Thursday, October 17, 2013


This has been a week for “things that make you go ‘hmmm….’”. Once again, so many of you sent me articles on this latest 3d-printing meme that I simply cannot thank all of you individually, but not to comment about it would, again, be a dereliction.
It would be a dereliction because I’ve been following the 3d printing meme, not only because of it’s role in the possible scenario that Catherine Austin Fitts, I, and some others, have been outlining, but also because it also appears to be a deliberately driven meme by the powers that be. Briefly, that scenario is that the Anglo-sphere oligarchs, in their post-Soviet era drive for the swift establishment of  a New World Order based on a unipolarity around America, were met with increasing opposition, especially since 9/11. That opposition has manifested itself in the creation of the BIRCSA entente cordiale, and with its plans for its own development bank, and that implies, eventually, its own independent international clearing and an assault on the monopoly world currency reserve status of the dollar.
This has forced, in my opinion, the Anglo-sphere oligarchs, not to abandon their long term globalist goal, but rather, simply to reschedule (i.e., postpone) it, and rethink the route to get there. Realizing that Russia and China would not be the compliant puppets they envisioned, they are now trying to retrench from the bribes offered to those countries to go along with “the plan,” the bribe being the movement of manufacturing jobs out of North America to those countries. Now, the movement of capital is flowing from the developing world back to their North American power base, and this occurs with the sudden appearance and promotion of the 3d printing meme.
In this respect, readers here will recall that I believe at least one component of this scenario – an unspoken component on the part of the elite, to be sure – is space itself, that the sudden push for bringing diverse and non-centralized manufacturing to North America may concern some long term agenda regarding space. I have even suggested the radical speculation that the elite may be under some non-terrestrial pressure to do so.
With that context in mind, consider this article from the United Kingdom’s Daily Torygraph:
Alien DNA could be ‘recreated’ on earth
Dr. Craig Venter, as the article notes, was one of the men involved in the race to map the entire human genome (I covered that story and Venter’s role in Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men),  and, let it be noted, did so from his vantage point in his private corporation. Indeed, Venter is a major contributor to the elaboration of American patent law with respect to genetically modified organisms and the technologies to map and create them.
Which makes this statement, cited in the article, all the more intriguing:
“He wrote: ‘The day is not far off when we will be able to send a robotically controlled genome sequencing unit to other planets to read the DNA sequence of any alien microbe life that may be there. If we can . . . beam them back to Earth we should be able to reconstruct their genomes.
“’The synthetic version of a Martian genome could then be used to recreate Martian life on Earth.’ “
Once again, one has here some of the elements of the Star Trek transporter system: information being sent from one place to another place, where, with the addition of the requisite materials – DNA in this case – a 3D printer simply “prints off” the life-form transmitted in the information.  And Venter is, of course, correct. It could be done.
Or has perhaps already been done. I’ve been suggesting, as a part of this “3d printing-retrenchment-space- scenario, that the technology itself emerged from the black projects world, that very world created and financed with a vast hidden system of finance, to fund the development of  secret technologies to emulate the performance of UFOs. In other words, 3d printing originated with a “secret space program”, and thus, the real capabilities of that technology in the black world probably far exceed those to which we’ve just recently been made privy, though the technology has been around for quite some time.
And that makes it very possible that it was already conceivably used in space missions, and in precisely the manner that Dr. Venter is suggesting, as a means of reproducing life forms discovered on other planets… and interestingly enough, he mentions Mars, by name…. Suppose, for a moment, one found the fossilized remains of some extraterrestrial – Martian – life form(and there’s some very suggestive evidence already in existence that they already have). Perhaps even an intelligent and self-conscious one
I certainly don’t need to spell out for readers of this site all the implications of that connection. One need only mention two thing: Cydonia, and Face on Mars. One now has entered the Brave New World of Interplanetary Jurassic Park, courtesy of Dr. Venter’s suggestion of what could be done, or, as is also possible, what has already been done.


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