Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Breakaway Civilization You Don't Know About..., 
Topic started on 26-4-2012 @ 11:54 PM by GhostLancer
The premise of this discussion is that there exists a “breakaway civilization.” A breakaway civilization is a somewhat recent theory that somewhere along the line, in the previous century, exotic technology was discovered and/or possibly back-engineered. This technology probably originated and/or was regulated by the US government. In the last century, the US government was somewhat accountable to US citizens; thus, to prevent public knowledge of technology quite profound, that technology was *privatized.*

The privatization of technology protected it from prying eyes. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests would never need to be honored. Further, *private* technology was/is expected to be highly secret, as it deals with big corporations and proprietary rights. However, when technology leaves the hands of government, it passes into private control, and suddenly the people with the most money also happen to control the most advanced and exotic technology… with absolutely no oversight.

Let’s shift for a moment to the works of Nic Tesla, a genius that has pretty much been stripped from our historical records. You were probably not taught that it was Tesla, not Edison, who is responsible for our modern electrical system based on AC/DC. While Edison contributed to our modern day system with DC power, it was Tesla’s AC/DC that brought us truly into the electrical age. Further, Tesla invented wireless communication, wireless transmission of electricity and several other unique innovations including the hydro-electrical usage of Niagara Falls. His ideas came to him in dreams. He claimed to have DEATH RAY (Scalar) technology. Upon his death in the mid-1940s, the FBI raided his apartment and confiscated (and classified) his remaining work. To this day, although they claim otherwise, his most profound work still remains highly classified. It is suggested that you google and research Tesla. Some people have had access and probably have expanded upon his work since the 1940s.

Shifting, again, brings us to the Nazi “Bell.” Nazis supposedly created the “Bell” at the end of WWII, though it was too late to turn the tide of open warfare. Some suggest that they escaped to Antarctica with this technology and that UFO sightings were Nazi aircraft originating from a secret base in Antarctica where Germany sent earlier expeditions and claimed as their own. Is it a coincidence that the US sent a carrier task force with 2,000 marines to Antarctica in 1947 in OPERATION HIGHJUMP led by famed polar explorer Admiral Byrd? After apparently encountering fast aircraft that “can travel from pole to pole in a matter of hours,” the task force left much earlier than planned.

Roswell. The military authorized a press released definitively stating that a crashed “flying saucer” was recovered. The next day they rescinded the story. People were threatened to keep them silent. “Things” were shipped from Roswell to Wright-Patterson AFB. This is where the back-engineering of exotic technology comes into play.

So, between the profound work of Tesla and WWII Nazis (most of whom were brought to the US after WWII via PROJECT PAPERCLIP) and the possible reverse engineering of *something* recovered from Roswell… There is the strong possibility of the development of technology CLASSIFIED from the public. This technology has most likely been PRIVATIZED and has been (and is now currently) in the hands of the wealthy elite of this world.

The reason the US space program is essentially “dead” is that a secret program has been, and still is, under the control of a BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION. In other words, “they” (The Powers That Be) TPTB have had the technology to travel to other planets (possibly the stars –and planets around those stars) for decades. We might already have plush colonies and great REAL ESTATE on other worlds at this moment.

And why would they tell us? No reason. WE ARE LIKE THE INNER CITY FOLKS AFTER EVERYONE HAS LEFT FOR THE SUBURBS. Earth has become a POLLUTED NEST from which to spring and plant new civilizations.

For those of us who remain here, we will make the best (or worst) of it, fighting over petty resources. Fukishima? It doesn’t matter to them because they are on their new, pristine worlds with clean energy and unpolluted environments.

For us… We are left alone, much like tribes in remote regions that time (and civilization) have forgotten… You just put on paper exactly what I have been trying to tell people around me for years.. That is exactly what I believe.. everytime I see the news about some new discovery in space.. it is like OH YEH. SURE.. you been there already? Why have an arcaic space shuttle for LOOKS when TPTB are already everywhere? Why bother.. we do not believe the lies.. It makes me what to throw up even listening to the news. I DO NOT BELIEVE MUCH OF what they say..

I ONLY WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH.. not asking a lot...

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