Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We Are 90 Days Away from the Total Loss of US Sovereignty

truther October 2, 2013 

Dave Hodges
As America races toward her date with destiny, there is yet another “fundamentally transforming” event coming her way and that event is known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Many of us in the alternative media believe that some of the effects of the TPP will be felt before the coming war and martial law crackdown. However, after careful analysis, I am convinced that the brunt of the TPP will be felt after the America we know has been totally taken over in a post-war and post-economic collapse scenario. At the end of the day, it does not matter when the implementation of the TPP comes, because when it does, America will no longer be recognizable to anyone who has grown up in this once great country
We Are 90 Days Away from the Total Loss of US Sovereignty

“We Are Five Days Away From Fundamentally Transforming America”

Many accuse the current President of being one of the most prolific liars to ever occupy the Oval office, and he is. However, with regard to his campaign promise to transform American, made five days prior to the ignorant sheep of this country electing him to the highest office in the land, he was telling the truth and we are now seeing evidence of this promise on several fronts. However, with regard to the TPP, his promise of transformative change could not be more accurate.

The Implementation of the TPP Is Progressing By Stealth

tpp 2
Some of you are reading these words have no idea what the Trans-Pacific Partnership consists of. Some of you have never heard of it. Some of you have heard or read the term, but fail to realize the extreme danger that the implementation of this so-called trade agreement will mean to America and our way of life. A scant few are coming to realize just how dangerous the TPP truly is. For the record, the TPP is masquerading as a free trade agreement involving the US, Australia, Japan, Canada,Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Chile,  Mexico, New Zealand, Peru and Singapore.
With regard to the TPP, ignorance of the organization is understandable. We in the alternative media have not fulfilled our duty to fully explore the ramifications of the TPP because so little is publicly known.Obama has taken full advantage of the cloudy environment and is preparing to even bypass the constitutionally required approval of the Congress before implementing the TPP through a process called “fast-tracking.”

Obama Is Effectively Attempting to Bypass Congressional Approval

President Obama is indeed seeking Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority for the TPP as he is feverishly attempting to get the deal done by the end of the year. If Obama does manage to sign the agreement without Congressional approval, this would effectively neuter Congress in the final approval process. Under such an agreement, this would permit Obama to sign the trade agreement “without Congressional approval.”
When something is secret  and kept from you, it is usually very bad for you.
When something is secret and kept from you, it is usually very bad for you.
After “Fast-Tracking,” Obama would send the  finalized agreement to Congress and this would subsequently force a vote within 90 days. Congressional debate would be very  limited and no amendments would be permitted. Even if Congress wanted to protect the American worker and the American economy from devastation, they cannot if Obama obtains the power to fast-track the TPP.
obama ia m the law here
Let’s be clear, Obama is violating the separation of powers principle of the US Constitution by leaving Congress in the dark and by limiting their ability to use their Congressional powers as they would with any other legislation. The rumors of the TPP policies are so horrific that even the Kool-Aid drinkers from the Democratic party are calling on Obama to allow more transparency. Congress is asking Obama to allow for more transparency? I did not know that we passed a Constitutional amendment which states that Congress works for Obama.

The TPP Represents the Total Loss of US Sovereignty

The TPP is the brain child of the corporations. The TPP places all member nations directly under the control of the TPP instead of their respective national governments. Congress has been denied access to review any of the documents. Alan Grayson (D-FL) was granted a special exemption to view a small part of the TPP and he was told by TPP officials to keep his mouth shut as Grayson recalls that “They maintain that the text is classified information. I’m a member of Congress, but now they tell me that they don’t want me to talk to anybody about it because if I did, I’d be releasing classified information.”  Do you realize what this means? The corporate controlled TPP has granted themselves the authority to exercise the governmental power of classifying documents and Congress is included in the exclusion. Do you understand that this means we are living in a corporate dictatorship? It gets even worse.

Meet Your New Government: Monsanto and Walmart

As if it is not egregious enough that Congress is not allowed to view TPP documents, the 600 corporate officials, who form the TPP panel (e.g. corporate officials from corporations such as Monsanto and Walmart), have complete control of the development process of the TPP. Obama can view any part of the process, Congress and the American public cannot.
tpp 4
Further, a leaked chapter of the TPP speaks to the creation of a TPP Tribunal Council which will have the authority to force member nations to transform its laws, its civil procedures, its criminal procedures, even its electoral process, in order to abide by  the TPP Tribunal dictates. The bottom line, is that we are witnessing the destruction of the Constitution and the entire legal code of the United States, because once the tribunal makes a ruling with regard to a national law, there is no appeal. The Tribunal consists of unelected bureaucrats who are appointed by the creators of the TPP. The term of office for Tribunal officials is unlimited.
The most disturbing aspect of this agreement is that the TPP totally eviscerates the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution. If, for example, the State of Arizona wanted to outlaw fracking, the TPP could overrule the local legislation if it so desired. To illustrate how far this unconstitutional corporate power extends, the TPP could declare cocaine trafficking to be legal and this could not be challenged.
The TPP represents the total obliteration of American sovereignty. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention another small set of details. How long do you think it will take until the TPP imposes a draconian version of cap and trade upon the American people and small businesses? The cap and trade version of what Obama tried to get passed in the Senate, when he first took office, consisted of reducing everyone’s energy consumption by 80% and utility rates “would necessarily skyrocket.”
Please pause for just one moment and ask yourself if you like would like an 80% reduction of individual and business energy use and what that dramatic reduction of energy use would look like? The rank and file in this country would effectively be living in 1890.
This is Agenda 21 and it is being fully implemented through the backdoor. That is why the TPP is being kept from Congress and the American people.
These facts leads me to state that this President needs to be arrested and tried for treason.


Even "they" don't want the TPP.
Even “they” don’t want the TPP.
Obama’s fast tracking of the TPP is designed to be completed by the end of the year which would coincide with the commencement of many of Obama’s health care reforms.
I wish I could accurately state that the loss of sovereignty is the only threat that the TPP poses to the American people. However, to say so, would constitute a grossly inaccurate statement. Under the TPP, the alternative media will be destroyed, guns will be confiscated and the face of American employment will be forever changed in ways that you will not believe. If anything, this article has understated the threat posed to America by the TPP. The TPP is not a free trade agreement, it is a document which introduces a new era into American government. If the TPP passes, we will be living in an absolute corporate dictatorship.
These topics and more will be the subject of a follow up article to be published here later this week.
Finally, the government “officially” shut down tonight. I say let the government stay shut down. If my neighbor does not get her social security check, I will help feed her. We all need to reach out to those in need and help those who are impacted by this latest criminal action by our government. There is, however, a silver lining in a government shutdown. So long as the government is not officially operating, the TPP cannot be passed and while the government is shut down, perhaps this will give the people an opportunity to form a new government to take the place of the criminal government which has been hijacked by the central banksters who are bringing us the TPP.

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