Monday, May 20, 2013

FBI admits they ignored Russia's warnings on Tsarnaev

тамерлан царнаев терроризм сша Tamerlan Tsarnaev

US Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller (FBI) on Thursday admitted that the FBI had failed to respond to information about suspected Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev's trip to Russia last year.

Russian intelligence services had alerted the US about Tsarnaev's turn toward radical Islam.
A notice was sent to a member of the US Justice Department's Joint Terrorism Task Force, but no action was taken, FBI Director Robert Mueller stated in congressional testimony on Thursday, Politico reported.

John Robles
The unprecedented refusal by authorities all over the US to bury Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and quietly be done with it has once again underlined the American thirst for revenge and the disrespect for the sanctity of life and the dead. Sure no one wants to be buried next to a monster but civilized intelligent societies do not play games with corpses and unfortunately that is a fact. While the US has buried thousands of mass murderers and psychopaths, with little fanfare, for some reason, this young Muslim, who showed the fallacy of the police state, has not been offered the same regard. Sure he was evil, but you don’t play politics with a corpse.
The disgrace of the Tsarnaev burial debacle is a story most Americans would want to go away as quickly as possible (move along nothing to see here), some publications even openly saying as much with the Boston Globe even going so far as to publish a piece titled “It’s time to bury this story”. Of course it is time to bury the story because it is a very uncomfortable one for Americans as it shows the complete idiocy and lack of common human decency that exists in the American masses.
The author of the Boston Globe article (Perhaps he was playing with words when he titled it?) cites the author of the book “Payback: The Case for Revenge” one Thane Rosenbaum as saying: “There’s a difference between an ordinary crime and an atrocity. Someone went to the hardware store and picked out nails and bolts and ball bearings for the purpose of dismembering children. They knew the purpose was not just to kill but to dismember. The atrocious deserve very different treatment. They deserve to be ostracized and banished from the community.”
Sure what Tamerlan Tsarnaev did was an atrocity (assuming he was in fact guilty of the crime as he was still only a suspect, a fact few wish to be reminded of), no one would argue to the contrary, yet civilized intelligent humans would not do something as distasteful as then playing revenge with a corpse.
The fact that Tamerlan died a horrendous death, being shot by police and run over by his own brother, apparently was not enough for the American thirst for blood and revenge and by not allowing him to be quietly be buried we are once again reminded of that particular characteristic of the “American experience”: the love and enthusiasm for bloody revenge, at once appalling and disgraceful and made even more so by the self-righteous indignation and the holier-than-thou-zeal with which it is sought.
The refusal by officials in the US to allow Tamerlan to be buried has had a resonance around the world and the spectacle of a body rotting away and waiting to be buried being refused left and right has the world’s population again focused on the idiocy of the American people.
The refusal to bury Tamerlan was unprecedented, as every type of killer, pedophile, rapist, mass murderer and even those guilty of treason are buried somewhere when they die. Usually it is done quietly in a prison cemetery or some other obscure location, perhaps in an unmarked grave, as the Jackal was buried in France and as the Boston Globe notes: “Albert DeSalvo, the Boston Strangler, confessed to 12 murders during a crime wave that ranks among the most famous and heinous in American history. Yet he is interred at Puritan Lawn Memorial Park in Peabody, Massachusetts.”
There are of course others:
Ted Bundy who confessed to killing over 30 women was cremated and his ashes spread over the Cascade Mountains in Washington, according to his own wishes.
John Wayne Gacy who killed 33 young men and boys was quietly cremated although it was later learned a psychiatrist saved part of his brain in a basement for years.
Jeffrey Dahmer, responsible for the deaths of 16 people and whose crimes included cannibalism and necrophilia was cremated after much debate over what to do with his brain which had been saved in a jar.
John Geoghan, the defrocked priest who molested more than 150 children was buried in Massachusetts in the same cemetery as many of the Kennedy clan.
Jim Jones responsible for over 900 deaths was quietly cremated in Dover, Maryland.
David Koresh the infamous Branch Davidian leader who was buried a month after being shot in the head by federal agents was laid to rest in Tyler Texas.
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the Columbine killers who killed 12 classmates and a teacher were cremated and buried respectively.
Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School killer who killed his own mother and then 20 first graders and 6 school staff was buried under private arrangements organized by his father.
Osama Bin Laden, even though his body was thrown off a ship at sea, the US government vehemently claimed he was buried following 24 hours of death according to Muslim tradition.
US home-grown terrorist Timothy McVeigh who killed 168 people was almost buried as a war hero at Arlington National Cemetery before being cremated, the US even passed a law to stop him from being buried at Arlington.
Lee Harvey Oswald was buried twice in Fort Worth Texas, the second time after being exhumed.
So we see death row inmates, presidential assassins, cannibals, mass murderers and terrorists of all kind get a normal burial all over the US alongside other “normal” people. So why the disgraceful treatment of Tamerlan Tsarnaev?
Some say the idea of honoring the dead would be violated and the dead desecrated by burying a monster amongst them. That is an argument which may be valid as no one would want to be buried next to Oswald or Hitler, whose remains were flushed into the sewer by the way, but why desecrate the living by playing games and politics with a corpse?
What Tamerlan reportedly did was horrible there can be no doubt, but what he did was not as bad as others who received respect in death. Part of the reason is the American lust for revenge, something they were robbed of when Tamerlan died. There would be no sensational trial, where he and his family would have been demonized daily and the American populace could feed on all of the gory details of the case, there would be no execution at the hands of the “civilized” state, satisfying the blood lust for revenge. By dying Tamerlan did what was worst of all, he robbed Americans of revenge so what did they have left? Take revenge on a corpse.
Why was this acceptable in the case of Tamerlan? Well like all of the men at Guantanamo who are being held for nothing, Tamerlan was Muslim. Americans are aware that Muslims should be buried within 24 hours of death, so this was a way of getting back at the religion most demonized and hated by Americans.
Tamerlan was also from Russia, another country continually demonized by the West. So what could be worse than a Muslim from Russia who tricked the American authorities and showed Americans what a complete failure their beloved security state is? What could be worse? One who died before revenge could be had, that’s what. So once again Americans have done worlds to offend and insult Muslims and have once again made another martyr out of a sick individual all in their pursuit of revenge.
It is also important to note that Tamerlan and his family had renounced Russia and were living in the United States with asylum and that Tamerlan was raised in America and was in fact a home-grown terrorist, also robbing Americans of the chance to transfer the blame to Russia. To make things worse the US authorities were warned by Russia about Tamerlan. So strike three there as well.
The endless debate over what to do with the body has been positive in one regard for those in power, it has taken the focus off the authorities who allowed the attack to occur. It has also overshadowed any reports as to the victims whom the American populace is not really interested in. What about all of the people who were injured and had to have amputations and whose lives were shattered? Where were the press reports about them while the mass media focused on a rotting corpse nobody wants? Bury it and be done with it should have been the call.
This aspect of the American psyche, this lust for revenge and disrespect for the dead is only outdone by the American disrespect for the living, if those living are “different”, or “Muslim”, or “brown”. This goes back to the very foundations of America, and I have said this many times, a country founded on genocide and built by slaves on stolen lands will never be “normal” or “moral”.
Just as Americans reveled in the deaths of the indigenous people (The remains of Geronimo are still kept as souvenirs by the Skull and Bones Society), displaying heads for months on stakes, and keeping body parts as trophies (something still done today in Afghanistan for example), the sheer joy obtained by many Americans when someone “evil” is killed is unparalleled anywhere in the world and if that joy and lust can not be satiated by the act of taking the life then the next best thing is playing with the corpse.
All of this begs a question asked by the peaceful Indians who met the Europeans with open arms: “Who is the real savage?”
Voice of Russia, DPA, Politico

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