The Boston Marathon Bombing: A Compendium of Research and Analysis
By James F. Tracy and MHB Guest Contributors
The following overview of articles addressing the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing aids in developing a broader understanding of how the event transpired and was presented by corporate and alternative news media. The US public was given a storyline largely constructed by federal law enforcement authorities and channeled through major media to promote the eventual theory that Dzokhar and Tamarlan Tsarnaev were the sole culprits in the bombing.
[Image Credit: Wikicommons]
The official narrative has become an established reality through the major news media’s faithful and pronounced repetition of the story’s many seemingly related facets. The Tsarnaevs’ culpability is reinforced by the prejudiced cultural inclination to correlate non-Western and/or Muslim individuals with terrorism. This proposed scenario of deviant Muslim terrorists has also tended to obscure the possibility that the Tsarnaev brothers may have been manipulated and at the hands of federal and state law officials. Moreover, the April 18-19 search for Dzokhar Tsarnaev involved the removal of constitutional protections and enactment of full-throttled martial law throughout the Boston area.
The collection of posts written by James Tracy and MHB guest authors over the past year addresses the various subtle and more blatant inconsistencies of what has been slated as America’s greatest terrorist attack since 9/11. Whether authentic or at least a partially constructed reality, the Boston Marathon bombing incident holds major significance going forward, particularly in terms of the country’s continued “war on terror,” which increasingly appears to be a selectively waged war of terror on the world’s population.-JFT
Hard Questions Posed on Boston Bombing
April 18, 2013 At an April 15th press conference on the Boston Marathon bombing reporters from corporate media outlets arrived to play their typical roles as “stenographers to power,” throwing routine softball questions to federal, state and local authorities, including Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.
Witnessing Boston’s Mass Casualty Event
April 22, 2013 “For the most part we do not first see, and then define,” Walter Lippmann observed in 1921, “we define first and then see. In the great blooming, buzzing confusion of the outer world we pick out what our culture has already defined for us, and we tend to perceive that which we have picked out in the form stereotyped for us by our culture.”
A founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Lippmann looked with suspicion to the potential dangers the hopelessly uninformed public posed in the unfolding “Great Society.”

April 26, 2013 Carlos Arredondo has been widely praised by an array of corporate news media as among the most valorous figures of the Boston Marathon bombing. He was “heralded as a true American hero,” the International Business Times gushes, having allegedly “risked his life to help the victims of the two explosions that rocked the Boston Marathon.”
[Photo Credit: Wikipedia]
Video Analysis: Boston Marathon Bombing Injuries
May 2, 2013 Arrangement and analysis of still photos from the aftermath of the initial Boston Marathon bombing blast reveals incongruities in the appearances of injuries, absence of wounds where wounds should be readily observable vis-à-vis punctured and torn clothing, and possible application and donning of makeup by figures present.
Anomalies Emerge in Photos of Second Bomb Site
May 4, 2013 This detailed set of observations was submitted as a lengthy
Bloodless Femoral Arteries
May 6, 2013 A chief narrative of the Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB) is that Jeff Bauman was tragically maimed when the first “pressure cooker bomb” detonated at the finish line. The charge blew both of Bauman’s legs clear off, leaving him with the disturbing remains of apparently exposed tissue and bone.
May 8, 2013 The Boston Marathon bombings have a lot of features that can only be reconciled as being a mock training exercise, and the recent history of using the Boston Marathon for bomb training exercises makes that comparison even more compelling. The Boston Herald reports that emergency drills were conducted at the 2012 Boston Marathon in which maneuvers included training for “bombs at the finish line”. Further, an experienced athlete and eyewitnesses at this year’s Boston Marathon, Alastair Stevenson, also testifies “there were dogs with their handlers going around sniffing for explosives and, and, we were told on a loud announcement that we shouldn’t be concerned, it was just a drill”.
Cellphone Video of Initial Blast Aftermath / Additional BMB Videos
May 10, 2013 This cellphone video captures the immediate seconds following the first blast of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing. Taken several meters away from where the bomb was detonated, the footage documents a number of apparent figures who subsequently appear in media coverage as purportedly injured from the ordnance.
Along these lines, an overarching feature of the video is the visual and aural absence of the bomb’s fallout in terms of traumatic and injurious effects alongside property damage that would likely attend detonation and the broad dispersal of variously-shaped shrapnel. For instance, the photo to the right shows the Lenscrafters retail outlet’s front windows burst asunder. However, in the cellphone video the very same windows are thoroughly intact for a considerable time following the first blast.
[Photo Credit: Aaron Tang/Wikicommons]
The Boston Marathon Bombing’s Inflated Injury Tallies
May 11, 2013 Exactly how many people were injured as a result of the April 15 Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB)? An official tally from the Boston Public Health Commission puts the number at an incredible 282 injured and four killed, including MIT police officer Sean Collier. “Only two patients wounded in the Boston Marathon bombings remained in critical condition” on April 22, the Boston Globe reported, “but the count of injured people who were treated in area hospitals has risen sharply to 282, according to the Boston Public Health Commission. That is far higher than the initial estimate of 170.”
Obama’s FEMA Director Planned Boston Mass Casualty Event in 2008
May 21, 2013 Authored in 2008 by Richard Serino, then-Director of Boston’s Emergency Medical Services, Marathons – A Tale of Two Cities and the Running of a Planned Mass Casualty Event (PDF) provides a detailed and fully operationalized plan for carrying out a mass casualty drill uncannily similar to what transpired at the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013.
In 2009 Serino retired from his post at Boston EMS after being appointed Deputy Administrator at the Federal Emergency Management Administration by President Barack Obama.
Boston’s Custom Designed Terror: Operation Urban Shield
August 3, 2013 On June 6, 2013 “Operation Urban Shield Boston” published videos via its YouTube Channel highlighting the so-named 2011 and 2012 law enforcement and emergency response drills that bore a remarkable resemblance to the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing allegedly carried out by Tamarlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev.
Two days after the videos were distributed the Boston Globe reported that the entire April 15 Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath indeed played out almost in identical fashion to the Department of Homeland Security-sponsored terrorist drill scheduled for June of 2013.
CNN Tapped Fledgling Media Personality as Boston Bombing “Eyewitness”
August 12, 2013 At 4:18PM on April 15 while CNN ominously reports that two are dead and more than 110 injured as a result of the Boston Marathon bombing, anchorwoman Erin Burnett conducts a telephone interview with a young woman claiming to be an eyewitness to the explosions occurring 90 minutes earlier. (Quinn Brettler also appeared on MSNBC and CBS, but no footage of these interviews can be identified online.) “Joining me on the phone right now is Cassidy Quinn Brettler,” Burnett begins. “She was 30 feet away when the explosions happened. [She] was watching her coworker cross the finish line.”
Boston Marathon Bombing Timeline
August 14, 2013 The following timeline of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three and injured many more provides a platform to better understand how the event was publicly presented by corporate and alternative news media. The chronological assemblage of coverage is not comprehensive of all reports published on the incident but is an ongoing project that also seeks to explain how the storyline was largely constructed by federal and state law enforcement, medical authorities and major media around the eventual theory that Dzokhar and Tamarlan Tsarnaev were the sole instigators of the bombing.
[Photo Credit: Aaron Tang/Wikicommons]
Convicted on WikipediaOctober 6, 2013
“Let’s convict the son-of-a-bitch in the press. That’s the way it’s done.”-President Richard NixonWe are familiar with conviction in the press, one sub-category of the lying and propagandizing featured on a daily basis in the mainstream print and electronic media. But in this age of transparency and equal opportunity, we now find conviction on Wikipedia—and anyone can do it. Especially anyone with a huge government or military or corporate budget and hundreds of paid employees who use pen names to write their Wikipedia articles—and to vigilantly monitor them so that their views will stay posted. And we all use Wikipedia, although we know that we can’t trust it. But we use it anyway, and the things we read there, especially if well articulated and effectively illustrated, stick in our heads and become part of our reality. Most topically, we have wiki-convictions in two recent shootings in Washington, D.C.
Video: Boston Marathon Bomb Simulators Exposed
January 16, 2014
Photos and Eyewitnesses Confirm BOTH Boston Marathon Bombs Were FakeThis brief (9:47) video presents a compelling argument and set of video and photographic evidence concerning the incendiary devices detonated shortly before 3:00PM on April 15, 2013 at the Boston Marathon finish line.
“One Fund Boston” and the Boston Mass Casualty Event
January 17, 2014 An integral and by now much-anticipated element of a spectacle such as the Boston Mass Casualty Event (BMCE) of April 15, 2013 involves establishment of charities through which the incident may gain legitimacy in the public mind. Such entities provide fiscal channels by which event participants may be compensated and are also vital for public participation via charitable offerings.
Here, perhaps predictably, one find the unusually swift development of “The One Fund Boston,” a now celebrated aid organization whose very name oddly resonates with the new agey themes of “resilience” and “unity” promoted by mass grief and woe maven John Woodall. “We are one Boston. We are one community,” Boston Mayor Thomas Menino is quoted as saying on “One Fund’s” website. “As always, we will come together to help those most in need. And in the end, we will all be better for it.”
The Legacy of Oklahoma City
February 1, 2014 The correspondence below, received over one month ago from a former Oklahoma City resident, is especially timely given recent developments in the Boston Marathon bombing case. On January 30 the US Department of Justice announced that it will pursue the death penalty against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the Boston bombing. (See BMB Timeline.) This is the most high-profile death penalty case pursued by the federal government since it sought to execute Timothy McVeigh for his alleged role in the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building.
Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston and Kiev: Connecting the Dots
March 16, 2014 With the ‘Anti-firearms’ moves that started in the 1980’s a young American woman moved to Australia. Rebecca Peters studied law for two years and then quit. She became employed by ‘The Australian Broadcasting Commission’ (ABC), and then started ‘The National Coalition for Gun Control’. At the time she also coyly joked about the rumours that her father was ‘CIA’.
The ‘National Coalition for Gun Control’ was considered a political lobby group, but after Rebecca Peters founded the ‘International Action Network on Small Arms’ (IANSA) in the United Kingdom, which again was considered as a ‘political lobby group’, it appeared that both of these bodies were in fact NGOs that is ‘Non-Government organisations’.
[Photo Credit: Wikicommons]
The Boston Marathon Bombing’s Constructed Reality
April 11, 2014
“The only feeling that anyone can have about an event he does not experience is the feeling aroused by his mental image of that event … For it is clear enough that under certain conditions men respond as powerfully to fictions as they do to realities.” Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion, 1922.The careful coordination of information and visual representations governs the mass mind. The conditions for such are accentuated in times of perceived crisis. For a relatively brief period following the Boston Marathon bombing two sets of photographs emerged that actually depicted what appeared to have taken place at “ground zero,” where the first explosive device detonated. Each series of photos strongly suggests the execution of a mass casualty exercise.
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