More Obama False Flag Events On the Near Horizon
September 2, 2013
The British Parliament does not buy the lies of the Obama administration
which have been invented as a pretext to take America to war with Syria
and drag its allies into the conflict. The American people, by a 9 to 1
margin are not in favor of attacking Syria. As a result, Putin is
laughing at the clown that now occupies the presidency.
If at first we don’t succeed, lie, lie,
again, should become the slogan for the criminal administration that is
inhabiting the White House.
Caught Again!
Once again, Obama has been caught with
his “false flag hand” in the cookie jar. With increasing doubt over the
“official story” that Assad crossed the “red line” and used chemical
weapons against his own people has been called into question. The Obama administration
has responded by releasing the following unclassified U.S.
intelligence report disseminated on August 30thby the White House which
concluded that there was “high confidence” that Assad’s forces had used
chemical weapons several times in the last year, including the August
21st attack in the suburbs of Damascus.
“We have identified one hundred videos attributed to the attack, many of which show large numbers of bodies exhibiting physical signs consistent with, but not unique to, nerve agent exposure. The reported symptoms
of victims included unconsciousness, foaming from the nose and mouth,
constricted pupils, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty breathing. Several
of the videos show
what appear to be numerous fatalities with no visible injuries, which
is consistent with death from chemical weapons, and inconsistent with
death from small-arms, high-explosive munitions or blister agents. At
least 12 locations are portrayed in the publicly available videos, and a sampling of those videos confirmed that some were shot at the general times and locations described in the footage. physical symptoms verified by medical personnel and NGOs, and other information associated with this chemical attack.”
How does a YouTube video demonstrate “rapid heartbeat?” These murderous criminals cannot even concoct a believable cover story.

In a case of “it is as we say it is,”
the intelligence report went on to state that the Syrian opposition, who
is in actuality, the CIA backed al-Qaeda forces in the region, does not
have the “capability to manufacture 100 videos” of gas attacks upon the
Syrian people. Really? The Syrian people cannot find and use 100 videos
and upload them to YouTube? And even if Obama was telling the truth,
the CIA could certainly have created 100 YouTube videos on their own.
If the US intelligence community had
this information on August 21st, then why did it take nine days to
become publicly available? If Obama’s goal was to prevent the further
loss of innocent life in Syria, shouldn’t this information been
immediately made publicly available? Shouldn’t a copy of the report have
been made immediately available to the United Nations Security Council?
If Obama wanted British support and participation in the upcoming
American massacre of innocent Syrians, shouldn’t Obama have immediately
made this information available to Parliament BEFORE they voted to not
help Obama start WWIII?
If Obama was telling the truth in the
August 21st report, shouldn’t every media outlet in the world have been
immediately provided a copy of the evidence? Why is this evidence only
now being made available AFTER the British rejection of our failed
Syrian policies?
America, you are being asked to believe
the fiction and accept the fact that we are going to commence WWIII
based on series of YouTube videos. This kind of evidence wouldn’t even
be admissible in traffic court.
Obama Thinks the World Is Dumber Than a Box of Rocks
Falsely using videos to mislead the
American people as well as the rest of the world are not new behaviors
consistent with the past behaviors of this administration.
I seem to recall that a rogue video
was given as the reason that this administration used in order to
fabricate an excuse as to why al-Qaeda would move to kill Ambassador
Stevens and his security team nearly a year ago. Let’s reflect back to
the early days following Ambassador Stevens assassination as the
administration was clumsily attempting to establish a case for plausible
deniability for their involvement in the murder.
September 16 — Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Candy Crowley
“There was a hateful video that
was disseminated on the Internet. It had nothing to do with the United
States government, and it’s one that we find disgusting and
reprehensible. It’s been offensive to many, many people around the
world. That sparked violence in various parts of the world, including
violence directed against Western facilities including our embassies and
On CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Rice also said that, “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” Subsequently,
Susan Rice was asking the American people to buy the fiction that
Stevens was killed by a flash mob over a video that nobody watched in
the Middle East.
The more things change, the more they
stay the same. Obama is caught, once again, dipping into his false flag
playbook in order to justify more murder and more crimes against humanity.
Who Cares?
Even if Assad did use chemical weapons
against his people, and he did not, who cares? This is an internal
matter for the Syrian people to deal with. Syria has done nothing to the
United States. Syria poses no threat to anyone outside of Syria.
Has Obama appointed himself to become
the judge, jury and executioner of the world? The United States has no
right to enter into Syria no matter how many false flag attacks that
Obama manufactures.
A Bad Omen for the American People
If Obama is foolish enough to go it
alone in Syria, the American people need to be forewarned about what
could lie ahead in order that our people can move to protect themselves
from the consequences of living under this lunatic administration.
When and if Obama attacks Syria, I have
had multiple sources inform me that Putin is prepared to strike Saudi
Arabia. This could potentially stop the flow of oil from the Middle
East. The United States government would immediately move to restrict
private access to fuel in this country in order to conserve the reserves
inside of the United States. This would paralyze our economy as our
grocery stores and major retail outlets, which operate on real time
delivery principles, would be virtually empty in matter of days. Our
American way of life would end on this note.
America is facing the distinct
possibility that Obama will use multiple false flag attacks on American
soil in which Syria and possibly Iran take the blame. This would provide
Obama with the pretext and the moral high ground from which to
prosecute his war in the Middle East that he is so determined to engage
The false flag option is the most likely
outcome of all the scenarios I have considered. This simply means that
some of you who are reading these words might have to perish in order
for Obama to pursue his mandate to eradicate Syria and Iran.
We should consider that the use of a
false flag event against the American people fits the demonstrable
mentality of this administration. Secondly, Obama needs a quick and
decisive excuse to attack Syria and eventually Iran because he has some
damning skeletons trying to get out of the closet. Obama has multiple scandals hanging over his head which were brought out in one short time frame in the mainstream media duringa 30 day period in May and June.
It is apparent to all that the release of this information on these multiple scandals
was orchestrated because the release of information occurred in such a
tight time frame. Any one of the following events could be grounds for
impeachment and are far worse than anything ever done by Richard Nixon.
These scandals include but are not limited to the following:
1.The IRS spying on Obama’s political enemies.
2. The NSA spy scandal.
3. More damning information on the murder of Chris Stevens.
4. The AP reporters spy scandal.
5. Rumblings of resurfacing the Fast and Furious scandal
in which Obama and Holder shipped guns to the Mexican cartels which
have been used to kill tens of thousands including Border Patrol Agent,
Brian Terry.
6. The Michael Hastings murder.
Who Is Blackmailing Obama?
Who would have released this damning information on Obama and then made it virtually disappear from the mainstream media?
It had to be some interest who already controls the media and this
would be the banksters. These are the same banksters who desire to
preserve the Petrodollar which Iran threatens to destroy by selling oil
for gold. I predict that unless Obama can quickly get us into a war in
the Middle East, which would save the almighty Petrodollar, he will not
complete his second term and will be removed as a result of the
aforementioned scandals which are being used to blackmail Obama and
force his hand in the Middle East.
I have said it before and it bears repeating, store the essential elements that you will need to survive what is coming.
America, we are in for some very dark days as Obama will not go quietly into the night.
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