Sunday, May 19, 2013

British National Archives Confirm Obama Sr. Had A Child in 1961 Kenya

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British National Archives Confirm Obama Sr. Had A Child in 1961 Kenya

With President Obama’s 2012 reelection, a lot of the heat and energy went out of the ongoing debate about his place of birth. He’d already been president for almost four years and, to those disheartened by his presidency, it looked as if another grim four years was inevitable. So-called “birthers” were marginalized, and continued to be saw as other more immediately inflammatory issues took front and center: the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attack immediately preceding the election; the election itself; the Brennan, Hagel, and Kerry nominations; the Sandy Hook shooting; the gun control debate; and, of course, the perpetually sagging economy, which saw a peculiar uptick in the stock market even as the rest of the economy, including the employment market, sank below stagnant.
During this busy time, one that was not receptive to news about the circumstances of Obama’s birth, a man named Dan Crosby, who publishes at The Daily Pen, wrote that he went searching for Barack Obama senior in the colonial records kept in the British National Archives, a repository of official documents, including colonial documents, that goes back one thousand years. Writing in mid-2012, Crosby claims to have found proof that the Kenyan Copy of Certification of Registration of Birth filed in one of the first “birther” lawsuits is not a fake, because it is confirmed by handwritten original records in the BNA.
Some of you may remember that, back in 2009, a group of people questioning Obama’s birth narrative filed with the court a copy of what they contended was an original Kenyan Copy of Certification of Registration of Birth (“CCRB”) showing Barack Obama’s birth in Kenya.
Purported Kenyan Birth Certificate
Obama supporters instantly, and successfully, argued that the paper document was a forgery. They said that it was a primitive re-working of an Australian birth certificate, and that a blogger named Bomford had proved this point. Crosby, however, asserts that the document that Obama’s supporters produced to counter the Kenyan birth certificate narrative also came from the BNA. Their hope, Crosby says, which was realized, was to create such a swirl of confusion around the alleged Obama CCRB that no one could possibly know what was real and what was faked.
According to Crosby, though, the records in the BNA confirm that Barack H. Obama (aka Obama, Sr.) registered the birth of a son in Kenya in 1961. Crosby makes the following statement about records found in the BNA:
The books containing hand written line records of vital events attributed to Obama are contained in Series RG36 of the Family Records section in the Kew branch of the BNA. The hand written line records first discovered in 2009, indicate several events were registered to the name Barack Obama (appears to be handwritten and spelled “Burack” and “Biraq”) beginning in 1953 and include two births recorded in 1958 and 1960, a marriage license registration in 1954 and a birth in 1961. The books containing hand written line records of vital events attributed to Obama are contained in Series RG36 of the Family Records section in the Kew branch of the BNA. The hand written line records first discovered in 2009, indicate several events were registered to the name Barack Obama (appears to be handwritten and spelled “Burack” and “Biraq”) beginning in 1953 and include two births recorded in 1958 and 1960, a marriage license registration in 1954 and a birth in 1961. Barack Obama is said to have died in 1982 and had married at least once more in Kenya and had at least one more child in 1968, but no record of these were found in the BNA because, according to the Archives’ desk reference, the events occurred after Kenya achieved independence from British colonial rule in 1963.
To date, Barack Obama II is the only known alleged son of Obama Sr. born after 1960 and before the independence of Kenya became official in 1963.
Crosby also alleges that, while the documents were once freely available, after Hillary made a visit to the BNA in 2009, the BNA changed its policy, and refused to allow anyone access to the documents. They now had “privileged” status.
One of the most compelling points Crosby makes is the fact that, even though Obama, Sr. was trying to remain in America in the weeks after President Obama was born, he never mentioned anywhere that he had an “anchor” baby. It’s certainly a peculiar omission. Thus, says Crosby,
On August 31st, 1961, just weeks after Obama’s birth was allegedly registered in a regional office of the Hawaiian Health Department, Obama the elder neglected to name his newborn son on an application for extension of his temporary visa to stay in the U.S.
The above narrative is an intriguing one. However, because it’s based solely upon one man’s claims about official documents that he saw, but neither photocopied nor photographed, it has no evidentiary weight. It’s just . . . interesting.
In the absence of credible documentary evidence, the most intriguing argument Crosby makes has nothing to do with alleged Kenyan birth certificates, and a great deal to do with the fact that Obama, Sr., although apparently anxious to remain in America, made no mention of an American wife or child. That is a head-scratcher. It indicates either that Obama, Sr., did not have a wife or child (blowing to pieces Obama’s political narrative about having one foot in Africa and one in America) or it means that Obama, Sr., even if he had a baby, did not have an American anchor baby.
The above is not proof of anything. It does indicate, however, that there are inquiries still to be made about a man who, at every stage in his life, has concealed or lied about himself and his origins. Considering that America handed this man the keys to the kingdom, it’s very disturbing how little we actually know about him, including whether he met the most basic qualification for becoming president of the United States.

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