I saw the woolwich psy op as so transparent and stupid I did not want to bother pointing out the obvious flaws in the story. Farganne made it clear that I should. So here it is-jim stone http://countdowntozerotime.org/2013/05/30/i-saw-the-woolwich-psy-op-as-so-transparent-and-stupid-i-did-not-want-to-bother-pointing-out-the-obvious-flaws-in-the-story-farganne-made-it-clear-that-i-should-so-here-it-is-jim-stone/
Here we have the scene with no blood, and the body in the roadOh, but the camera angle could hide it, right. How about another angle, and notice here, the car is sitting by a fence, out in the open, with no bushes anywhere near it. Where the * are the bushes they supposedly hacked this guy under? Where is the blood?
Still not convinced? How about this?
And now, to the Queen of England:
You are a criminal, the public face of the worst crime family in HISTORY, with an arrogance so huge it calls itself a KINGDOM. YOU FRONTED THIS. And why? For what reason did you need to backstab Muslims, who, as it turns out, seem to end up being perpetually innocent? The worst thing you can do to ANYONE is to perpetrate a crime and then point the finger at the innocent. YOU should be dragged through the streets and lynched. Interesting how it is that whenever one of these scams is brought to light, it always ends up being the one claiming to be the victim that is the perpetrator. Your soldier is alive and well. (the rest of this has been edited out).
I am not wasting time on the Woolwich psy op
This one was too stupid to deal with. My first post regarding this topic is down the page. This psy op is so transparently fake I don´t want to waste time going over what others are pointing out, but I have one observation here for others to run with – When the helicopter flies over, you can see blood where they supposedly dragged their victim from under the bushes to the road. That blood is NOT THERE in the videos shot before the helicopter arrived, and ALL video is AFTER they drag their supposed victim into the road. That´s one obvious set up team blooper. In Hollywood, that’s what is called a continuity error and they get made all the time in movies, with movie producers trying to keep them down to a minimum in the hopes that no one will notice. original linkSURPRISE SURPRISE FOR THE ATTACK IN FRANCE OH HUM-WHAT A COINCIDENCE(I DONT AGREE WITH ALL THIS REPORT BUT ITS OBVIOUS WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A NEW PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN JUST BEFORE WW3)
Once again we see that intelligence services, hamstrung by
political correctness and wishful thinking about Islam and jihad, as
well as deeply compromised by Islamic supremacist agitators and
infiltrators, are essentially useless. “‘Radical Muslim who stabbed
French soldier was known to intelligence,’” by Henry Samuel in the
Telegraph, May 29:…
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