
You awoke today to find the world has changed again but not for the better. The same old false flag deception has been used on us again. The devious forces that do it know we know. They even reported it across the broad spectrum of popular media earlier in the year with the headline "US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report." They do like to play with their food before they eat it. So what's the big deal? This is the line in the sand for Russia. Will the Obamamites continue to rub salt into Vladimir Putin's eyes without reaction or will he stand up for his ally Assad and Syria? The answer to that question could spell Armageddon. U.S. and British naval forces are assembling in the launch zone to prepare to attack Syria. The million dollar question will be will Vladimir Putin reinforce Russian naval forces near Syria? He seems to be the only one to accept the reality of the dire consequences involved. He has to shit or get off the pot. If he gets off the pot, Russia will never be taken seriously again by the banker establishment western forces.

Backed into their corner Vladimir Putin has to risk it all or let Assad face the music alone. Though he is no Saint by any stretch of the imagination, Assad didn't use chemical weapons. The allegation clearly doesn't pass the smell test. He was gaining ground in the conflict. It was common knowledge that the use of chemical weapons was the Obamamite red line that would invite an aggressive response from above with cruise missiles and other air weapons. It's a no brainer that he stuck his finger in the light socket. There is a suppressed report in the video section that Assad's forces found chemical weapons in rebel bunkers. That makes sense. The only chance they have to win overwhelmingly is to make it look like Assad crossed the red line and get NATO air support. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The NWO bankers want Assad anyway so their vassals, the western governments, will participate in the deception.

In the search of these rebel positions we find the evidence that makes the rounds on RT Russian Television.

If these are Syrian chemical weapons, why are there English words on them?

The answer is clearly obvious. They were made in the U.S.A. You will also notice the French and possibly Dutch. These are without doubt NATO issue. So is NATO supplying Assad with chemical weapons or the rebels? Either way the source is ultimately the United States. If there is a chemical red line, America crossed it. Not only did they deploy chemical weapons in the stereotypical false flag attack, they lied to the world's citizens that the Syrian government did it. We always knew that. The proof however is in the printing. Will we allow our leaders to proceed to a point where NATO forces are in direct confrontation with Russia? Are we willing to get a taste of the BIG NUKE over a massive deception orchestrated by the NWO elites vying for global hegemony? In case you have forgotten we have a BBC documovie in the video section revealing what it's like. It's not for the squeamish. From the first third degree burn melting the insides of your child's eyeballs to the vomiting and diarrhea as your gelled insides escape out whatever hole they can muster, it's a party you want to miss.
Many chemical experts who will not be on the six o'clock news say the chemical attack video footage is faked. Stephen Johnson from the Cranfield Forensic Institute said things were too pure too white. The foam should be yellow and bloody. Other experts were Frank Gardner of the BBC, Rolf Ekeus former UN weapons inspector, Ake Sellstrom present head of UN weapons inspection team in Syria, and Charles Lister of Jane's. I wouldn't be willing to bet my life and future on the Obamamites on this. He is a liar, a cheat and a fraud. He LIES; we DIE!

Many a truth is spoken in jest. This cartoon I believe really tells us the story of the so called Syrian opposition. Are you prepared to DIE for the LIE? I doubt it. It seems the Obamamites don't have popular opinion on their side. They have a trump card to play yet. They must commit a false flag terror attack on the HOMELAND. I prefer the Republic personally. HOMELAND is a little too fascist for me. But Obama was born in a leftover holdout of the Third Reich as a provocative agent to get revenge for the Nazi's. The total coup would be to get the Yanks and the Russkies to nuke each other out, but that's conspiracy history.

Our last Google doodle led us to the DARPA balloon challenge. It appears the primary target in a false flag could very well be San Francisco if we're reading the Google tea leaves correctly. Regardless nothing stirs the masses like a little terror. The bet will be how many fall for it in the information age. We've seen too many to believe any of their lies. Fasten your seat belts boys and girls. The thief in the night is loose among us. Bolt the doors and shout like watchmen on the wall. You're all we got till they fry your eyeballs. Good Luck. God Bless.
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