Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Most important case ever - DOJ is Arguing to the Supreme Court - UN Treaties Trumps U.S. Constitution. Arguing against U.S. Sovereignty would essentially hand the U.S. over to the UN

We have entered very dangerous grounds.  The case the DOJ (Department of Justice) is arguing to the Supreme Court would in effect take away the Sovereignty of the United States and our laws.

The U.S. government is trying to argue that UN Treaties trumps and over rules the Constitution of the United States.

I want everyone to think about this.  It is very serious.  If the DOJ wins this case, the United States would essentially be a nation  under the rulings and laws of the UN.

This is not a joke and this is a back door forming the New World Order under the United Nations.

We would no longer have the rights to our local and state laws including the rights to Bear Arms.

Remember John Kerry signed the UN small arms treaty, which the Congress was against.  But he did it anyway.

We have people in the government that are giving away the country and every single right and law, we the U.S. citizens believe we live under.

Portion from article:

Justice Department attorneys are advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the government to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies such as gun control that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
Their argument is that a law implementing an international treaty signed by the U.S. allows the federal government to prosecute a criminal case that would normally be handled by state or local authorities.

If the UN at any time wanted to abolish our 3 levels of government that could happen too.  We could immediately go into a complete dictatorship without a Congress.

I would hope the Supreme Court realizes they too could lose their jobs.  The Supreme legals decisions could become the 'World Courts' compared to our Supreme court.

For those that don't know.  The U.S. handed over our national parks to the UN already, though people do not know this.  They are considered UN Biospheres and World Heritage Centers. 

Our Sovereignty as a nation literally is in the Supreme Courts hands right this moment, with this administration arguing against our Sovereignty as a Nation and against our Constitution! 

Besides that Here is Obama's "behind the scenes working on gun control" solution. He shut down the last lead smelter manufacturing business in the U.S. Now the Small Arms treaty makes even more sense... all ammo controlled shipped from one country to another. All ammo will have to be made outside the U.S. now.

A case in front of the Supreme court in 1957 was  Reid v Covert where the Supreme Court first ruled against the Constitution in regards to a foreign treaty signed by the Senate.  But it was petitioned for a re-hearing and changed their ruling for the Constitution. 

I do not have full faith in the Supreme Court to rule for our Constitution at this time due to the direction this country has been headed for the past few decades.  If they always ruled for the Constitution, then we would have a dollar backed by Gold and the Federal Reserve would not exist.  

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