Martin Armstrong Asks: "Is There Something Behind The Power Outage In Washington DC?"
Now, as the reader will see, the Washington DC area is not the only area that has experienced these weird power outages. Turkey, Italy, and the Netherlands have both suffered them. In all cases, the official explanations, when they're forthcoming at all, seem less than convincing. Consider the explanation for the Washington DC outage, which left Mr. Obama and his administration reliant upon emergency power:
"The April 7th, 2015 power outage in Washington DC is curious to say the least. Virtually instantaneously, the government declare it was not a terrorist attack. After all, how could that possibly be when the NSA guards the country. If there was an attack on the power-grid, then the NSA would have to answer for their failure. So clearly, if it was an attack, they would never admit it.The outage in my opinion must be seen as part of a larger pattern of what appears to be deliberate attacks, a pattern which has included the mysterious taking down of air traffic control in Salt Lake City, affecting the entire SW United States, the attack on internet connections between Flagstaff and Phoenix Arizona, and the strange and quite professional attack on an electrical substation in the Silicon Valley region of California. (See INTERNET SERVICE CUT BETWEEN PHOENIX AND FLAGSTAFF: WHY?)
"Instead, this has been attributed to a piece of metal breaking loose from a power line 43 miles southeast of the District of Columbia, which knocked out electricity to the White House, State Department and wide area including parts of Maryland. Can a simple piece of metal break and shut down that much power of a strategic area as DC? That seems to be an excuse like some drunk driver knocked over a power pole." (Emphasis in the original)
The question is, what party, or parties, could be doing such things, and why? Zero Hedge speculates on one possibility:
"The technology age is highly vulnerable and the movement to electronic money is interesting for if the power-grid goes down for any prolonged period, what new risk factors will the economy absorb? During war, it is common for the other side to counterfeit their opponent’s currency. The way to accomplish this today is to take out the power-grid." (Emphasis in the original)
In other words, as far as Zero Hedge is
concerned, the pattern is part of the wider "currency siege" taking
place between the Anglo-American oligarchy and the rest of the world,
led by the Russo-Chinese BRICSA bloc. There is a significant fact which
seems to corroborate this, and that is that most of the power outages
and other strange activity appears to be concentrated exclusively on
western targets. We hear nothing (nor are we likely to) of similar
outages in, say, the Kremlin or Beijing's Forbidden CIty. It is, Zero Hedge
is suggesting, a new kind of currency war, one designed to show the
lack of security in western power systems, and hence, the vulnerability
of its financial clearing and system. Significantly, the article shows
one of the Nazi counterfeit twenty pound sterling banknotes from its
Operation Bernhard counterfeiting scheme, a scheme which cost the
British government over a hundred million pounds... in 1930s-1940s
pounds at that. The article suggests that this was a cyber warfare
Possibly so. The pattern when viewed against the
wider backdrop of internet cable attacks, professional hits on a
California electrical substation, failing air traffic control systems,
is at the very least suspicious.
But there is possibly an even wider context in
which to view these events, and herewith comes our high octane
speculation of the day. That wider context is the steady drip of
space-related news, from new propulsion technologies to stories of
widening international cooperation. Some of these stories, as I have
suggested this previous week, have the air of "urgency" about them, as
if the space-powers - India, China, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, the
U.K., Russia, the USA - were in some sort of hurry to "get out there."
We've all heard the wild scenarios, from returning Nibiru/Planet X to
Alternative Three-like scenarios, none of which I find very compelling.
In a previous blog this week I suggested - following the idea of
Catherine Austin Fitts - that the race to put into place an alternative
international financial and clearing system - may be as much about
creating systems redundancy as it may be about any
geopolitical-financial reason alone. But strange power outages could be
as much about someone else besides one of the BRICSA bloc nations
causing them. Perhaps, for once, Washington is telling the truth (though
I'm not holding my breath). Perhaps it really wasn't about terrorism,
or any terrestrial cyber war attack.
Of course, that's pure high octane speculation,
but there is a way to verify it: if one starts to see similar stories
coming from Russia, China, Brazil, India... then perhaps someone else is
responsible. The story is one to watch, for like the bearer bonds
scandals, it is a huge story, that seems to have fallen right off the
radar screen, all too quickly. In any case, no crisis operates in a
vacuum, and there's always someone around wanting and willing to exploit
it, and attacks on the power grid, regardless of who is behind them,
always be exploited for further erosion of basic human rights and
Submitted by Martin Armstrong via Armstrong Economics,

The April 7th, 2015 power outage in Washington DC is curious to say the least. Virtually instantaneously, the government declare it was not a terrorist attack. After all, how could that possibly be when the NSA guards the country. If there was an attack on the power-grid, then the NSA would have to answer for their failure. So clearly, if it was an attack, they would never admit it.
Instead, this has been attributed to a piece of metal breaking loose from a power line 43 miles southeast of the District of Columbia, which knocked out electricity to the White House, State Department and wide area including parts of Maryland. Can a simple piece of metal break and shut down that much power of a strategic area as DC? That seems to be an excuse like some drunk driver knocked over a power pole.
Only six days before Obama had to switch to emergency power was on April 1st in Rome where the power supply was out for hours effecting the Lazio region. That included the major Roman airport of Fiumicino. The cause of that event somehow remains unknown.
Just the day before in Turkey there was another power failure. That was the worst blackout since the devastating Marmara earthquake of 1999. Chaos in the capital and much of the country drew more than 70 million Turks into chaos. Public transport was paralyzed, traffic lights were dark, conveyor belts continued. Elevators halted and mobile phones were silent. Even hospitals switched to emergency mode and the NSA style surveillance cameras in the capital Ankara went black.
There, left-wing extremists broke into the Palace of Justice and kidnapped a prosecutor during the massive power outage. The prosecutor had worked on the case of a protester who had been shot in Gezi Park. Even Prime Minister Davutoglu suspected spontaneous “sabotage”.
Are we dealing with a series of unfortunate events, enriched with a touch of typical government mismanagement? According to the Turkish newspaper Hürryiet , the national energy grid in Turkey was quite sophisticated and mismanagement was not enough to explain the massive power failure. Many in Turkey suspect a cyber attack. The Turkish Internet is full of speculations and theories, including the allegation to the Government, the blackout was staged to make propaganda for the development of nuclear energy.
Then there was Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, on March 27th a series of questionable blackouts took place is a very dubious chain of events. Large parts of the Northern Netherlands with nearly three million people experienced a devastating power failure. Thousands were stuck on trains, trams and elevators. The official statement was that a high-voltage switch-gear in the Amsterdam suburb Diemen failed due to the power overloading. Was Europe’s fourth largest airport and the entire rail network in the north of the country simply a victim of an accident or perhaps the target of a cyber-attack?

The technology age is highly vulnerable and the movement to electronic money is interesting for if the power-grid goes down for any prolonged period, what new risk factors will the economy absorb? During war, it is common for the other side to counterfeit their opponent’s currency. The way to accomplish this today is to take out the power-grid.
Martin Armstrong Asks: "Is There Something Behind The Power Outage In Washington DC?"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/10/2015The April 7th, 2015 power outage in Washington DC is curious to say the least. Virtually instantaneously, the government declare it was not a terrorist attack. After all, how could that possibly be when the NSA guards the country. If there was an attack on the power-grid, then the NSA would have to answer for their failure. So clearly, if it was an attack, they would never admit it.
Instead, this has been attributed to a piece of metal breaking loose from a power line 43 miles southeast of the District of Columbia, which knocked out electricity to the White House, State Department and wide area including parts of Maryland. Can a simple piece of metal break and shut down that much power of a strategic area as DC? That seems to be an excuse like some drunk driver knocked over a power pole.
Only six days before Obama had to switch to emergency power was on April 1st in Rome where the power supply was out for hours effecting the Lazio region. That included the major Roman airport of Fiumicino. The cause of that event somehow remains unknown.
Just the day before in Turkey there was another power failure. That was the worst blackout since the devastating Marmara earthquake of 1999. Chaos in the capital and much of the country drew more than 70 million Turks into chaos. Public transport was paralyzed, traffic lights were dark, conveyor belts continued. Elevators halted and mobile phones were silent. Even hospitals switched to emergency mode and the NSA style surveillance cameras in the capital Ankara went black.
There, left-wing extremists broke into the Palace of Justice and kidnapped a prosecutor during the massive power outage. The prosecutor had worked on the case of a protester who had been shot in Gezi Park. Even Prime Minister Davutoglu suspected spontaneous “sabotage”.
Are we dealing with a series of unfortunate events, enriched with a touch of typical government mismanagement? According to the Turkish newspaper Hürryiet , the national energy grid in Turkey was quite sophisticated and mismanagement was not enough to explain the massive power failure. Many in Turkey suspect a cyber attack. The Turkish Internet is full of speculations and theories, including the allegation to the Government, the blackout was staged to make propaganda for the development of nuclear energy.
Then there was Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, on March 27th a series of questionable blackouts took place is a very dubious chain of events. Large parts of the Northern Netherlands with nearly three million people experienced a devastating power failure. Thousands were stuck on trains, trams and elevators. The official statement was that a high-voltage switch-gear in the Amsterdam suburb Diemen failed due to the power overloading. Was Europe’s fourth largest airport and the entire rail network in the north of the country simply a victim of an accident or perhaps the target of a cyber-attack?
The technology age is highly vulnerable and the movement to electronic money is interesting for if the power-grid goes down for any prolonged period, what new risk factors will the economy absorb? During war, it is common for the other side to counterfeit their opponent’s currency. The way to accomplish this today is to take out the power-grid.
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