Tuesday, November 13, 2012




More and more information keeps coming to light about the real state of affairs of the advancement of science and technology than we have hitherto been told. This one was sent to me by my friend and colleague Jim Marrs, and I thought it was worth commenting upon here:
Did the Germans launch a crewed rocket into space in 1933?
Hope you caught that:
On October 29, 1933, the London Sunday Refereepublished a report from Rugen, an island in the Baltic Sea, just off the coast of Germany. Someone named Otto Fischer had flown inside a 24-foot steel rocket, to an altitude of six miles. Were the Germans really testing out a rocket that could carry people, nearly three decades before Yuri Gagarin?
Reports said that Otto was the brother of the rocket’s designer, Bruno Fischer. The flight had been made in total secrecy because of a fatal attempt at a launch the previous year, combined with the fact that the flight had been made under the auspices of the Reichswehr, the German War Ministry. The rocket, the Referee reported, had been constructed in the town of Barmbeck, near Hamburg, and transported to Rügen.
“On Sunday morning, at 6 o’clock,” the paper reported, “Otto Fischer shook hands with his brother and the small group of Reichswehr officials present to witness the experiment, and crawled into the rocket through the small steel door.
Ruegen, once again. For those who don’t know the story, this is the island where at least one alleged German atom bomb test occurred (See my Reich of the Black Sun), as witnessed by an Italian officer (Luigi Romersa), and a German pilot (Hans Zinsser), the later of whom described the signatures of a nuclear blast to his no-doubt astonished American interrogators, right down to EMP and continued combustion of nuclear fuel in a “mushroom cloud.”
Ruegen, I also noted there, was a home to the activities of one Lans von Liebenfels’ New Order of the Templars, and Liebenfels was, of course, the racist bigot ex-Catholic monk whose magazine, Ostara, was an inspiration to a young Adolf Hitler trying to eake out a living in Vienna.  The connections of the Baltic island with deep occult projects in Germany is thus long and established. Now, we add to this, a story, reported in a British newspaper, of a manned rocket flight.
While I must disagree that this accomplishment should be compared to Gagarin’s flight – after all, Gagarin was orbited – it is nonetheless a remarkable achievement…. if it occurred.
The article continues to note that Willy Ley, the German rocket scientist who defected to the USA before the war, tried to spin the whole story into something of a comic opera farce involving the City of Magdeburg, banks, and a few thousand Riechsmarks.  I’ve long held a few suspicions about Willi Ley, and the reasons for his defection, but I won’t entertain those here, except to ask the question, is such an achievement at that time really all that far-fetched?
The answer to that question lies, as always, in technology and its adaptation to new uses. In both America, Russia, and Germany, Goddard, Tsiolkovsky, and Von Braun and many others were pushing the boundaries of rocket size and payload beyond anything hitherto seen. And the promise was such that, in Germany, the Heereswaffenamt (Army Ordnance Bureau), began major backing of rockets as a prospect for long range strategic bombardment almost as soon as the Nazis took power and began secret rearmament.
The technology certainly existed: and it boils down to two basic essentials: (1) a rocket big enough to boost a payload of, say, 150-200 pounds to 30,000 feet, certainly within the capabilties of the day, and (2) a pressurized cabin able to preserve living conditions for a human being for the time period of the short duration of the flight. Germany, with its long history of investing in u-boat technology (ask the British!), certainly had the expertise to construct the latter as well.
Nothing, really, is technically unfeasible. The real question is why it would have taken so long for such a flight…and the answer again seems obvious: with the looming war clouds of World War Two, every effort had to be made to weaponize the technology, to turn it into long-range pilotless bombs… human flight in rockets would have to wait a little longer…

- Giza Death Star Community

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