Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rockefeller’s Double Game in GMO Foods and Depopulation

hey folks what have the rockafailure's & the rottenchilds  & "their" ilk  DONE for Humanity ?  ..... but parasite OFF of the WORLD !!!  ...isn't IT about Time  the rest of us ....get rid of em .        ah oh yea & "they"  can leave OUR shit at the door   :o     

Rockefeller’s Double Game in GMO Foods and Depopulation

truther August 24, 2013
In this analysis of Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas by authors Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Dr. Scott D. de Hart examines Chapter Five, Frankenfoods for the “Alchmo-vegetable” Frankenstein, outlining the nexus between the Rockefeller dynasty’s quest for Eugenics and their attempt to control the food supply. The Population Council, founded by John D. Rockefeller III, was a powerful vehicle to bring family planning – population control using “wanted children” as a banner for eugenics – to the developing world in the post-War era while Nelson Rockefeller would play a significant role in consolidating agriculture and increasing the world food supply. John D. Rockefeller III’s Agricultural Development Center would be another player.
Rockefeller’s Double Game in GMO Foods and Depopulation
Authors Farrell and de Hart, also citing heavily from F. William Engdahl’s Seeds of Destruction, point not only to an agenda to keep the population in check while creating new oligarchs of global farming and seed control, but an empire – one that the Rockefeller Foundation sketched out ahead of WWII in its sponsored Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace study that cast the United States as the new imperial giant, with the British Empire “passing the torch” and the U.S. controlling former colonies through economic schemes (i.e. World Bank, IMF, regional banks, et al.).
As if this weren’t far reaching enough, the Rockefellers have also pursued genetic modification to socially engineer mankind. GMO foods were a clear goal, according to Farrell and de Hart, who claim the family “realized that ‘science would eventually come to control the fundamental processes of biology’ [that] those associated with ‘the Rockefeller institutions saw it as the ultimate means of social control and social engineering, eugenics.’ To this end, the Rockefeller Foundation invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the 1980s, both directly and indirectly, to sponsor genetic research into food crops.”
Further, as The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology details, the Rockefeller family funded massive genetic research at numerous university departments in the aim of mastering the “Science of Man,” which would allow new applications in human contraceptives, sterilization procedures, gene targeting, endocrinology, hormonal and glandular techniques, biophysics, biochemistry and more.
In the end, those seeking control on a global scale implement their mechanism with analchemical and transformative approach, combining several agendas in a synthesis that conditions society on multiple levels, never to be the same again.

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