Brandon Turbeville
In relation to the CYP2D6 enzyme, there are four classifications – Extensive Metabolizers (EM), Poor Metabolizers (PM), Intermediate Metabolizers (IM), and Ultrarapid Metabolizers (UM).
While there are potentially adverse health effects with any one of the four classifications, the focus of this article is on those who are generally PM (Poor Metabolizers). This is because these individuals have a higher chance of experiencing adverse health effects of pharmaceuticals than those with “normal” functioning EMCYP2D6 enzymes.
Of course “normal” and “deficient” are misnomers because all of these genotype categories are normal and none are truly deficient. They are only deficient in the context of pharmaceutical medication.
While this information might seem new to the general public who have been subjected to years and years of steady propaganda from the mental health and pharmaceutical industries suggesting that medication is the answer for every uncomfortable and natural human feeling or response, the fact is that these industries, as well as numerous scientists, have known about it for some time.
The connection to CYP450 enzymes and the adverse effects of psycho-pharmaceuticals has been documented in many different scientific studies. It has been demonstrated for some time that those individuals with no or poorly performing CYP450 enzymes are much more likely to suffer the side effects of antipsychotic and/or antidepressant medication. This much was explained in Yolande Lucire’s study, “Antidepressant-induced akasthisia-related homicides associated with diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP450 family.” (Source)
Recently published by Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between three of the enzymes of the CYP450 family (CYP2D6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19), akasthisia, drugs (legal, illegal, prescription, and non-prescription), violence, and the diminishing mutations in the metabolizing genes. The researchers utilized their access to individuals who were diagnosed with akathisia/serotonin toxicity related to their consumption of psychiatric medications. Out of this test population, many had a history of violence and suicidal ideation; some even committed homicide as a result.
The results of the study pointed to a clear correlation between “deficient” CYP450 enzyme activity and the experience of adverse side effects, including but not limited to: serious violence, homicide, and suicide. Indeed, the researchers concluded that “prescribing antidepressants without knowing about CYP450 genotypes is like giving blood transfusions without matching for ABO groups.”
It is important to note, however, that Big Pharma has been aware of these connections for some time, yet they, along with the mental health and medical establishments have continued to push psychiatric medications at an ever increasing rate. The Lucire researchers comment on this very aspect when discussing the results of the study. They write:
These facts and findings raise the question that many learned individuals have been posing for some time: Are the pharmaceutical companies liable for the increase in violence, suicide, and psychological damage among many members of the general population who have consumed their product?
If the makers of the drugs knew that those lacking “adequate” CYP450 enzyme function would be susceptible to serious side effects such as those mentioned above, then it would necessarily follow that they would be guilty of “Failure to warn.”
While some side effects (but certainly not all) are mentioned on the labels, in medical dictionaries, and “educational” material, nowhere is it mentioned that someone lacking the corresponding CYP450 family enzymes might be at higher risk for experiencing these side effects.
If these cases are successful, and if they are allowed to continue, it is not likely that they will stop with the Big Pharma corporations. Hospitals, medical practices, psychiatrists, and doctors are all likely to suffer the harvest of the seeds sown by the pharmaceutical companies. As Eileen Danneman of Vaccine Liberation Army writes:
The information is even known and addressed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This writer personally asked some within the profession as to the relationship between CYP450 enzymes and increased potential for side effects and was surprised to see the level of knowledge was such that the general response was that no one should be prescribed these specific types of medication without adequate testing to determine their risk potential. Certainly, this level of knowledge may not be representative of the general population of psychiatrists as no scientific poll was taken, yet it does show that this knowledge has been circulating amongst those practicing psychiatry today.
Obviously, any pharmaceutical corporation that has knowingly withheld evidence or research that may point toward a relationship between P450 enzymes and drug side effects should be subject to both prosecution and litigation. Indeed, there is virtually no doubt that they have done just that.
But what exactly would be the repercussions of such a reaction?
This is where we must be more streetwise in our responses and our demands. This is where we must be aware of the Hegelian Dialectic so often used by the control system also known as Problem-Reaction-Solution.
If the connection between CYP450 enzymes and pharmaceutical side effects become more widely publicized and lawsuits and prosecutions become more common, it is likely that the system will demand mandatory genetic testing as a prerequisite for the administration of any medications.
Because the test required to determine whether or not one is a possessor of “adequate” or “deficient” enzyme capacity is relatively cheap (around $300), noninvasive, and because Big Pharma, doctors, and psychiatrists will likely be screaming at the top of their lungs about liability, DNA testing may become routine for anyone seeking medical or psychiatric treatment. Especially if the insurance companies cover the test, which undoubtedly they will at the first sign the population is willing to walk into the trap of a covert national DNA database.
Any system that requires DNA testing is one that is bound to play right into the hands of the elitists and eugenicists that control it. While DNA testing holds a great deal of promise for human health and human progress, we cannot allow this technology to become that which enslaves us instead of that which would help set us free.
Read other articles by Brandon Turbeville here.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident. Turbeville has published over 190 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville's podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)
Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and the Big Pharma Cover-up
Dees Illustration |
It is an unfortunate reality that with
so much disinformation being spread by the media, the medical
establishment, and the pharmaceutical industries, it is becoming more
and more difficult to take at face value anything that comes out of
their mouths. Indeed, it is becoming more and more dangerous to do so.
Even the slightest claims issued from
the medical establishment, particularly from the psychiatric wing, must
be independently researched, evaluated, and reevaluated in order to
determine the accuracy, potential conflicts of interest, and hidden
agendas at play. In fact, it has become paramount that any individual
faced with an issue related to psychiatry, pharmaceuticals, or even
basic medical conditions apply himself and exercise the due diligence
required in order to understand the issue fully on his own, outside of
the “orders” and dictates of his doctor or the propaganda machine known
as the media.
One of the more foggy areas of modern
science (at least that which is presented to members of the general
public) is the study of genetics, pharmacogenetics, and genotyping. This
area is one, like many others, that shows a great deal of promise for
human health and potential; yet, also like many others, it is one that
has been beset with political and philosophical ideologies as well as
the iron-fisted control wielded by various monied corporate interests.
We must be very discerning then, about what false agendas are being promoted via the science of genetics and what are legitimate discoveries.
We must be very discerning then, about what false agendas are being promoted via the science of genetics and what are legitimate discoveries.
For instance, the medical/pharmaceutical
industries have, for years, argued that disorders like autism are
genetic, even going so far as to suggest that they have possibly
discovered the gene that causes it. Likewise, these industries have
propagandized that mental disorders such as schizophrenia and multiple
personality disorder are inherited genetically as well. However, closer
analysis of the evidence alleged to support these conclusions actually
demonstrates the exact opposite. In fact, the vast majority of real
research conducted on these types of disorders lean toward the fact that
they are environmental in nature, whether chemically induced or as
result of personal experience.
We have also witnessed the study of
genetics and heredity used to justify and promote the horrendous
eugenics agenda -- a theory and practice which is unfortunately very
much alive-and-well today. Genetics and heredity have been used to
justify the reduction of population, authoritarianism and top-down
control of the elite over the masses, and the classification of whole
groups of humans into the category of “inferior” for thousands of years,
culminating in the tragedies of Nazi Germany and continuing on to the
present day. Although moving underground and taking cover in euphemisms
and politically correct terminology after the mass rejection of the
“final solution,” eugenics has since been able to move back into the
general scientific lexicon by stealth.
so much treachery, one might be tempted to dismiss the study of
genetics altogether as merely a branch of eugenics itself. However, it
is important to remember that science can be used for good or for evil,
and that legitimate discoveries about the human genome can and have been
made in the past.
Yet it is an unfortunate reality that
many of these discoveries have been held back from the general public,
while the more fantastic notions of heredity are promoted into absurdity
and, by repetition, into the general public’s everyday discourse. This,
of course, is not by accident.
Nevertheless, it is with this in mind
that we must understand the latest discoveries and the subsequent
implications for individuals, pharmaceutical companies, and the mental
health industry at large.
Enter CYP450
CYP450 stands for the Cytochrome P450
enzymes. Scientists understand these enzymes to be responsible for
metabolizing almost half of all drugs currently on the market. P450 gene
variants (polymorphisms) are implicated in the variability in drug
response among a wide range of individuals.
These polymorphisms, which
are essentially structural changes in the human DNA, might hold the key
as to why some individuals do not respond to high doses of medication
and why other individuals may have toxic or adverse effects to the same
medication at very low doses. As the Mayo clinic Communique, Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Genotyping: Optimizing Patient Care Through Pharmacogenetics explains:
The CYP450 enzymes are a group of at least 57 different proteins that are each coded by a different gene. The CYP450 enzymes, also known as mixed function monooxygenases, are located in the microsomes of the endoplasmic reticulum in many cell types including the liver, small intestine, kidney, lung, brain, and skin. In mammals, the CYP450 enzymes are the primary catalysts for detoxification reactions that render water-insoluble molecules sufficiently water soluble to be excreted in the urine. . . . Drugs, hormones, toxins, carcinogens, mutagens, environmental pollutants, and other xenobiotics are metabolized by CYP450 enzymes.
Of the CYP450 enzyme family,
there are other more specific enzymes such as CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and
CYP2D6, etc. These three enzymes specifically are responsible for
approximately 40% of all CYP450-mediated drug metabolism. The CYP2D6
enzyme itself is responsible for the bulk of drug metabolism at around
20% to 30% of drug metabolism in the CYP450 family.
Again, referring to the Mayo clinic Communique:
Again, referring to the Mayo clinic Communique:
The CYP2D6 enzyme is the most extensively characterized polymorphic drug-metabolizing enzyme. It is responsible for hydroxylation or dealkylation of over 100 commonly prescribed drugs such as alpha-blockers, analgesics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antiemetics, antihypertensives, antiestrogens, antineoplastics, antipsyhotics, antiretrovirals, antitussives, beta- and andrenoceptor blockers, cardioactive drugs, H1 blockers, opioids, stimulants and sympathomimetics.
Highly variable, with more than 160
variants identified to date, the CYP2D6 gene is located on chromosome
22, where crossover events lead to duplication of this gene.
In relation to the CYP2D6 enzyme, there are four classifications – Extensive Metabolizers (EM), Poor Metabolizers (PM), Intermediate Metabolizers (IM), and Ultrarapid Metabolizers (UM).
(Extensive Metabolizers) are considered the “normal genotype,” “which
is free of inactivating polymorphisms, deletions, or duplications.” PM
(Poor Metabolizers) are individuals who have “deficient” enzyme
function in terms of CYP450 metabolic processes and, subsequently, have
difficulty clearing certain medications. IM (Intermediate Metabolizers)
are those who have some functioning CYP450 enzymes but are subject to
loss of the function of these enzymes after the “second hit” of
medication, thus turning them into PM. UM (Ultrarapid Metabolizers) are
those who metabolize the drug so rapidly that it clears so quickly that
there is little or none of the desired effect. In medications that
required metabolism to activate, however, UM individuals the metabolite
may be produced too quickly, resulting in toxicity and the realization
of side effects.
While there are potentially adverse health effects with any one of the four classifications, the focus of this article is on those who are generally PM (Poor Metabolizers). This is because these individuals have a higher chance of experiencing adverse health effects of pharmaceuticals than those with “normal” functioning EMCYP2D6 enzymes.
Of course “normal” and “deficient” are misnomers because all of these genotype categories are normal and none are truly deficient. They are only deficient in the context of pharmaceutical medication.
While this information might seem new to the general public who have been subjected to years and years of steady propaganda from the mental health and pharmaceutical industries suggesting that medication is the answer for every uncomfortable and natural human feeling or response, the fact is that these industries, as well as numerous scientists, have known about it for some time.
The connection to CYP450 enzymes and the adverse effects of psycho-pharmaceuticals has been documented in many different scientific studies. It has been demonstrated for some time that those individuals with no or poorly performing CYP450 enzymes are much more likely to suffer the side effects of antipsychotic and/or antidepressant medication. This much was explained in Yolande Lucire’s study, “Antidepressant-induced akasthisia-related homicides associated with diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP450 family.” (Source)
Recently published by Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between three of the enzymes of the CYP450 family (CYP2D6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19), akasthisia, drugs (legal, illegal, prescription, and non-prescription), violence, and the diminishing mutations in the metabolizing genes. The researchers utilized their access to individuals who were diagnosed with akathisia/serotonin toxicity related to their consumption of psychiatric medications. Out of this test population, many had a history of violence and suicidal ideation; some even committed homicide as a result.
The results of the study pointed to a clear correlation between “deficient” CYP450 enzyme activity and the experience of adverse side effects, including but not limited to: serious violence, homicide, and suicide. Indeed, the researchers concluded that “prescribing antidepressants without knowing about CYP450 genotypes is like giving blood transfusions without matching for ABO groups.”
It is important to note, however, that Big Pharma has been aware of these connections for some time, yet they, along with the mental health and medical establishments have continued to push psychiatric medications at an ever increasing rate. The Lucire researchers comment on this very aspect when discussing the results of the study. They write:
In the cases presented in this paper, concerning subjects with abnormal CYP450 metabolism (ie, ultrarapid and/or diminished), the antidepressant or its metabolites may have reached a toxic level in hours or days correlating with onset of intense dysphoria and akasthisia. The symptoms of toxicity were not recognized, or were ignored by patient and/or treating doctor and, in many cases, the dose of the antidepressant was increased while various “antidotes” to side effects, like sleeping pills, nausea, and pain medications, were added. They were prescribed by clinicians educated by drug company representatives, available information, and key opinion leaders who receive substantial benefits from the makers of these drugs, an issue that is coming to light with whistleblower (qui tam) cases taken by attorneys, state and federal, against the makers for fraudulent promotion. Healy (2006) has documented the details of these fraudulent promotions, but they remain outside the purview of regulatory agencies who approve, even subsidise, drugs and sanction ghost-written product information concerning their use. [emphasis added]
This has stunning implications
regarding many of the irrational acts of violence seen in modern society
by individuals who were “in the system” at one time or another.
Specifically, the number of school shootings in the United States and
the numerous cases of children killing their parents or parents killing
their children, as well as other relatively irrational and, quite
frankly, strange acts of violence.
Likewise, these findings also have dramatic implications for the increase in suicide.
It is well-known that the overwhelming majority of school shooters have been on antidepressants or other psychiatric medications before and during their rampages. So have a great deal of those who have committed suicide.
These facts and findings raise the question that many learned individuals have been posing for some time: Are the pharmaceutical companies liable for the increase in violence, suicide, and psychological damage among many members of the general population who have consumed their product?
If the makers of the drugs knew that those lacking “adequate” CYP450 enzyme function would be susceptible to serious side effects such as those mentioned above, then it would necessarily follow that they would be guilty of “Failure to warn.”
While some side effects (but certainly not all) are mentioned on the labels, in medical dictionaries, and “educational” material, nowhere is it mentioned that someone lacking the corresponding CYP450 family enzymes might be at higher risk for experiencing these side effects.
the question of “Failure to warn” on the part of the pharmaceutical
companies has already arisen in court. Litigation has already been
brought against these corporations -- specifically Eli Lilly -- alleging
that the corporation is guilty of “Failure to warn” in regards to the
side effects of Prozac. In 2002, a lawsuit was brought
against Eli Lilly alleging that the company had “failed to publicize
research showing some people are 'poor metabolizers of Prozac' and a
test can reveal if a patient might be affected.”
If these cases are successful, and if they are allowed to continue, it is not likely that they will stop with the Big Pharma corporations. Hospitals, medical practices, psychiatrists, and doctors are all likely to suffer the harvest of the seeds sown by the pharmaceutical companies. As Eileen Danneman of Vaccine Liberation Army writes:
An ‘inadvertent’ induction of TSBP or ISS by a psychiatrist can no longer serve as a credible or legal excuse for iatrogenic harm to the patient and safety risk to the public at large considering the wealth of research, science-based evidence and clinical reports since the mapping of genes and the identification of GENETIC POLYMORPHISMS OF CYTOCHROME P450 (CYP) 2D6 and other alleles since the 1980s. . .
Indeed, the connection between CYP450 enzymes and the increased risk of drug side effects is relatively well-known amongst practicing psychiatrists already. Please see the following links:Soon Hospitals and Psychiatrists will join the ranks of failed defendants, as medical malpractice attorneys become educated in the subject of gene testing and psychiatry, thereby opening up channels for multiple level litigations. Due to the ever expanding field of pharmacogentics, and the ever increasing inclusion of information on Cytochrome P450 in manufacturers’ package inserts, (specifically information on 2D6) there is no question that psychiatric directors of hospitals, mental health clinic directors and psychiatrists in general have working knowledge and have, indeed, had sufficient knowledge of genetic polymorphism of Cytochrome P450 2D6 and other alleles for the past 10-15 years. Clearly disregarding this knowledge, psychiatrists have ‘failed to warn’ their patients putting them in harms way and the public at great risk. (Source)
The information is even known and addressed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This writer personally asked some within the profession as to the relationship between CYP450 enzymes and increased potential for side effects and was surprised to see the level of knowledge was such that the general response was that no one should be prescribed these specific types of medication without adequate testing to determine their risk potential. Certainly, this level of knowledge may not be representative of the general population of psychiatrists as no scientific poll was taken, yet it does show that this knowledge has been circulating amongst those practicing psychiatry today.
Obviously, any pharmaceutical corporation that has knowingly withheld evidence or research that may point toward a relationship between P450 enzymes and drug side effects should be subject to both prosecution and litigation. Indeed, there is virtually no doubt that they have done just that.
If a massive onslaught of lawsuits,
investigations, and prosecutions are launched against Big Pharma, then
Big Pharma will get exactly what it deserves. The same with any
hospitals, doctors, or psychiatrists that knowingly treated patients
without adequate precautions.
But what exactly would be the repercussions of such a reaction?
This is where we must be more streetwise in our responses and our demands. This is where we must be aware of the Hegelian Dialectic so often used by the control system also known as Problem-Reaction-Solution.
If the connection between CYP450 enzymes and pharmaceutical side effects become more widely publicized and lawsuits and prosecutions become more common, it is likely that the system will demand mandatory genetic testing as a prerequisite for the administration of any medications.
Because the test required to determine whether or not one is a possessor of “adequate” or “deficient” enzyme capacity is relatively cheap (around $300), noninvasive, and because Big Pharma, doctors, and psychiatrists will likely be screaming at the top of their lungs about liability, DNA testing may become routine for anyone seeking medical or psychiatric treatment. Especially if the insurance companies cover the test, which undoubtedly they will at the first sign the population is willing to walk into the trap of a covert national DNA database.
While medical and psychiatric
practitioners will no doubt wish to shield themselves against liability
(which is ironic considering how virtually none of their “medicines” are
free from serious side effects) and will wish to use DNA testing as
their preferred method of doing so, those of us who still opt to consult
these individuals must also insist that these tests should never be
made mandatory. We must demand that one never be forced to submit to
such a test before receiving medication. We must suggest that, at worst,
doctors require a consent form after having adequately educated the
patient (in person and in writing) of the possible side effects so as to
allow for the doctor’s or institution’s release of liability as well as
for the privacy and rights of the individual.
Any system that requires DNA testing is one that is bound to play right into the hands of the elitists and eugenicists that control it. While DNA testing holds a great deal of promise for human health and human progress, we cannot allow this technology to become that which enslaves us instead of that which would help set us free.
In the end, the only way to truly be
safe from both the side effects and the coming attempts at coerced DNA
confiscation is to be free of the system itself. After all, one cannot
be harmed from “medication” if one does not consume it in the first
Read other articles by Brandon Turbeville here.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident. Turbeville has published over 190 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville's podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)
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