Advertising & Trauma-based programming.
When controls fail, THE FINAL SOLUTION.
The Programmers
Advertizing & Trauma-based programming.
The Oregonian newspaper, Sat. Mar. 9, 1996, (p. E1) ran a story about women entitled, "She sells, She purrs, she percolates, she’s a power player: Ads reflect society’s view of women." At the top right is an ad with a Marilyn Monroe type of model with puckered lips selling cigarettes. Below her is a picture of a girl with the caption, "You were born a daughter. You looked up to your mother. You looked up to your father. You looked up to everyone. You wanted to be a princess. You thought you were a princess."
The themes in this article match the thinking within Monarch type programming scripts. Is this coincidence, or just a sign of the times, that so much in our lives echoes programming scripts? Some of the ads in today’s magazines are obvious manipulations of the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. For instance, Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group controlled by the Rothschilds had an add in a recent popular magazine which has nothing but an entire page of violet-blue haze with an eye [an allusion to the All-seeing eye] staring out of the haze along with the big caption "YOU HAVE OUR ATTENTION." This would reinforce many of the mind-control programs. Ostensibly, the ad was for insurance.
Another ad that is an obvious manipulation of mind-control programming is an Aveda ad placed in Vogue & Vanity Fair magazines, where a woman’s face is broken up into 4 pieces and put into a glass bottle along with a white daisy type flower & a yellow flower. The caption reads ‘You, bottled." the subcaption reads "what would you be if you came back as a pure-fume?" Notice the play on words that the programmers love.
Another more subtle example is a Virginia Slims ad which is designed to hit the subconscious of the Monarch slave. This ad has three thrones across the top of the page. In front of the three thrones is the Virginia Slims lady. The first two thrones have a chubby queen sitting on them & the third on the far right is vacant. The 3 queens are an allusion to the 3 hierarchy queens and the maiden-mother-hidden crone sequence in programming. The queen holds a scepter which adds some more power to this as a subconscious trigger. The caption reads, "Virginia Slims remembers the shortest reign of a female monarch. Queen Katrina of Valenski was crowned at 10 past the hour, lit a cigarette at 12 past the hour and was dethroned at 13 past the hour."
The hidden meaning behind this is that the front woman, remembers on a subconscious level the threat that if you don’t remember the authority & power (thrones), and the power structure (the triad), then you shall remember the programming threat. This ad subtly reinforces the programming threats to slaves.
Other ads that manipulate programming use Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland and Star Wars themes. They use allusions to the programming scripts and show subtle occult symbols. The hypnotic eye is very popular in ads. Some ads simply seem to be a reflection of how our culture has become part of the programming, for instance a Sportsman device that is sold by an add with a big caption "Split personality", or a Merit cigarette ad that sells its product with the caption "Split personality." A watch ad for Bulova has an empty chair with a banner over it "Personality of the year’ and the caption "Is your watch making you a missing person?"
During the programming, shifts in time certainly do make certain alters disappear, so although this ad is may not be a direct attempt to manipulate programming, it certainly is a product of today’s mind-controlled society.
>>>On the next pg. is an ad appealing directly to the thinking of a programmed multiple.>>
Over the years of watching the Illuminati manage their slaves, it is clear that they like to have their slaves under constant surveillance. Often times they use friends of the slave to keep tabs. For instance, the teams that they put together are great for using to monitor other team members. If they find that the acquaintances and friends of the slave are not contributing enough, they will send out people to keep tabs on the slave.
Surveillance of a slave is done either to let the slave know that he or she is being watched (obviously as an intimidation device), or is done in line with common intelligence/police type tactics. Many times the Illuminati surveillance is so obvious, that this author has to conclude that it is intentionally so. For understanding undetectable surveillance, Hollywood movies are not teaching manuals. To watch someone’s house the people working for the Illuminati will often try to maintain about 2 blocks distance. If they have to they can use battery operated bugs or bugs installed using the wiring in the house. If they want to get high-tech they can use fiber optics or even go to satellite-ground antenna monitoring of what a person is doing. If you are looking for a bug, get a counter that will go up into the higher ranges, & expect them to stick bugs away from equipment like refrigerators and air conditioners which make a lot of noise.
They also have directional microphones called bionic ears which can be used to pick up outside sounds from a distance. Sophisticated filters can be placed on their listening devices to screen out background noise. Lasers beamed onto windows can be used to listen to conversations within a building, but these have the drawbacks of picking up building noises, & noises from the street. Laser listening devices are going to function better at night. Telephone taps are commonly done by the Network to control and monitor their slaves. There are low-tech and high-tech ways to do this. The bottom line is that all telephone conversations in this nation (U.S.), all CB-radio traffic, all radio traffic has been totally monitored since before the 1970’s. It is a given that anything you say on the telephone will be fed into a large computer which has words to watch for. Unless you believe you are a high-profile person, who is monitored 24-hours a day, it is best to stay away from mentioning trigger words in your conversation.
Often times, the people monitoring slaves team trail the slave. Teams of people can track a person on foot or in a car. Using a team is the best method in many situations. Often they tag team follow a person. They also have team formations that are used to keep track of a person, such as one person on the opposite side of the street, and one immediately behind and one far behind. Having a distant tracker allows the close one to avoid being caught if the slave tries to take evasive action or to ambush the stalker.
If the person watching the slave gets really concerned they may end up using special headlights called "blackout lights" to shadow the slave at night, which are shielded to keep the beams of light from showing in front or to the side of the car. These special lights light up the road in front of the car only, so the car remains unseen by the stalked mind-controlled victim.
There are a number of secret devices to aid the abusers in their control over environment that the slave must live in. The intelligence groups often use a radio device called AGENT ALERT which looks like a ballpoint pen which sends out a continual beeping when it is activated.
Besides their Global Positioning Satellites, intelligence has Pegasus, a ship that can monitor & record electronic transmissions while sailing offshore. After reading the mind-control significance of Pegasi, it clearer the Navy picked an appropriate horse to record electronic transmissions. Even though all slaves have Reporting Alters, & are tracked in other ways, the Illuminati often has redundant safety features to monitor their "human assets".
Because the slave is monitored from so many different unseen methods, it does begin to seem hopeless to some to ever be free of Big Brother. If you add to all this, that the slave has been programmed repeatedly that there is no escaping their All-seeing eyes, then it is easy to see why so many slaves acquiesce & just comply.
A Vol. 2 reader, who caught onto to what the book is about, pointed out how the new film The Juror reflects their approach to control. The movie shows a controller who is obsessed with who he is controlling. This holds true in real life for the programmers too. Even though Dr. Mengele programmed thousands of people in his lifetime, he had his "pets" (Lieblings), pet slaves that he was obsessed with. In the movie, the controller says, "Do what I say." and "If I can keep you scared, I can save your life." These could have come straight out of a programmer’s mouth. He picks out a juror who is creative & intelligent to control, which are the criteria for selecting victims in real life. The movie illustrates some of the concepts which actually happen that this chapter 12 is trying to describe.
One of the things that the Network does to any slave that tries to break free, and the Illuminati does to any of their hierarchy slaves (like this book’s co-author Cisco) who tries to get free is to harass them constantly.
Stephen Knight who researched the Freemasons wrote a chapter in his book The Brotherhood, The Secret World of the Freemasons about how they harass any opposition. (See chapter 16, pp. 140-149). When Knight interviewed ex-Masons they were in abject fear of the Masonic system. They didn’t even want to talk about how much power the Freemasons have to ruin careers, spy, and harass people. Since Knight’s book is available for the reader, and since there are a number of books (like those from Loompanics) that are very detailed on harassment techniques, this book will only briefly touch on the subject. However, just because it is only briefly mentioned please don’t mistakenly think this is a minor topic.
The Illuminati and their co-workers the Freemasons, the Mishpucka, and CIA put outrageously great amounts of efforts into harassment. It is not unusual for a recovering victim of mind-control to find their favourite pet killed, or human faeces in their oven, and other bizarre harassments that show the warped character of the controllers. The CIA, the Masonic leaders, and the Mishpucka keep extensive files on everyone for purposes of blackmail, and coercion. The Masonic leadership of Freemasonry in a given area will have thousands of "blackmail" files on essentially everyone of importance in their area. Upper echelon people such as judges, lawyers, and politicians are generally controlled via IRS infringements, and many of the lower echelon people are controlled through weird sexual items. This is where the Delta and Beta Monarch slaves are so helpful to the Illuminati. The Freemasons can have a sexual alter seduce a man, contrive a scene, and then an alter that is in a death trance takes the body so that the target of blackmail thinks he has killed the woman. It works great for blackmail. (This information comes from several witnesses who are informed about the blackmail files & their methods for blackmailing.)
The Vol. 2 book apparently neglected to relate how the colors of cars are used to access victims. Some victims around the U.S. are programmed to red & white cars. Autos with both colors will arrive. Red & White are the great mystical colors assoc. with the 2 headed eagle & Janus. White cars are for high ranking slaves. Very specific sexual slaves are picked up in red and black cars. In N.Y. brown Volkswagens were frequently used for accessing slaves. Two tone cars will be used to trigger particular alters to come out. Another common practice that is occurring across the U.S. is for the draconian enforcers to borrow cars from dealerships so that they can’t be traced. The license plates of cars are also used as access triggers for some slaves.
The all pervasive television, which has been so common place in the lives of Americans, is used a great deal to manipulate trauma-based mind-controlled slaves. Tests by researcher Herbert Krugman have shown that TV watchers used their right brain twice as much as their left brain and released Beta-endorphin into their brains. In other words, TV watching trains the mind to go into an altered state. If a blank black frame is interjected every 32 frames on a show, a 45 beat/minute pulsation is created that puts a person into a hypnotic trance. In Vol. 2, it was brought out how the Lawnmower Man movie, displayed the symbols used to program many of the slaves. The movie was advertised with the slogan "God made him simple...Science made him a god." This is a slogan fitting for an Illuminati member who has been programmed to think he is a god, and yet he must serve his superiors.
The Illuminati has increasingly wanted to keep their members within Illuminati family settings. They have had more problems with placing their members into families which are not part of their mind-control than they have had with children which are raised within Illum. or cult type settings. If one or both of the parents have programming, the Illuminati often weaves the programming together so that the entire family becomes one programmed dissociative mechanism.
For instance, on a ritual night the child as it is being tucked in bed will say to the mother, "MAY I HAVE A DRINK OF WATER." This is the code trigger for the mother to give a drug in a drink. The child is to say another trigger to the parent when they get the drink, then is programmed to drink the drug. The second trigger causes the parent to switch to a personality that feels compelled to get the family into the car and drive. The family all mechanically click into a series of alter switches and end up at a ritual. They mechanically trigger and reinforce each others programming as they return from the ritual, and end up at home with everyone’s front alters not knowing what the family has been involved with. Here we have an entire family whose testimony could reinforce each other that they did nothing but sleep at home that night!
There are some locations, for instance, two entire towns in southern Utah that are a strict offbeat shoot of Mormonism, which are entirely programmed multiples. There have been some television shows about entire towns being caught up in secret satanic rituals. It is true, but they also have occult mind-control programming along with those rituals. Here we see how an entire city can trigger each other’s programming and all be involved in the insanity of all this without full awareness. This is in fact, where the entire world is headed very rapidly.
While control mechanisms are put into place world-wide, the Illuminati still must keep their children isolated from the world. To successfully raise a child slave, the mind-control’s success depends upon isolation. Children involved in cult rituals do not talk to other children. If they are caught talking, the standard punishment is to tie the child to a dead child. They want their children to shut down, and only do what they are told. They want the child to respond only to the Programmer and its Mother of Darkness. They heap lots of guilt upon any child that breaks the rules of no communication. Children still manage to learn to speak with their eyes and fingers. They become skilled at this even though they know the punishment will be severe if caught.
Most people would naturally think that this topic would belong to this chapter. Actually, this topic DOES NOT belong here. But it was placed here on purpose, because its placement here will emphasize its point, while not detracting from the Cranial Manipulation and Genetic Manipulations sections of Chpt. 8.
Boarding schools not only give the elite a chance to isolate, educate, and indoctrinate their children, but it is also a great way to layer in body memories that instil a subconscious ethic of elitism. It is an attitude of elitism that allowed the Pharisees to crucify Christ, the Nazis to kill Jews, and Moslems to kill Hindus, etc.
How does this layering of body memories happen? The memories of our bodies are buried within the cells of our bodies. Therapists have known about body memories for some time now. Cellular level body memories are way beyond the grasp of the consciousness. Buried into a deep unconscious repression are the body memories of the social values (elitism) that are contained in how the social elite walk, hold a spoon and knife, how a person must stand up straight with good posture, and how the person holds and uses their facial muscles. The boarding schools teach an entire world of elite mannerisms such as "keep a stiff upper lip" to "don’t hold your knife in your left hand."
West Point performs the same programming of body memories, to insure that their West Pointers develop an elitist attitude. The effect of these body memories is to subconsciously encourage the mind into thinking that it is elite. The erect posture and military gait that this author was taught carry with them the implication of superiority. While the conscious awareness of this elitist indoctrination can be gotten in touch with and defused, there are none-the-less buried elements of body memory that resist tampering. This author would ask his fellow West Pointers, how do they feel if they walk like a general around civilians?
This type of body programming contributes to an ethic of elitism. How it is created and how it works has not escaped the detection of the elite bloodlines. This is why the British boarding schools are so strict about "good manners." Through a plebe year of bracing, the mind develops body memories of how to stand in a military brace. Some cadets are so traumatized by their first year, they never return to a normal posture. A military brace has been proven to not be the healthiest posture. It’s this author’s contention that the military brace is insisted upon for mind-control, and not for health reasons.
Victims of mind-control have been placed in many humiliating body positions, as well as many painful body positions. It takes years of slow subconscious work as well as deep massage to pull these up and work with these body memories. For instance, during the tortures to create cat/kitten alters, the children often crouch like cats. Kitten alters will retain their body memories of crouching (hunching the shoulders) like a cat. Sometimes when their masters begin to beat on kitten alters, they will reflexively crouch like a scared kitten. And what’s with the woman called Queen Sheri who has been managing the two professional wrestlers Macho King and Randy Savage? Both of these professional wrestlers are part of a "family" called the New World Order. Queen Sheri walks around in a cat costume and facial makeup that makes her look like a real wild cat. Is this wildcat a Monarch wildcat?
When controls fail, THE FINAL SOLUTION.
The World Order can send out teams of professional killers. (What’s new?) These killers often emotionally distance themselves from their victims by thinking of their "targets" as inferior forms of life that they are "liquidating", "terminating", "cleansing from this planet", etc. In 1996, a 4-member hit team took out the entire Bill Mueller family (Bill, Nancy, and 8 yr. old Sarah). Bill was a member of the Special Ops Group SOG of the Navy Seals. He had become a Patriot and a big gun dealer living in Arkansas. Someone decided he was too much of a threat and sent a team in to take not just him but his entire family out. Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc has been hired by the NWO to infiltrate the militias. This author has known in this area several disobedient slaves, and one therapist who lost their lives to assassins, as well as another one who committed suicide according to programming. But anymore what isn’t dangerous? Crossing the street and eating at a restaurant can kill you too. The reader knows this. This author also knows of several who were going to be killed but escaped. One troublemaker was to have been sacrfficed but broke free and hid, another was ritually tortured, buried alive, and left for dead, but managed to survive.
The Programmers
Advertising & Trauma-based programming.
When controls fail, THE FINAL SOLUTION.
The Programmers
Advertizing & Trauma-based programming.
The Oregonian newspaper, Sat. Mar. 9, 1996, (p. E1) ran a story about women entitled, "She sells, She purrs, she percolates, she’s a power player: Ads reflect society’s view of women." At the top right is an ad with a Marilyn Monroe type of model with puckered lips selling cigarettes. Below her is a picture of a girl with the caption, "You were born a daughter. You looked up to your mother. You looked up to your father. You looked up to everyone. You wanted to be a princess. You thought you were a princess."
The themes in this article match the thinking within Monarch type programming scripts. Is this coincidence, or just a sign of the times, that so much in our lives echoes programming scripts? Some of the ads in today’s magazines are obvious manipulations of the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. For instance, Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group controlled by the Rothschilds had an add in a recent popular magazine which has nothing but an entire page of violet-blue haze with an eye [an allusion to the All-seeing eye] staring out of the haze along with the big caption "YOU HAVE OUR ATTENTION." This would reinforce many of the mind-control programs. Ostensibly, the ad was for insurance.
Another ad that is an obvious manipulation of mind-control programming is an Aveda ad placed in Vogue & Vanity Fair magazines, where a woman’s face is broken up into 4 pieces and put into a glass bottle along with a white daisy type flower & a yellow flower. The caption reads ‘You, bottled." the subcaption reads "what would you be if you came back as a pure-fume?" Notice the play on words that the programmers love.
Another more subtle example is a Virginia Slims ad which is designed to hit the subconscious of the Monarch slave. This ad has three thrones across the top of the page. In front of the three thrones is the Virginia Slims lady. The first two thrones have a chubby queen sitting on them & the third on the far right is vacant. The 3 queens are an allusion to the 3 hierarchy queens and the maiden-mother-hidden crone sequence in programming. The queen holds a scepter which adds some more power to this as a subconscious trigger. The caption reads, "Virginia Slims remembers the shortest reign of a female monarch. Queen Katrina of Valenski was crowned at 10 past the hour, lit a cigarette at 12 past the hour and was dethroned at 13 past the hour."
The hidden meaning behind this is that the front woman, remembers on a subconscious level the threat that if you don’t remember the authority & power (thrones), and the power structure (the triad), then you shall remember the programming threat. This ad subtly reinforces the programming threats to slaves.
Other ads that manipulate programming use Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland and Star Wars themes. They use allusions to the programming scripts and show subtle occult symbols. The hypnotic eye is very popular in ads. Some ads simply seem to be a reflection of how our culture has become part of the programming, for instance a Sportsman device that is sold by an add with a big caption "Split personality", or a Merit cigarette ad that sells its product with the caption "Split personality." A watch ad for Bulova has an empty chair with a banner over it "Personality of the year’ and the caption "Is your watch making you a missing person?"
During the programming, shifts in time certainly do make certain alters disappear, so although this ad is may not be a direct attempt to manipulate programming, it certainly is a product of today’s mind-controlled society.
>>>On the next pg. is an ad appealing directly to the thinking of a programmed multiple.>>
Over the years of watching the Illuminati manage their slaves, it is clear that they like to have their slaves under constant surveillance. Often times they use friends of the slave to keep tabs. For instance, the teams that they put together are great for using to monitor other team members. If they find that the acquaintances and friends of the slave are not contributing enough, they will send out people to keep tabs on the slave.
Surveillance of a slave is done either to let the slave know that he or she is being watched (obviously as an intimidation device), or is done in line with common intelligence/police type tactics. Many times the Illuminati surveillance is so obvious, that this author has to conclude that it is intentionally so. For understanding undetectable surveillance, Hollywood movies are not teaching manuals. To watch someone’s house the people working for the Illuminati will often try to maintain about 2 blocks distance. If they have to they can use battery operated bugs or bugs installed using the wiring in the house. If they want to get high-tech they can use fiber optics or even go to satellite-ground antenna monitoring of what a person is doing. If you are looking for a bug, get a counter that will go up into the higher ranges, & expect them to stick bugs away from equipment like refrigerators and air conditioners which make a lot of noise.
They also have directional microphones called bionic ears which can be used to pick up outside sounds from a distance. Sophisticated filters can be placed on their listening devices to screen out background noise. Lasers beamed onto windows can be used to listen to conversations within a building, but these have the drawbacks of picking up building noises, & noises from the street. Laser listening devices are going to function better at night. Telephone taps are commonly done by the Network to control and monitor their slaves. There are low-tech and high-tech ways to do this. The bottom line is that all telephone conversations in this nation (U.S.), all CB-radio traffic, all radio traffic has been totally monitored since before the 1970’s. It is a given that anything you say on the telephone will be fed into a large computer which has words to watch for. Unless you believe you are a high-profile person, who is monitored 24-hours a day, it is best to stay away from mentioning trigger words in your conversation.
Often times, the people monitoring slaves team trail the slave. Teams of people can track a person on foot or in a car. Using a team is the best method in many situations. Often they tag team follow a person. They also have team formations that are used to keep track of a person, such as one person on the opposite side of the street, and one immediately behind and one far behind. Having a distant tracker allows the close one to avoid being caught if the slave tries to take evasive action or to ambush the stalker.
If the person watching the slave gets really concerned they may end up using special headlights called "blackout lights" to shadow the slave at night, which are shielded to keep the beams of light from showing in front or to the side of the car. These special lights light up the road in front of the car only, so the car remains unseen by the stalked mind-controlled victim.
There are a number of secret devices to aid the abusers in their control over environment that the slave must live in. The intelligence groups often use a radio device called AGENT ALERT which looks like a ballpoint pen which sends out a continual beeping when it is activated.
Besides their Global Positioning Satellites, intelligence has Pegasus, a ship that can monitor & record electronic transmissions while sailing offshore. After reading the mind-control significance of Pegasi, it clearer the Navy picked an appropriate horse to record electronic transmissions. Even though all slaves have Reporting Alters, & are tracked in other ways, the Illuminati often has redundant safety features to monitor their "human assets".
Because the slave is monitored from so many different unseen methods, it does begin to seem hopeless to some to ever be free of Big Brother. If you add to all this, that the slave has been programmed repeatedly that there is no escaping their All-seeing eyes, then it is easy to see why so many slaves acquiesce & just comply.
A Vol. 2 reader, who caught onto to what the book is about, pointed out how the new film The Juror reflects their approach to control. The movie shows a controller who is obsessed with who he is controlling. This holds true in real life for the programmers too. Even though Dr. Mengele programmed thousands of people in his lifetime, he had his "pets" (Lieblings), pet slaves that he was obsessed with. In the movie, the controller says, "Do what I say." and "If I can keep you scared, I can save your life." These could have come straight out of a programmer’s mouth. He picks out a juror who is creative & intelligent to control, which are the criteria for selecting victims in real life. The movie illustrates some of the concepts which actually happen that this chapter 12 is trying to describe.
One of the things that the Network does to any slave that tries to break free, and the Illuminati does to any of their hierarchy slaves (like this book’s co-author Cisco) who tries to get free is to harass them constantly.
Stephen Knight who researched the Freemasons wrote a chapter in his book The Brotherhood, The Secret World of the Freemasons about how they harass any opposition. (See chapter 16, pp. 140-149). When Knight interviewed ex-Masons they were in abject fear of the Masonic system. They didn’t even want to talk about how much power the Freemasons have to ruin careers, spy, and harass people. Since Knight’s book is available for the reader, and since there are a number of books (like those from Loompanics) that are very detailed on harassment techniques, this book will only briefly touch on the subject. However, just because it is only briefly mentioned please don’t mistakenly think this is a minor topic.
The Illuminati and their co-workers the Freemasons, the Mishpucka, and CIA put outrageously great amounts of efforts into harassment. It is not unusual for a recovering victim of mind-control to find their favourite pet killed, or human faeces in their oven, and other bizarre harassments that show the warped character of the controllers. The CIA, the Masonic leaders, and the Mishpucka keep extensive files on everyone for purposes of blackmail, and coercion. The Masonic leadership of Freemasonry in a given area will have thousands of "blackmail" files on essentially everyone of importance in their area. Upper echelon people such as judges, lawyers, and politicians are generally controlled via IRS infringements, and many of the lower echelon people are controlled through weird sexual items. This is where the Delta and Beta Monarch slaves are so helpful to the Illuminati. The Freemasons can have a sexual alter seduce a man, contrive a scene, and then an alter that is in a death trance takes the body so that the target of blackmail thinks he has killed the woman. It works great for blackmail. (This information comes from several witnesses who are informed about the blackmail files & their methods for blackmailing.)
The Vol. 2 book apparently neglected to relate how the colors of cars are used to access victims. Some victims around the U.S. are programmed to red & white cars. Autos with both colors will arrive. Red & White are the great mystical colors assoc. with the 2 headed eagle & Janus. White cars are for high ranking slaves. Very specific sexual slaves are picked up in red and black cars. In N.Y. brown Volkswagens were frequently used for accessing slaves. Two tone cars will be used to trigger particular alters to come out. Another common practice that is occurring across the U.S. is for the draconian enforcers to borrow cars from dealerships so that they can’t be traced. The license plates of cars are also used as access triggers for some slaves.
The all pervasive television, which has been so common place in the lives of Americans, is used a great deal to manipulate trauma-based mind-controlled slaves. Tests by researcher Herbert Krugman have shown that TV watchers used their right brain twice as much as their left brain and released Beta-endorphin into their brains. In other words, TV watching trains the mind to go into an altered state. If a blank black frame is interjected every 32 frames on a show, a 45 beat/minute pulsation is created that puts a person into a hypnotic trance. In Vol. 2, it was brought out how the Lawnmower Man movie, displayed the symbols used to program many of the slaves. The movie was advertised with the slogan "God made him simple...Science made him a god." This is a slogan fitting for an Illuminati member who has been programmed to think he is a god, and yet he must serve his superiors.
The Illuminati has increasingly wanted to keep their members within Illuminati family settings. They have had more problems with placing their members into families which are not part of their mind-control than they have had with children which are raised within Illum. or cult type settings. If one or both of the parents have programming, the Illuminati often weaves the programming together so that the entire family becomes one programmed dissociative mechanism.
For instance, on a ritual night the child as it is being tucked in bed will say to the mother, "MAY I HAVE A DRINK OF WATER." This is the code trigger for the mother to give a drug in a drink. The child is to say another trigger to the parent when they get the drink, then is programmed to drink the drug. The second trigger causes the parent to switch to a personality that feels compelled to get the family into the car and drive. The family all mechanically click into a series of alter switches and end up at a ritual. They mechanically trigger and reinforce each others programming as they return from the ritual, and end up at home with everyone’s front alters not knowing what the family has been involved with. Here we have an entire family whose testimony could reinforce each other that they did nothing but sleep at home that night!
There are some locations, for instance, two entire towns in southern Utah that are a strict offbeat shoot of Mormonism, which are entirely programmed multiples. There have been some television shows about entire towns being caught up in secret satanic rituals. It is true, but they also have occult mind-control programming along with those rituals. Here we see how an entire city can trigger each other’s programming and all be involved in the insanity of all this without full awareness. This is in fact, where the entire world is headed very rapidly.
While control mechanisms are put into place world-wide, the Illuminati still must keep their children isolated from the world. To successfully raise a child slave, the mind-control’s success depends upon isolation. Children involved in cult rituals do not talk to other children. If they are caught talking, the standard punishment is to tie the child to a dead child. They want their children to shut down, and only do what they are told. They want the child to respond only to the Programmer and its Mother of Darkness. They heap lots of guilt upon any child that breaks the rules of no communication. Children still manage to learn to speak with their eyes and fingers. They become skilled at this even though they know the punishment will be severe if caught.
Most people would naturally think that this topic would belong to this chapter. Actually, this topic DOES NOT belong here. But it was placed here on purpose, because its placement here will emphasize its point, while not detracting from the Cranial Manipulation and Genetic Manipulations sections of Chpt. 8.
Boarding schools not only give the elite a chance to isolate, educate, and indoctrinate their children, but it is also a great way to layer in body memories that instil a subconscious ethic of elitism. It is an attitude of elitism that allowed the Pharisees to crucify Christ, the Nazis to kill Jews, and Moslems to kill Hindus, etc.
How does this layering of body memories happen? The memories of our bodies are buried within the cells of our bodies. Therapists have known about body memories for some time now. Cellular level body memories are way beyond the grasp of the consciousness. Buried into a deep unconscious repression are the body memories of the social values (elitism) that are contained in how the social elite walk, hold a spoon and knife, how a person must stand up straight with good posture, and how the person holds and uses their facial muscles. The boarding schools teach an entire world of elite mannerisms such as "keep a stiff upper lip" to "don’t hold your knife in your left hand."
West Point performs the same programming of body memories, to insure that their West Pointers develop an elitist attitude. The effect of these body memories is to subconsciously encourage the mind into thinking that it is elite. The erect posture and military gait that this author was taught carry with them the implication of superiority. While the conscious awareness of this elitist indoctrination can be gotten in touch with and defused, there are none-the-less buried elements of body memory that resist tampering. This author would ask his fellow West Pointers, how do they feel if they walk like a general around civilians?
This type of body programming contributes to an ethic of elitism. How it is created and how it works has not escaped the detection of the elite bloodlines. This is why the British boarding schools are so strict about "good manners." Through a plebe year of bracing, the mind develops body memories of how to stand in a military brace. Some cadets are so traumatized by their first year, they never return to a normal posture. A military brace has been proven to not be the healthiest posture. It’s this author’s contention that the military brace is insisted upon for mind-control, and not for health reasons.
Victims of mind-control have been placed in many humiliating body positions, as well as many painful body positions. It takes years of slow subconscious work as well as deep massage to pull these up and work with these body memories. For instance, during the tortures to create cat/kitten alters, the children often crouch like cats. Kitten alters will retain their body memories of crouching (hunching the shoulders) like a cat. Sometimes when their masters begin to beat on kitten alters, they will reflexively crouch like a scared kitten. And what’s with the woman called Queen Sheri who has been managing the two professional wrestlers Macho King and Randy Savage? Both of these professional wrestlers are part of a "family" called the New World Order. Queen Sheri walks around in a cat costume and facial makeup that makes her look like a real wild cat. Is this wildcat a Monarch wildcat?
When controls fail, THE FINAL SOLUTION.
The World Order can send out teams of professional killers. (What’s new?) These killers often emotionally distance themselves from their victims by thinking of their "targets" as inferior forms of life that they are "liquidating", "terminating", "cleansing from this planet", etc. In 1996, a 4-member hit team took out the entire Bill Mueller family (Bill, Nancy, and 8 yr. old Sarah). Bill was a member of the Special Ops Group SOG of the Navy Seals. He had become a Patriot and a big gun dealer living in Arkansas. Someone decided he was too much of a threat and sent a team in to take not just him but his entire family out. Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc has been hired by the NWO to infiltrate the militias. This author has known in this area several disobedient slaves, and one therapist who lost their lives to assassins, as well as another one who committed suicide according to programming. But anymore what isn’t dangerous? Crossing the street and eating at a restaurant can kill you too. The reader knows this. This author also knows of several who were going to be killed but escaped. One troublemaker was to have been sacrfficed but broke free and hid, another was ritually tortured, buried alive, and left for dead, but managed to survive.
The Programmers
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