Monday, May 20, 2013

Obama's Federal Gestapo Is Going Down

Dummycrooks  & Republithugs's say whatever the fuck you want! r 2 sides of the SAME coin !      D+R = ass pipe    :o      & that's not "rain"  falling ALL over Our Land ....folks                                        

Obama's Federal Gestapo Is Going Down

Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:57

By J.B. Williams
May 18, 2013
White House propaganda secretary Jay Carney finally said something that was true, which I can agree with… “This is not a scandal” referring to the IRS gestapo operations run by Obama henchmen.
He’s right, it isn’t a scandal. A scandal is something to read in the supermarket tabloid for entertainment value. No, this is a full-blown conspiracy to use the full weight and power of all federal agencies to go after and destroy all political opponents of “the one” Barack Hussein Obama.
No matter who you ask about what in this administration, you get the same answer…. “We know nothing!
The current story involving Obama’s use of the IRS to target political opposition via going after more than 500 patriotic action groups, their donors and their volunteers, is but one piece of a much larger conspiracy to destroy the United States beginning with all who would stand in the way of that agenda.
Yes, the administration has been using the IRS to target all political oppositionsince taking office in 2009. They went after Tea Party, 912, Patriot, Liberty, Christian, conservative, republican, constitutional, pro-life and anti-global governance organizations.
These efforts were aimed at blocking “tax exempt” fund raising by placing the groups 501 status on hold. But they were also used to acquire lists of donors, officers and volunteers, individual American citizens who were then targeted for audits and delays in their individual tax refunds, a deeper attempt to cut-off the life blood of any political movement, the funding, and intimidate those who stand opposed to Obama.
Heads should roll on the IRS story, starting with everyone in that agencyinvolved in carrying out these operations, those in control of the agency at the time those orders were issued to staff, and every member of congress or the administration who pushed the IRS to act in gestapo fashion as nothing more than a tool for the Democrat Party and Obama Administration. Nothing short of broad criminal prosecution is going to do on this matter.
However, the IRS story is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…
It has also come to light that Obama’s so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) has been tapping the phones of journalists in the Associated Press (AP) and I suspect that when that investigation gets into full swing, we will learn that Holder’s DOJ was tapping journalists well beyond the AP, as well as republican members of congress.
The IRS story has been reported by independent sources since the gestapo operation began in 2009. The main stream press ignored it all until the main stream press found themselves in the crosshairs of the most criminally corrupt administration in U.S. history.
Once the press found itself a target of the Obama administration via Holder’s DOJ, the main stream press had a sudden interest in multiple “scandals” they had ignored or covered up for more than four years… Benghazi, the downing ofSEAL Team 6 on Extortion 17, the IRS story, etc.
But oh, there is more…
It has been reported by independent sources and ignored by the main stream press for over four years now that Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had turned all of its assets on Obama’s political opponents as well.
In a publicly circulated operational report, Obama’s DHS openly sought to identify every freedom loving constitutionally grounded American citizen as a “right-wing extremist” and “potential domestic terrorist…” as REAL Islamic terrorists were being imported to America by the Obama Administration, accounting for FIVE known successful terror strikes on U.S. soil thus far on Obama’s watch.
These anti-American witch hunts have been passed down through the ranks of federal, state and local law enforcement and today, we see these organizations created and paid to “Protect and Serve” American citizens using their authority and power to attack, disarm, incarcerate and sometimes kill innocent law-abiding Americans.
Obama’s Department of Defense (DOD) has been assaulting the U.S. Military through suicidal Rules of Engagement (ROE), Muslim infiltrations and gay social experiments since 2009. They have American blood all over their hands in Afghanistan, Iraq and Benghazi and will likely be found responsible for the unnecessary death of 30 American soldiers in the downing of SEAL Team 6 in Extortion 17.
We will soon learn that the Obama Administration used the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to run cover for the most massive federal election fraud in U.S. history which resulted in stolen elections in 2008 and 2012, funded by hundreds of millions in illegal campaign donations from foreign sources, most of it from all over the Middle East.
We will learn that Obama has been using the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to target political opponents in the corporate world of American free enterprise too. More shoes will drop over the coming days and weeks.
Obama has used the Treasury Department to run up more than $17 trillion in U.S. debt and more than $87 trillion in unfunded U.S. liabilities, all of which threatens to destroy the entire U.S. economic system and the U.S. dollar.
Yes indeed, Obama has been a busy little beaver in his mission to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” and he is indeed, “standing with Islam” just as he promised he would in his ego-driven autobiographies and his 2008 campaign for dictatorial power.
So, let’s sum it all up here….
Imagine what would have happened if George W. Bush had done the following….
 Used the FEC to cover up massive election fraud
 Used DHS to identify all Democrats and Liberals as “extremists” and “potential terrorists” setting the entire intelligence, military and law enforcement community on a mission to arrest, disarm, incarcerate and kill if necessary, all Democrats and Liberals
 Used the IRS to block ALL left-leaning 501 political action committees of just George Soros alone, stopping the billions poured into left-wing causes by simply using the IRS to go after those groups and all of their donors
 Used the DOJ to wiretap all journalists to control the messaging like Goebbels, and then wiretap all Democrat members of congress in their private chambers in order to hear their every conversation
 Used the DOD to dismantle and destroy the U.S. Military, leaving our soldiers like sitting ducks under insane ROE on the field of battle and leaving our diplomats unprotected and behind
 Used the SEC to go after Democrat companies like Progressive Insurance, GEICO, Microsoft and every film and music enterprise in Hollywood
 And then used the Treasury Department to destroy the U.S. economy and even the U.S. currency so that no “middle class” voter could find a job
 All while importing known terrorists from around the globe, killing millions of Natural Born Americans via abortion and making room for millions of illegal aliens with an anti-American vision for America…
What would American Democrats have done to George W. Bush had he done what the Obama Administration has been doing ever since illegally seizing control of the federal government on January 20, 2009?
In America, any one of these criminal acts would rise to the level of impeachment in a heartbeat. But all of these acts combined, advanced by numerous key actors and hundreds if not thousands of useful idiots, rises to the level of conspiracy to commit treason. An act punishable by death!
It can no longer be denied or ignored; our nation is under siege…


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