Sunday, May 19, 2013

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Parents Demand Obama Explain Why Their Military Son Had A Muslim Cleric Curse His Funeral

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, just as Navy SEALS are dogged fighters, so are their parents. In August 2011, seventeen SEAL Team 6 members, along with twenty-one other military personnel, were shot down in Afghanistan.  Their deaths came mere months after they obeyed their Commander in Chief’s order to kill Osama bin Laden – and mere months after the Obama administration broke the code of silence about the SEALS and publicized them like crazy.  Their fighting parents, family, and friends are now going on a full frontal attack against the administration for its dangerous boastfulness before their deaths and its staggering insensitivity after they died.
On Thursday, the family members held a press conference demanding answers about the decision-making the preceded their sons’ deaths. They detailed problems with the administration’s non-stop blabbing about Team 6’s identity, the bizarre lack of control over the helicopter flight in which thirty-eight men were shot down, and lack of extra security given the chatter about the Team 6 members being targeted. They also let it be known, for the first time, that when the official military funeral took place at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, the Pentagon barred any mention of the Judeo-Christian God, but made sure to have a local Imam say a prayer – a prayer that, consistent with all Muslim statements about non-Muslims, cursed Christians as infidels.  (Sadly, the military’s own “tolerance” advisor sounds even worse when he talks about Christians.)
Karen and Billy Vaughn, whose son Aaron, died in that helicopter crash, have been especially persistent about going after the administration. (Billy Vaughn takes seriously the Spartan battle cry of “Molon Labe.”) This weekend, they appeared for an interview with Tucker Carlson. It was a riveting interview, with the Vaughns saying straight-out that the administration’s political decision to publicize SEAL Team 6’s role led directly to thirty-eight deaths, including that of their son. Mr. Vaughn also called Obama himself out for failing to explain why he protected Korans at Guantanamo, buried Osama bin Laden with a full Muslim funeral service, but refused to let the God of the American dead appear at their funeral.

Please watch the entire video interview (it’s less than 7 minutes long), but take a minute to contemplate some of the more powerful statements these grieving parents made. First, Mr. Vaughn called out the president himself for the pro-Islam double standard he’s shown:
Mr. Vaughn: I understand their [the government’s] reluctance to come forward with these answers because it’s going to be embarrassing at best. But one answer that they can come forth with right now is, on Thursday, we exposed a video of the ramp ceremony at Bagram Airbase. The parents’ beef is not with Islam or with the imam who prayed. It is with the United States government and the people in the military who allowed this.
And so far, since Thursday, there’s been no statement from the White House or from the Pentagon — an apology. So it’s too late for an apology.
“Now, what I’d like you to do as Commander in Chief, Mr. President, I’d like you to step forward, be a man, and defend the policy that in this United States government that allows the body of a slain warrior to be desecrated and allows the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to be mocked. That is the God of our son and the God of our family, and we want you to step forward and we want that person who allowed that policy (or where that policy comes from) to defend it. Please do that . . . just as you showed outrage when the Korans were burned. Just as this administration made sure to show the American people how much you honored Osama Bin Laden’s body. Tell us why you didn’t do the same for slain American warriors, Mr. President.”
Then, Mrs. Vaughn said that she’s absolutely certain that it was the administration’s non-stop boasting about Seal Team 6’s role in Osama bin Laden’s killing that painting a target on her son’s back. In response to Carlson’s question about whether that boasting increased the risks for the SEALS and their families, Mrs. Vaughn gave an emphatic “yes”:
We don’t just believe it did, Tucker, we know it did. Aaron actually called me within twenty-four hours of Joe Biden outing the Navy SEALs and said, “Mom, listen you need to wipe your social media clean. I mean, get everything off of it.” His voice was very nervous. I said, “Absolutely, son. What’s going on?” And he said, “Mom, listen, there’s chatter and all of our lives are in danger including yours.” So we absolutely know that they put a target on our son’s back. And we know a lot of facts that were happening in Afghanistan at that time, where we have evidence that this Team was being sought after, and more evidence is coming out every day. Of course it’s being sought after, when you release that they’re the ones that killed the most high-ranking figure in Al Qaeda’s history. So yes, they absolutely put a target on their back.
Mr. Vaughn chimed in to say that the views the bereaved families are expressing about the administration’s role in their sons’, fathers’, brothers’) deaths is not just Monday morning quarterbacking. Even before the seventeen SEALS and twenty-one other military personnel died, people were expressing concern:
Tucker, there’s actually video of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates making that statement that the members of the Special Ops community were worried now for their safety and worried for the safety of their families, so absolutely.
These families sent their children off to fight for the United States. They did not send them off as sacrifices to Obama’s political ambition. As the fecal matter rains down on the Obama administration because of the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, and the AP scandal, it’s important that people also remember the SEAL Team 6 scandal and keep up the pressure on that one too.

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