how long folks you think "they" R gonna ALLOW us to keep passing INFO 2 each other ? ...especially since A LOT of People are NOW starting 2 blow "their" 'black/false flag' Ops OUTTA the water so quickly !!! NOW the ~ "tin foil hatters" ~ R the 1's who believe anything the Gov. & "their" media whores spew out. :o the only
his speech yesterday, Obama said that information available online
fuels ‘violent agendas’ through ‘hateful propaganda’ that drives
terrorism. Warning that ‘internet materials’ are fueling domestic terror
threats and actually causing people to go out and commit mass acts of
terrorism, Obama is once again following in the footsteps of his fellow
control freak associates in assaulting the openness of the internet that
is now a hot spring for alternative news amid the frozen depths of the
mainstream media.
In the speech, Obama said:
Obama’s latest speech is similar to his previous, in which he warns against those who question what he calls our ‘brave’ new government and warn of tyranny and corruption within it. The bottom line is that Obama is setting the stage here, as he has been for quite a while along with others, for an informational crusade against websites and blogs that dare to criticize government. Already labeled as ‘conspiracy’ and ‘extremist’ websites for even asking the simplest questions of government, the fight against net neutrality and alternative news sources is about to be taken to a whole new level.
‘Domestic Terrorism’
‘violent agendas’ & ‘hateful propaganda’ IS coming ? outta D.C. (degenerate city) & 'their' "elite" buds :OInternet Control: Obama Blames Internet for ‘Domestic Terrorism’
In another verbal assault on net neutrality, Obama is now warning that both recent and future acts of terrorism stem from the accessibility of information on the internet.In the speech, Obama said:
“Today, a person can consume hateful propaganda, commit themselves to a violent agenda and learn how to kill without leaving their home.”The simple reality is that the internet is the largest threat to corrupt government officials. It’s how we managed to break open the entire IRS scandal that has blown up in Obama’s face and led to calls for criminal action against top officials responsible for targeting Constitution-based groups with phony financial assaults. It’s also how we know about the truth surrounding Benghazi and what went down there. An event that has also generated serious awareness and even calls for impeachment.
Internet-Based Alt News Growing At Record Levels
So it should come as no surprise to find that Obama and others want the internet to be not only monitored by the government, but regulated as well. By using the ever-looming threat of domestic terrorism, it is simple to trace back extremists to certain internet sites that can be used as catalysts to enact legislation that endangers and annihilates internet freedom. Specifically, people like myself and others can be targeted in these crackdowns in order to give alternative news sources a bad name.Obama’s latest speech is similar to his previous, in which he warns against those who question what he calls our ‘brave’ new government and warn of tyranny and corruption within it. The bottom line is that Obama is setting the stage here, as he has been for quite a while along with others, for an informational crusade against websites and blogs that dare to criticize government. Already labeled as ‘conspiracy’ and ‘extremist’ websites for even asking the simplest questions of government, the fight against net neutrality and alternative news sources is about to be taken to a whole new level.
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