "Ladder of Misfortune," and it is seemingly comprised of one false step after another. Tim Finnegan was an Irish hod carrier who fell off his ladder while drunk. Since he was apparently dead, his friends held a "Death Watch" (black watch or wake) at his coffin. This watch lived up to the traditional "liveliness" of these affairs and Mr. Finnegan was splashed with some vintage Irish whiskey (Fitzgerald’s?) and resurrected. "Finnegan’s Wake"... After the Kennedy coffin was removed from the center of the Capitol rotunda circle, it was taken, with pageantry, to the street for viewing. The funeral procession made an "unplanned stop" on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the "Occidental Restaurant" and a picture was taken of the flag draped Kennedy coffin with the word "Occidental" featured prominently over it. In Masonry and in the lore of the Egyptian jackal-god Anubis, a dead person is said to have "gone west."
Several months after the Kennedy funeral, "Occidental Life," an insurance branch of the Transamerica Corporation, ran an advertisement for group life insurance which it proclaimed to be "new" but contained a turn that was indeed original: the inferential weird claim was made that "Until now there was only one way to cash in on Group Insurance" (my emphasis); apparently some rather profound changes were made in the manner of things-as-they-are after the "Killing of the King" had become a fait accompli.
The spontaneous stop was made because of the horse Sardar ("chief"), a gelding ("Castro"), which was wearing boots pointing around to the rear in the Kennedy funerary rite. Horses figure prominently not only in the pleasure of kings but in their murders as well. James Earl Ray was convicted partly on the evidence of a "white Mustang" (automobile), Sirhan Sirhan claimed to his psychiatrists, trance-like, that he shot Robert Kennedy "for a mustang, mustang, mustang ..." John F. Kennedy had demonstrated affection for the performance of a lady who was a renowned ostrich-feather fan-manipulator (Norma Jean Baker a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe). In Egypt, lamenting girls with ostrich feather-fans sang a song of entreaty of the type that Nephthys and Isis reputedly sang as a dirge, before the partial resurrection and/or erection of Osiris. The sad dirge or lamentation has become known as a "Maneros" consisting primarily of the singers entreating the dead to return, by singing "come to my house" and then offering inducements of some type or other.
It is a damn pity that the ritualists didn’t have Marilyn Monroe and Rosemary Clooney sing a Maneros at the JFK funeral, for Rosemary Clooney just couldn’t believe that JFK was dead at the time, and Marilyn Monroe was killed because of JFK. In Ancient Egypt the entreaty to the dead of the type said to be performed by Isis and Nepthys was usually performed with a hawk-fertility-goddess statue present along with other funerary symbolism.
Jacqueline Kennedy was considered "fashionable, erudite, erotic and stunningly gorgeous." Mrs. Kennedy visited an exhibition of Egyptian funerary rite symbols at the National Gallery of Art where she was photographed with a depiction of the "hawk-headed divinity that was said to be named Hor-khenty-khem." Recently there was a traveling nightmare of funerary symbolism touring the country (the Tutankhamen exhibit of the National Endowment of the Humanities). Before JFK began his Jornada del Muerto (Journey of Death), he was photographed with Yugoslavian dictator Tito on the winding stairs in the White House. Tito is a significant name in Masonry since it was the title given to Prince Harodim, the first Judge and Provost said to be appointed by King Solomon. The Tito was a reputed favorite of Solomon, whose temple was a hotbed of thievery, money-changing, male and female prostitution and sorcery. This ancient Tito presided over the Lodge of Intendants of this temple and was one of the "twelve knights of the twelve tribes of Israel."
Let me repeat, JFK was on some winding stairs with a man named Tito. Winding stairs are symbolically important in Masonry.
The degree of the winding stair is taught in the degree of Fellow Craft. This is the Second Degree, and a person at this grade is of course a candidate for the symbolic assassination, euresis, autopsy and coffin resurrection of the Third Degree.
The number of steps in the winding stair are "odd" although no less so than the fact that this Tito or Harodim is a name translating as "those who rule over" the activities of the temple Solomon.
The winding stairs of this temple, according to the Masons, begins at the porch and winds to a level purified by the Divine Presence (Shekinah) and dominated by the Divine Strength (Oswald).
President Kennedy preceded Tito down the stairs to a portrait of the assassinated President Garfield where he was photographed, and another picture was taken on the stairs before a picture of Lincoln (recall the black walnut rocker of JFK, comparable to the black walnut rocker Lincoln was assassinated in; the "Lincoln Continental" limousine in which Kennedy was shot and the dozens of other parallels between the two men). It’s unfortunate that President Kennedy didn’t trip Tito and then slide down the stair-rail, for he was in a very vulnerable position as related to Masonic sorcery, and such unorthodox action might have rattled the "Prince of Harodim."
John F. Kennedy, the one and only Catholic president of the United States, was a human scapegoat, a "pharmakos." "Pharmakos" or "Pharmak-vos" can mean "enchantment with drugs and sorcery" or "beaten, crippled or immolated." In alchemy, the Killing of the King was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus Christ was tortured and murdered as the result of the intrigue of the men of the Temple of Solomon who hated and feared Him. They were steeped in Egyptian, Babylonian and Phoenician mysticism.
Masonry does not believe in murdering a man in just any old way and in the JFK assassination it went to incredible lengths and took great risks in order to make this heinous act of theirs correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of the Killing of the King.
I have stated that the three hoboes arrested at the time of the assassination in Dallas are at least as important symbolically as operationally and that they comprise the "Three Unworthy Craftsmen" of Masonry. This symbolism is at once a telling psychological blow against the victim and his comrades, a sign of frustrated inquiry—the supposedly senseless nature of any quest into the authentic nature of the murderers—and a mirror or doppelganger of the three assassins who execute the actual murder.
As for the three assassins themselves:
Perry Raymond Russo told a New Orleans grand jury that [CIA agent David] Ferrie said [regarding the assassination of JFK] that "there would have to be a minimum of three people involved. Two of the persons would shoot diversionary shots and the third ... shot the good shot." Ferrie said that one of the three would have to be the "scapegoat." He also said that Ferrie discoursed on the availability of exit, saying that the sacrificed man would give the other two time to escape. (Quoted by W.H. Bowart in Operation Mind Control).
Gentlemen, don’t pass me by!
Don’t miss your opportunity!
(Witch in Goethe’s Faust I, Walpurgis Night)
These are the thoughts of a huckster-witch which one need not search for dressed all in black with conical cap; instead, look among the gray flannel suits in the board rooms and offices of the newspapers, electronic media, government and advertising agencies-that is, those who are not busy working for the CIA or Naval Intelligence selling the public lies.
Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to investigate the death of Catholic Kennedy. Mason and member of the 33rd degree, Gerald R. Ford, was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial nature reached the commission. Responsible for supplying information to the commission was Mason and member of the 33rd degree, J. Edgar Hoover. Former CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for most of his agency’s data supplied to the panel.
Is it paranoid to be suspicious of the findings of the panel on these grounds? Would it be paranoid to suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to investigate the death of a Jew or to suspect a commission of Klansmen appointed to investigate the death of a negro?
Representative Hale Boggs, the only Catholic on the commission, at first agreed with its findings and when he later began to seriously question them he was "accidentally" killed in a plane crash.
HOODWINK. (Definition.) A symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane."-Dr. Albert Mackey, Mason, member of the 33rd degree, foremost Masonic historian of the nineteenth century, writing in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
That is how they see us, as "profane," as "cowans" (outsiders), unclean and too perverted to look upon their hallowed truths. Yes, murder, sexual atrocities, mind control, attacks against the people of the United States, all of these things are so elevated, so lofty and holy as to be beyond the view of mere humans.
On December 20, 1947, Jacob Rubinstein changed his name to Jack L. Ruby by decree of the 68th Judicial Court of Dallas, Texas. The etymology of the term "Ruby": (French) rubis; (Spanish) rubi; (Latin) rubinus, carbuncle. ln old law books it was once the practice to print some of the titles of the statutes in red and these were termed rubrics or a ruby and hence any fixed, formulated or authoritative injunction of duty was apt to be designated as being a rubric or ruby.
As a rubinus or carbuncle Ruby is associated with the "Breastplate of Judgment" used by the Chosen Mispet (High Priests) of Jewish sorcery, enabling them to receive "divine" answers regarding the welfare of Judaism; some interpretations claim that the "Breastplate of Judgment" manifested the immediate presence of Jehovah and was also worn by Masons in Royal Arch chapters. This "breastplate [which] contained twelve stones" each symbolized one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The carbuncle or ruby was connected to the tribe of Judah (Nohpech).
The term "Jack Ruby" was once used by pawnbrokers to indicated a fake ruby.
In iconography a ruby or carbuncle symbolizes blood, suffering and death.
Truth or Consequences
District Attorney for New Orleans, James Garrison, was supported by a "Truth or Consequences" Club and is alleged to have been an ex-FBI agent and to have been mentally disturbed at one time. Jim Garrison was an outsider in the Secret Society machinations of the FBI and may very well have been pharmacologically or hypnotically induced to set up his ill-fated investigation and the position he acquired in the "Truth or Consequences Commission."
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, is a town located on the 33rd degree of parallel latitude, and near the same latitude John Fitzgerald Kennedy became an oblation and on the same latitude is the chief Temple on this planet in the minds of sorcerers, namely the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem, which was once located there and is sworn to be rebuilt on this 33rd degree. In a literal, alchemical sense, the Making Manifest of All That is Hidden is the accomplishment of the 3rd Law of the Alchemists and is, as yet, unfulfilled or at least not completed; the other two have been: the creation and destruction of primordial mater (the detonation of the first Atomic Bomb at the Trinity Site, at White Sands, New Mexico, on the 33rd degree of parallel), the Killing of the King (at the Trinity Site, at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, near the 33rd degree of latitude).
Only the repetition of information presented in conjunction with knowledge of this mechanism of Making Manifest of All That is Hidden provides the sort of boldness and will which can demonstrate that we are aware of all the enemies, all the opponents, all the tricks and gadgetry, and yet we are still not dissuaded, that we work for the truth for the sake of the truth. Let the rest take upon themselves and their children the consequences of their actions.
- James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II
assassination by the Campaign for Radical Truth in History,
P.O. Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816
Essay: "Dark Side of a Bad Moon: The Ritual Aspects of Criminal Politics" by Michael A. Hoffman II, in Revisionist History no. 12 (Jan. 2000) Book: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II The complete manuscript: King-Kill 33 by James Shelby Downard and Michael A.
Hoffman II
Manuscript: Skullduggery by James Shelby Downard
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