Thursday, January 3, 2013

North Korea EMP 'Red Dawn' scenario Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns of something far more calamitous than an economic crash            

North Korea EMP 'Red Dawn' scenario

Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns of something far more calamitous than an economic crash

North Korea now has an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the United States, as demonstrated by the successful launch and orbiting of a satellite on Dec. 12, the Washington Times reports.
In fact, the Times report says, “North Korea is a mortal nuclear threat to the United States – right now.”
It’s not just the threat of conventional nuclear attack that has experts worried. Nor is the North Korea invasion scenario in the remake of “Red Dawn” a realistic risk.
The real concern is that North Korea now has miniaturized nuclear weapons for ballistic missile delivery and armed missiles with nuclear warheads that could destroy the U.S. in a single blow with an EMP attack that would send America back to 19th century technology a la the NBC TV show “Revolution.”
And North Korea is hardly the only threat to destroy what some other nations and rogue players call “the Great Satan.”
Imagine if all the lights in America went off – never to come back on again.
Imagine if all the computers in America got fried – never to come back on again.
Imagine if all the cars in America dependent on fancy circuitry wouldn’t start – ever again.
Imagine if the grocery stores and the gas stations had to close up – for good.
That’s the kind of scenario an EMP attack can cause. The scenarios suggest massive starvation, lawlessness and chaos beyond anything Americans can imagine.
Thankfully, a new book is blowing the whistle on U.S. vulnerability to such a cataclysmic catastrophe.
It’s called “A Nation Forsaken” by defense expert Michael Maloof, a senior staff writer for WND.
Scientists and other experts have warned for years that the nation’s electrical grid system, together with other critical infrastructures that have an almost complete dependency on electricity and electronic components, are highly vulnerable to an electromagnetic pulse event, either from natural or manmade causes.
However, Congress and the administrations of previous and current presidents largely have ignored those warnings.
Events such as the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States, then the devastating Hurricane Katrina and more recently Hurricane Sandy revealed vulnerabilities to those infrastructures, for a time heightened that concern. Nevertheless, none of this was enough to awaken policymakers who seem more preoccupied with making you less safe by restricting your ability to get firearms.
Make no mistake about it: An EMP attack poses the biggest threat to U.S. national and economic security in our lifetime.
An electromagnetic pulse attack on our critical infrastructures, either from an impending solar storm of serious intensity expected between 2012 and 2014 or from a high-altitude nuclear explosion, could have long-term catastrophic consequences for our society and our way of life.
A few years ago, a congressional commission went into considerable depth on those consequences to our electricity-dependent infrastructures that include not only the power grid itself but also telecommunications, our banking and finance system, our transportation system that delivers the very food and water on which our society depends on a daily basis, and the fuel needed to keep our houses warm in the winter and air-conditioned during the summer.
While these critical infrastructures continue to face such an impending crisis, Congress basically has ignored its own commission report and instead has treated the threat of an electromagnetic pulse event as a political football to be weighed against the need to establish an antiballistic missile system. Out of the debate, nothing has happened in either direction.
“A Nation Forsaken” breaks down that threat. It even outlines how our own military similarly is vulnerable to an electromagnetic pulse event due to its 99-percent dependency on the nation’s electrical grid system for electricity and communications, raising the high prospect that it may not be able to function to defend the nation in its time of greatest need.
While an electromagnetic pulse event on our civilian infrastructure could be serious, it can be managed if government at the federal, state and local levels gives a high priority to undertaking preventive action to lessen its impact and enhance our ability to recover from it. Given what seems to be a perpetual gridlock in Congress, however, don’t count on it – at least not without the kind of public outcry only a book like this can prompt.
Related stories:
How-to for EMP weapons stunning accessible
Ray gun feared as America’s biggest threat
Rocket launch signaling real-life ‘Red Dawn’
U.S. electrical grid inherently vulnerable
It’s time to learn about the worst threat Americans face – something far more calamitous than an economic crash.
Get “A Nation Forsaken” by Michael Maloof and become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

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