U.S. to Train Nazi Troops in Ukraine, Starting on April 20th .... Heehe looky ,looky :o ..ya still "think" we beat the NAZIS huh ..."we" merged wit em ! if~in it walks like a duck & quacks like a ....nazi lol 
It has just been announced that, starting on April 20th, U.S. troops will start training troops of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion.
The Azov Battalion was founded and its members were selected by Andrei Biletsky,
a Ukrainian nazi (that’s an ideological term, meaning racist fascist —
not a term referring specifically to the first political party with that
particular ideology, the National Socialist Party of Germany). When
Britain’s Guardian interviewed members, the reporter was shocked to find that they’re nazis (“neo-Nazis”).
Biletsky proudly explains his ideology as follows:
“Social Nationalism is based on a number of fundamental principles that clearly distinguish it from other right-wing movements. This triad is: socialism, racism, imperialism. … On the principle of socialism [in the sense that Hitler used it] follows our complete negation of democracy and liberalism. … Instead there is natural selection of the best representatives of the Nation — born-leaders as Ukraine’s leaders. … Racism: All our nationalism is nothing — just a castle in the sand — without reliance on the foundationstone of blood Races. …
historic mission of our Nation, a watershed in this century, is thus to
lead the White peoples of the world in the final crusade for their
survival. It is to lead the war against Semites and the sub-humans they
use. … Social Nationalism raises to shield all old Ukrainian
Aryan values, forgotten in modern society.”
Biletsky founded the Azov Battalion soon after Obama’s February 2014 coup in Kiev, which was led by Andriy Parubiy, who had co-founded the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine. Parubiy’s masked men in the coup dressed
as if they were Ukrainian security forces, and fired onto demonstrators
during the Maidan demonstrations against Ukraine’s President Viktor
Yanukovych. They were paid by the CIA at the U.S. Embassy, and they
included both foreign mercenaries and troops who had been trained by Dmitriy Yarosh,
who had founded another of Ukraine’s nazi parties, this one called
Right Sector. Most of the coup’s perpetrators were members of Right
Sector, which, in addition to being a party, has an estimated 7,000
troops of its own, who were trained under Yarosh’s command.
The Azov Battalion was established on 13 April 2014 by the newly appointed post-coup Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov,
who had been appointed by the interim Ukrainian President Oleksandr
Turchynov, who had been appointed by the person anointed (nominally
temporarily but actually) permanently as Ukraine’s Prime Minister,
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whose anointment came from the U.S. Ambassador
Jeffrey Pyatt, after Obama’s agent Victoria Nuland had instructed him on 4 February 2014, just 18 days before the coup, to do that.
So, this overthrow was well planned in advance. In fact, it had even been arranged prior to its alleged precipitating-event, which was Yanukovych’s having announced on 20 November 2013 that he was turning down the EU’s offer to Ukraine. Yanukovych turned it down because his advisors calculated that it would cost Ukraine $160 billion.
Apparently, the Obama regime had
already known, ahead of time, that it would cost Ukraine so much that
Yanukovych would have to reject it. And his saying no to it turned out
to be a popular political move. Public
sentiment in Ukraine on whether the nation was heading in the “right
direction” or the “wrong direction” boomed just after the decision: the
“right direction” score, which was at a nearly two-year low of only
15.4% just a month before the decision’s announcement (which was the
period when it seemed likeliest that Ukraine was heading into the EU),
shot up to a nearly four-year high of 26.1% just a month after the
announcement and while the U.S.-engineered “Maidan” demonstrations against Yanukovych were raging against Yanukovych. But, Obama didn’t really care at all about Ukrainian public opinion. He already had the support of Ukraine’s nazis, and that’s all he actually needed.
So: now he is expressing his appreciation, by providing America’s best military training, to Ukraine’s best nazi troops.
Going back again to that coup,
in order the better to understand this history: Nuland had probably been
informed ahead of time, by the lawyer for Yulia Tymoshenko — she was
the founder of the third nazi party of Ukraine, which is called
“Fatherland” — that Tymoshenko (in prison at the time, on a corruption
conviction) said that Yatsenyuk was her most loyal lieutenant and was
the person who would be the most cooperative in relinquishing power to
her if and when Tymoshenko would be released from prison immediately
after the planned coup and after she would then run for the Presidency
and win it. She was expected to win, because she had come in a close
second to Yanukovych in the last, the 2010, Presidential election, and
especially because she was expected to be even more popular after a coup
in which the man who had gotten her convicted, Yanukovych, would
himself now have been framed by the Obama regime for the violence that
the U.S. had planned in order to bring him down.
Yatsenyuk, Turchynov, and Avakov, were all members of Tymoshenko’s
Fatherland Party; and, so, the entire security apparatus of the new,
post-coup, state was under Tymoshenko’s control, from the very moment of
the coup — which was why she was freed from prison by them on the very
day of the coup.But Tymoshenko, during her Presidential campaign, overplayed her hand: She got taped in a private phone-conversation during the campaign, saying (as this documentary excerpted and is transcribed here, and which was an accurate reflection of what she had said at the time):
1:21:08 Obama’s failed choice to become the new Ukrainian President, Yulia Tymoshenko, is on the phone: “Damn, we’ve got to arm up and go kill these damn kitsaps [their term like for ‘niggers’ or ‘kikes’ but actually here for Russians].” [Question: “What do we do with eight million Russians who are left on the territory of Ukraine?” Tymoshenko’s answer:] … We[‘ve] got to shoot them.”She wanted to eliminate the voters who had elected Yanukovych, and who were now rejecting the coup-regime, which she was expecting to lead. That’s the type of person, an extreme hater of pro-Russians, whom Obama wanted to be elected by Ukrainians as their President, and for whom the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine had tirelessly tried to get freed from prison — unsuccessfully, until they got Yanukovych overthrown by Tymoshenko’s fellow rabidly anti-Russian nazis, such as the ones whom Obama’s troops will now be training to kill all of the pro-Russians they possibly can. Even the right-wing voters of northwestern Ukraine found her to be too far-right.
Obama had pretended, until he got re-elected in 2012, that he opposed Mitt Romney’s idea that, concerning, “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.”
And, so, in Obama’s second Administration, he put in place such people as Victoria Nuland, Jeffrey Pyatt, John Brennan, and Philip Breedlove — all rabid haters of Russians — in order to focus all of America’s foreign-policy efforts against “our number one geopolitical foe” and against all of its allies: the heads of state in primarily Russia but secondarily Libya, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, China, Brazil, India, Hungary, Czech Republic, and all other nations that oppose being ruled by the U.S. aristocracy, the American Empire.
However, Obama had been setting this up even during his first Administration. The hypothesis in Andrew Krieg’s Presidential Puppetry is that Obama has been secretly an agent of the CIA for decades, and was virtually raised in a CIA-and-U.S.-aristocracy-serving family, on both his mother’s and father’s sides — and that he’s probably the most deceiving President our nation has ever had.
In any case, the evidence thus far is that Obama prioritizes weakening Russia, even over weakening ISIS. And he was sufficiently obsessive about his war against Russia, for him to resort to getting the Ukrainian Government to shoot down the MH17 Malaysian airliner and to frame the pro-Russian separatists for doing it, just in order to be able to win the support of the EU for hiked sanctions against Russia. He is bending everything to his hatred of Russia. So, nobody should now be surprised that he is arming and training Ukrainian nazis for his anti-Russian war.
The question for the American people is whether they will tolerate this fraud? They tolerate, and tolerated, the fraud by his predecessor, that got America to invade Iraq in 2003. So, probably they will continue tolerating this fraud that can bring on World War III. But if not, then now is the time for the American people to change, which will require popular demonstrations far larger than those that were held against the Vietnam War. Because time, for the world, could well be running out, this time around.
Such phrases as this, probably sound like an extreme way to refer to what’s happening. But how extreme is it, actually, for the U.S. now to be training and arming nazi troops? And how extreme is it for the U.S. President to resort to shooting down a civilian airliner in order to turn the crank a bit more on economic sanctions against Russia — which are entirely based on frauds?
Will it stop in any way, short
of WW III stopping all of us? How obtuse, and how unconcerned, and how
deceived, are the American people? And what about the people in Europe —
why aren’t they demanding their countries to abandon NATO, America’s
anti-Russian military club, which should have ended in 1991, when the
Soviet Union’s equivalent, the Warsaw Pact, terminated. Isn’t it enough
that the U.S., alone, already has military forces stationed in 185 countries throughout the world? Maybe they should be kicked out, until that number is brought down to Russia’s number: 9.
Maybe the nations of the world should be demanding this, and voting
against the U.S. in every UN vote until it is achieved. Maybe that would
do far more to advance and protect world peace than the UN itself
currently does. Or, maybe, there should be international boycotts of all
U.S.-based firms, until the U.S. Government (which represents those firms, no longer the American people) stops its proxy-wars against Russia.
Instead, America’s most-watched
cable-news channel, Fox ‘News,’ interviews their ‘military expert,’ who
tells America’s fascists and nazis — which are their audience (it’s
called “the Republican Party”) — that America’s policy in Ukraine needs
to harden, and that it must be this: “Start killing Russians” until
Russia runs out of “body bags.” Imagine if Russia’s most popular ‘news’
medium were to say that the ‘solution’ to the ‘Cuba problem’ is to
“Start killing Americans” until America runs out of “body bags.”
Shouldn’t Obama have apologized to Russians for that? Shouldn’t he have
expressed outrage at it that he did not express? Shouldn’t he have had
his FCC investigate Fox ‘News’ Channel, and its controlling owner — the
nazi Rupert Murdoch — perhaps to yank their licenses? Why do Americans
tolerate such a President as this, one who instead eggs-on such hatred,
by his using the word “aggression” 18 times in his “National Security Strategy 2015” and 17 of those times are referring to Russia? How insane is that? He even rubs it in, by saying, repeatedly in speeches, that the U.S. is “the one indispensable nation,” which means that every other nation
(including, but not only, Russia) is “dispensable.” Hitler said
virtually the same thing about Germany: “Deutschland über alles.” Obama
is as similar to that, in his nationalistic outlook, as his good-cop
bad-cop partner, Rupert Murdoch, is — and that’s why the yanking of
Murdoch’s licenses isn’t even being looked into.
It’s no wonder, then, why the U.S. is considered, throughout the world, to be by far the most dangerous nation. But when it’s training nazis to fight Russians, isn’t it far too dangerous?
How long will this outrage, today’s far-right America, continue to be
tolerated — by the American people, and by other national governments?
It should be isolated, and shunned, until it no longer is the world’s leading fascist nation.
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