Monday, January 7, 2013

Underground Bases: Part 3      

Underground Bases: Part 3

Letters From the Underground Mail Bag: Subterranean Labyrinths, Underground Bases, and Hollowed Out Norwegian Mountains
By Dr. Richard Sauder
With Commentary By Shepard Ambellas
April 30, 2012
Part 3: Exclusive Underground Base Series for (The following was excerpted from Dr. Richard Sauders book entitled Hidden in Plain Sight with permission from the author and publisher).
You can read Part 1, “Nazi Engineers, Secret U.S. Military Bases, and Elevators To The Subterranean and Submarine Depths” (Part 1)
You can read Part 2, “Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases?” (Part 2)
Early on in my research on underground bases and tunnels, I began to receive occasional postal letters, e-mail and first-hand personal anecdotes from my readers and public lecture audience members.
As the years have gone by, the letters, e-mails and personal anecdotes continue to trickle in. As you might surmise, some of the mail and stories have been most interesting. They have been so interesting, in fact, that I want to present some of that mail and information for you in this chapter. I am sure that it will interest you just as much as it has me.
I want to say that I believe there is a substantial kernel of truth in the accounts you are about to read.
I also want to say that, although I absolutely lack the time and money to travel around the country and world checking out the particulars of every last sensational story that crosses my path, I have, nevertheless, strongly relied on my research experience and knowledge of the subject matter to sift out obvious tall tales and wild stories. What remains for you to read is the credible remnant that I judge to have the ring and feel of true fact.
I have often been struck by the carefully staged and maintained illusions that we accept as the consensual reality of everyday life.
The propagandistic news on television and radio, and in the newspapers and news magazines, the many false pronouncements by government, deeply entrenched journalistic and scientific censorship, and other sources of falsehood and deceit flowing from educational and religious institutions serve to foster the mass delusion that everything is, in reality, as it appears to be.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Especially in the nether realms of underground and underwater bases and tunnels, where the operative rule is: Out of sight, out of mind!
            So without further ado, on to the underground mail bag!
Commentary (Shepard Ambellas): I myself have had the privilege to interviewDr. Richard Sauder on several occasions.
During a live radio interview. I opened up the call line to callers and requested any intel regarding this matter of underground bases. Surprisingly, a caller mentioned he lives by an underground base near Lake Erie, to my amazement Dr. Sauder was very interested and confirmed this location as a potential underground base. It was an interesting day.
Subterranean Labyrinth Beneath the NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland
Deep beneath the National Security Agency headquarters at Ft. Meade, Maryland, midway between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland lies a Top Secretsubterranean complex. In his masterful exposé of the NSA, The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford alludes to the mammoth computing center that lies beneath the NSA:
…the NSA’s enormous basement, which stretches for city blocks beneath the Headquarters-Operations Building, undoubtedly holds the largest and most advanced computer operation in the world.1
This is the electronic machinery the NSA uses to eavesdrop on electronic communications the world over, including in the United States. James Bamford says that this “basement” full of super-computers extends for “city blocks.” I am sure you will agree that that is impressively huge.
One of my sources who had been briefly stationed at Ft. Meade during the 1970s accidentally stumbled into this mammoth “basement” and fully corroborates Bamford’s account. Here is his account:
I…was transferred to the NSA on a special assignment for a few weeks. One day, while working in the “building,” I noticed a door next to the stairs by the east entrance where I came in at. There were no markings on it so I felt I could enter and not get in trouble.
I opened the door and it was a stairwell leading down. I went over to the edge and looked down between the railings. I didn’t count the number of floors down, but I had the feeling it was about 15-20 floors. It was a long way to the bottom.
I walked down one flight and there was a door on the opposite side which would be under the ground level on the east side of the building. I opened the door and stuck my head thru (sic) and looked left and right and saw a tunnel which ran clear out of sight in both directions.
It was definitely much further than the area covered by the building and parking lot at ground level. There were doors along the opposite walls spaced about 30-40 feet apart. The tunnel had concrete walls and floor with colored markings.
I looked around to see if there were any cameras and saw none, but I was not entirely comfortable being there. But I decided to check out a couple of more floors so I walked down another level and there was another door. I opened it and looked in and saw the same layout – doors and the tunnel going as far as I could see in both directions.
I went down one more floor and looked in and saw the same as the first 2 floors. In this one I saw a golf cart with 2 people on it in the distance heading my way so I left.
Even these 3 tunnels were extensive. If the other levels below had tunnels also there is a massive tunnel complex under Ft. Meade.
Now remember that this account is from the late 1970s. It would not surprise me if the complex beneath the NSA has grown even larger, deeper and more elaborate in the intervening years. Indeed, I surmise that many important government agencies and military bases are likely to have comparable, huge, underground facilities beneath them.
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The Underground Base at China Lake, California
For years the United States Navy has had a huge base at China Lake, California. In my first book, Underground Bases and Tunnels,2 I presented military documentation from 1964 indicating that the United States Army Corps of Engineers was considering constructing a huge underground cavity 4,000 feet deep beneath the sprawling China Lake facility.
As it happens, after giving a public talk a couple of years ago, I was approached by a man who told me he had been a uniformed member of the United States Navy.
We chatted for a while and when he mentioned that he had spent some time at China Lake my ears perked up. I asked him if there was an underground facility at China Lake. He said that indeed there is, and that it is impressively large and deep. I asked him if he had ever been in it, and he said that he had, though not to the deepest levels. I asked him how deep the deepest part extended.
He looked at me soberly and said very quietly, “It goes one mile deep.”
I then asked him what the underground base contains. He replied, “Weapons.”
I responded, “What sort of weaponry?”
And he answered without pausing, “Weapons more powerful than nuclear weapons.”
Upon hearing his answer I was greatly taken aback. The implications of a new generation of secret, highly secure weaponry that exceeds the destructive power of atomic and hydrogen bombs is sobering stuff, to be sure. The conversation ended soon after, as he seemed to be averse to elaborating on what he had told me.
I do not doubt the truth of what this ex-Navy man told me. China Lake has long been a major weapons research and development center for the United States Navy. His account is perfectly consonant with the other information that my research has uncovered.
Commentary (Shepard Ambellas): I was traveling through the Nevada desert on a highway when I noticed a Naval Undersea Warfare Center, thinking to myself… wow, there must be underground tunnels connecting to this desert training facility that submarines can even enter. It only seemed logical to me at the time.
Deep Beneath White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
The United States Army’s enormous missile test-firing range sprawls for many miles across the desolate deserts, hills and craggy mountain ranges of southern New Mexico. Over the years I have heard bits and pieces of fragmentary information concerning underground facilities and work beneath White Sands. The following account that I received in an e-mail from a distinctly different ex-Navy man is a fine example of the sort of thing I have in mind. He related to me a second-hand account he had received from a water well contractor in southern New Mexico, who had been hired to do some work on the missile range.
…he was talking about work he had done at WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE.
He was hired to drill 10 or 12 inch dam (sic) holes I think down to 800 to 1000 feet.
He thought nothing of it, well while drilling his bit broke thru (sic) many times. Cold air was rushing up the hole. If I recall correctly he was told not to worry about it.
He later thought to himself maybe he was drilling air shafts?
I think it is entirely possible that the well driller was brought on the base to drill air shafts for deep underground tunnels and structures. My research suggests that New Mexico is prime real estate for clandestine underground facilities – and White Sands Missile Range is right at the top of the list of candidate sites.
Underground Mag-Lev Shuttles?
This is the story that just will not go away. The rumors about super-secret, high speed, deeply buried mag-lev trains3 hurtling back and forth, deep beneath the North American continent, turn up again and again. Fellow researcher, Bill Hamilton, relayed the following second-hand account to me of an exchange between a friend and his friend.
Friend: So tell me, what’s it like to ride in one of those underground shuttles …???
Friend’s friend: VERY DAMN FAST!!! Less than one hour from Cheyanne (sic) Mountain entrance to the pentagon (sic). My calculator would tell me that was over 2000 miles an hour. Odd though, you don’t feel the speed, being totally enclosed with no windows. Anyway, there’s stuff that’s much faster, but not underground.
Friend: Wow 2000mph?? Sheesh what a ride. Do you go through some gravitational pull when you take off? Have to wear seatbelts??
Friend’s friend: There is no more gravitational pull then (sic) when you take off in a bus or train. It doesn’t suddenly go 2000 miles an hour. But it does build up faster than you’d think. You don’t have to wear seatbelts, but there are warning lights to let you know that you will be leaving, and at the other end, when you are arriving at a slowdown period. They also have overhead speakers that are used for info. You really don’t feel much. If you are in a plane, going 600 miles an hour, you get up and walk up and down aisles as if nothing was happening, right? Same on these mag-lev trains.
Can these sorts of stories be true? More to the point, is this specific story true? My research indicates that it may be. In my previous book, Underwater and Underground Bases,4 I devoted an entire chapter to documentation from the United States government concerning planned development of a mag-lev train system. After examining the evidence, I determined that, indeed, it is possible and feasible to build a mag-lev train system underground.
Can I prove that it has been done? No, I cannot. But what I can do – and have done – is demonstrate United States government interest in designing and building a mag-lev train system. I have also documented extensive underground tunneling activity by a wide variety of government and non-government agencies in recent decades and years. In my previous books, I have also provided firm documentation for a covert operations budget that runs well into the tens of billions of dollars on an annual basis.
So, considering the entire body of available evidence, which includes demonstrable government proclivities for designing and  building a mag-lev train system using the government’s own documentation, as well as massive sums of untraceable black budget funding, and the underground excavation and tunneling capabilities and technology of American industry – coupled with the persistent stories of ultra-secret, high-speed shuttle trains deep underground – I have reached the point where I believe there might be high speed, deep underground shuttle trains operating beneath North America in great secrecy, something that the American people know very little or nothing about.
Commentary (Shepard Ambellas): Mag-Lev Shuttles, WOW! These are most fascinating to me. The very idea has been stuck in my mind from the time I was a kid. The following is excerpted from a article.
The Vary High Speed Transit System (VHST)was a Rand Corporation concept that was presented to the military industrial complex in the 1970′s.
The concept was way ahead of it’s time, exactly what the secret sinister government needed to connect their vast expansions of underground bases throughout the United States and in various regions worldwide.
This could offer an explanation for some of the recent strange sounds and booms across the country.
The late (and presumably murdered) Phil Schneider spoke about what he called anElectro Magneto Leviton Train System that traveled at speeds in excess of Mach 2.
The VHST and its proposed routes, (vast advanced tunnel systems) at the time of it’s conception in the early 1970′s, fit and follow other underground base researchers findings as well as some of my own.
An interesting aspect within the Rand Corp. document is the fact that the tunnels are way to expansive to pump all of the air out at once to create the frictionless environment needed travel at speeds in excess of 10,000+ MPH.
Nuclear Genie Beneath Burlington, Massachusetts
Some years ago I happened to speak with a man who had a most unusual experience to recount from his youth. Many years ago, upon graduating from college, he took a job with a United States Federal agency which he declined to name.
His work routine was most peculiar: he would enter a perfectly ordinary looking building in the Burlington, Massachusetts area (not far north of Boston) and take a long elevator ride straight down, deep down to a secret, underground laboratory. As he described it to me, the laboratory’s work entailed testing radioactive materials and their effects on other materials.
His story has many interesting features: a secret, underground elevator shaft in a normal looking building; the long ride to an underground work area; and the existence of a secret laboratory deep below a major metropolitan area. But perhaps most interesting of all was his description of some of the more senior engineers, technicians and scientists who worked underground. Bizarrely, some of them were missing minor body parts – one man was missing a nose, another a part of a hand, and so forth.
So dedicated were they to the nuclear genie that they served that they had sacrificed parts of their bodies, due to radiation burns, in order to advance the nuclear research of the Cold War’s military-industrial complex.
This story is as impossible to conclusively prove or disprove as all the other stories that my sources have recounted to me. I simply do not have the means to go crawling around, hundreds or thousands of feet underground, to verify the salient details of everything I have been told, whether in Massachusetts, New Mexico or California. It’s just not possible, whether for me or for anyone else.
Nevertheless, the details of the story are close enough to other little bits and pieces I have gleaned here and there, from a hundred different conversations and untold myriad pieces of documentation that I have seen fit to include it here.
 Hollowed Out Norwegian Mountains
The bulk of my research on underground and underwater bases and tunnels has concentrated on American plans, capabilities projects and facilities. The reasons for this focus are two-fold: 1) I am, in the first place, a native-born-and-reared American; and 2) by dint of my long residence in the mainland United States it is more convenient for me to research American plans and activities.
That said, it has, nevertheless, come to my attention during the course of my research that the Scandinavians are some of the very best underground excavators and engineers in the world. The quality and sophistication of their work is very high.
So, it was no great surprise to me to receive a letter from a man who has been inside a mammoth, secret underground base built inside a hollow mountain in Norway. Though the letter is written on United States military stationery, I have elected not to reproduce it as an illustration out of respect for the writer’s anonymity.
I have, however, seen fit to include a cropped copy of a diagram of the interior of the base, as drawn by the writer, and included in his letter. (See Illustration 2-1.) I have very slightly edited the portion of the letter quoted below to obscure this soldier’s identity, rank and military branch.
My reserve unit was activated just prior to Operation Desert Storm. We are a Cold Weather Unit and as such we were sent to Norway to take part in a NATO War Game “Operation Battle Griffin”.
It was on this operation that I was sent to do some work inside one of several “Hollowed Out” mountains. At the time, I was a [here he names his rank- author’s note] and was picked for a work detail along with [here he identifies the other men- author’s note] to go to the Mountain. I was rather excited to go on this work detail … [excised sentence fragment – author’s note].
Before leaving to go to the mountain we were briefed and inspected which is unusual for a working detail. We were told not to try to see where we were going or which roads we would take.
Absolutely no cameras could be taken and nothing considered confidential could leave the mountain. We then left with Norwegian Escorts as they are the only ones who know which roads to take. (According to the briefing the roads crisscrossed in a maze pattern to confuse enemy tank drivers, the Norwegians knew which roads would get us there. We were put in the back of a truck in complete darkness.
It was day time but the truck was covered completely.) After driving for a while we came to a stop then heard the sound of Doors opening. We drove into the Mountain and after about a minute or so we stopped. (We were driving at a slow speed at this time.) We got out and looked around. The place was absolutely huge!
The smallest area was the entrance which a main battle Tank could easily drive through. The area we were working in was about 300 yards long and maybe 30 yards or so wide the height was about 40 feet or more. It was so big that no one felt cramped or claustaphobic (sic). We were in only one section. I have drawn a diagram of what I saw for you on the back of this letter.
The whole cavity was lined in white plastic type material. This material had various sized zippered doorways, Being curious we opened several of the zippered sections, but all we found was the solid rock of the mountain. [sentence deleted here - author’s note]. We were inside for several hours stacking gear my unit had used in the operation then left with the same formality we had come.
And here is where my source ends his letter. Brief though his account may be, it nevertheless suffices to convey something of the monstrous size of the facility that he entered. It is noteworthy that the enormous facility that he saw quite possibly was just one portion of a much larger underground base. He additionally alludes to the existence of multiple hollowed out mountains – the underground base he worked in is evidently only one of several.
Somewhere Deep Beneath The East Coast of the United States
The following was recounted to me by a man who had worked for the Army Corps of Engineers during the Vietnam War era. As part of his training on American soil, prior to his departure to Southeast Asia, he was briefly sent to tour a couple of underground bases somewhere on the East Coast of the United States.
I asked him where the bases were located and he said, “I don’t remember.” Of course, this evasive answer is likely to be a lie, presumably due to his security clearances. As you will see, his description of the facilities is sufficiently interesting that it is highly unlikely that anyone, least of all a military man, would forget their locations.
I asked him to tell me a little about the bases and he said that when they sealed up from the outside world, they could do so quite rapidly, within tenths of seconds. Massive, multi-ton reinforced doors like those on bank vaults would slam shut virtually instantaneously. Anyone who had the misfortune to be standing there would be instantly squashed like a tomato. It would all happen much too fast for anyone to react in time to escape instant death.
I asked him about the food supply, and he said that he saw hydroponic gardens in the underground bases, for growing food in the event of prolonged periods of isolation from the topside world.
And that was where our conversation ended. He clammed up and would say little more about the subterranean facilities he had visited.
But what little he did divulge was very revealing. By implication, there are contingency plans for surviving underground for the long term, sealed off from the outside world. And these plans evidently go back at least to the late 1960s to early 1970s.
Secret Bases in the National Forests in California?
I heard something along a similar line in 1995, just after I published my first book,Underground Bases and Tunnels. I was discussing my research with a middle-aged woman who had known a young Native American man in Denver, Colorado.
She told me that this young man had been quietly approached during the 1980s by officials from the Reagan administration. The officials were inquiring about obtaining non-hybrid, fertile, heirloom seeds from Native American varieties of food crops indigenous to the western states. They wanted these seeds to be taken into and stored in an underground facility then under construction in one of the National Forests in California.
Their reasoning appeared to be that the original Native American food crop varieties had more vigor, and produced better crops under adverse climate conditions, than did the less vigorous, more inbred varieties of seed available on the commercial agricultural market.
In the event of a catastrophe that disrupted growing conditions (such as nuclear war? geological upheaval? solar storms? comet and/or asteroid impacts?), they evidently wanted seed varieties that would dependably produce at least some food, so that agriculture could be reestablished, after people left the underground base.
 Underwater Base in Gulf of Mexico?
About a half year after the publication of Underwater and Underground Bases, I was contacted by a man who said he had knowledge of an unusual underwater project in the Atlantic Ocean. In response to my questioning, he elaborated a little on what he meant by Atlantic Ocean. It turned out that when he said the project was in the Atlantic Ocean he meant that it was located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean basin. This obviously potentially includes all the bays, gulfs, straits, channels and seas that comprise the greater Atlantic basin, as well as the Atlantic Ocean proper.
Upon further questioning he specified that the project was under the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, and that Parsons was the contractor. He went on to say that Parsons had purchased some specialty equipment intended for operation 2,800 feet beneath the sea floor. This was in about 1997 or so. He thought that the work was somewhere in the eastern part of the Gulf, though he could not be certain.
My source worked for a company that manufactured equipment routinely used in the underground mining and excavation industries. He handled an order from Parsons for an underground project that aroused his curiosity enough to ask a few questions.
In response to his questions he was told that the equipment was intended for a deep project beneath the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. He did not know the project’s ultimate purpose. He mentioned too that other companies had also purchased the same equipment from his company for use underwater. The equipment is distinctive enough that it clearly presupposes the presence of live human beings in the places where it is installed.
Now I cannot definitively prove or disprove the presence of a deep facility built by Parsons under the seafloor of the Gulf of Mexico in the closing years of the 20th Century. However, a story like this surely does raise a host of interesting questions.
My research has clearly demonstrated that Parsons is one of the premier underground construction firms in the United States, and that it does underground construction and tunneling for a broad range of major corporations and government agencies, including military agencies. Moreover, my research unambiguously shows that the Gulf of Mexico has been the focus of a considerable amount of deep sea drilling by the petroleum industry, as well as by academic and government oceanographers and geologists.
Furthermore, there has even been discussion in the open literature of excavating huge caverns beneath the floor of the Gulf of Mexico to store petroleum. It is also the case that the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico is covered with scores of salt domes that would be perfectly suitable for sub-sea excavation and construction of deeply buried, manned, sub-sea-floor bases.
So I do not find it hard to believe that Parsons may have simply gone ahead and quietly done what others merely talked about. Such a project would be well within the capabilities of a wealthy, powerful, technologically advanced company such as Parsons.
Indeed, my findings suggest it would not be overly problematic to excavate caverns beneath the Gulf of Mexico and put something else in them besides petroleum.
That something else could conceivably be almost anything – a secret genetic engineering laboratory, a clandestine prison, a human clone production facility, a highly-secure CIA cocaine warehouse for illegal narcotics in transit between Latin America and the multi-billion dollar North American market, a clandestine nuclear weapons store house, a joint alien-U.S. military base, a super-secure Presidential command center, a super-secure bunker for Parsons corporate executives and board directors, an ark populated with a select human population destined to survive possible apocalypse – and let your imagination run with your own possibilities.
I have heard two other second-hand anecdotal accounts of secret bases beneath the Gulf of Mexico, one purportedly in the eastern Gulf near Florida, the other in the western Gulf, near Texas. And there is also anecdotal evidence from Puerto Rican coastal waters, in the nearby Caribbean Sea, of U.S. Navy activities that are consistent with the possible construction of one or more sub-sea-floor bases there using the Rock-Site methods that I outlined in Underwater and Underground Bases.
I am inclined toward the belief that the story my corporate source told me contains a solid core of fact; that there is a clandestine undersea base beneath the Gulf of Mexico, and that Parsons was involved in its construction.
Indeed, I am beginning to suspect that there are multiple clandestine, manned, high-tech facilities buried deep beneath the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. If I had to guess, I would say that clandestine U.S. military units are involved there, one or more of the major petroleum companies and other agencies as well.
Such facilities could even house elements from the shadowy world of organized crime and neo-Nazi groups, which have been at the core of the American military-industrial-espionage apparatus beginning with Operation Paperclip in the 1940s, and continuing right down to the present day.
Thousands of “ex”-Nazis were brought to the United States after WW-II and inserted into positions of influence at the Pentagon, at NASA and in so-called “private” industry. They burrowed away and went to work, networking with each other as they infiltrated the innards of the American military-industrial-espionage complex from the inside out.
Over the years, as I have pursued my research, I have run across their trail time and again, in conversation, on the rare occasion in person, in documents in dusty archives. The Nazi imprint on the world did not die with the cessation of open armed conflict between the Axis and Allied powers in 1945. Oh no.
The Nazi movement just morphed a little bit and slithered off into another lair across the ocean, there to insinuate itself into the darkest recesses of compartmentalized secrecy, there to lick its wounds and lie in wait for another, better day— its dreams of world conquest held in abeyance for yet a little longer.

1. James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America’s Most Secret Agency(Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982).
2. Richard Sauder, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1995).
3. Mag-lev trains, i.e., magnetic levitation trains that hover and ride on a very rapidly moving magnetic field, rather than on rails.
4. Richard Sauder, Underwater and Underground Bases (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001).

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