HSEEP Hospital / Victim Breakdown List and Public Information / Media Release
1030_Hospital (Word Doc)
[Protective Marking]
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
[Full Exercise Name]
Hospital/Victim Breakdown List [Exercise Name Continued]
The Hospital/Victim Breakdown List should contain the hospitals that are participating in the exercise, the number of actor victims that will be prestaged at each hospital (if applicable), the number of actor victims that will be transported from the exercise site to each hospital, and the number of victim actors that will be exhibiting various levels of symptoms.
[Hospital Victims at Hospital Victims Transported from Site Mild/Moderate Severe Severe/Trauma Psychosomatic]The Hospital/Victim Breakdown List should contain the hospitals that are participating in the exercise, the number of actor victims that will be prestaged at each hospital (if applicable), the number of actor victims that will be transported from the exercise site to each hospital, and the number of victim actors that will be exhibiting various levels of symptoms.
Victims at Hospital
Victims Transported from Site
1 [Jurisdiction]
From HSEEP Vol. IVDocument (Word Doc)
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
[Full Exercise Name]
Public Information/Media Release [Exercise Name Continued]
[Date][The Public Information/Media Release should be disseminated to the public and/or media before exercise conduct. It should contain a brief overview of the exercise, including the purpose and scope of the exercise, a synopsis of the scenario (without identifying the threat/hazard/ agent), and participating agencies/organizations.]
[Agency/jurisdiction]’s exercise is a [exercise type]. This exercise will focus primarily on preparing emergency responders to effectively respond to [scenario].
As part of the exercise, the [agency/jurisdiction]’s response to the incident will be examined as well as its interaction with other agencies and assets that will respond. Evaluators will offer comments, which will be compiled in an After Action Report and Improvement Plan with recommendations for future training, equipment, and response procedures.
The purpose of this exercise is to provide participants with an opportunity to evaluate current response concepts, plans, and capabilities for responding to a [scenario]. The exercise will focus on key local emergency responder coordination, critical decisions, and integration of the State and Federal assets necessary to save lives and protect the public following a [scenario].
This exercise is a [length of play] interagency exercise focused on the [scenario]. It will be conducted in a no-fault, no inspection, learning environment as a valuable training tool for response personnel.
[Provide a brief description of the scenario.]
The following agencies and organizations will participate in the exercise:
• Agency
Contact Information
For more information on this exercise, please contact:
[Exercise Point of Contact]
1 [Jurisdiction]
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