It is funny. Lately I have been thinking about how the world seems to be so broken. We have become so dependent on having other people tell us how to react to certain situations and when we follow their lead we wind up being betrayed. It seems that putting your faith in a politician or religious leader is a recipe for disappointment and suffering.
The most horrible things it seems, is when those things that are immoral and blighted are somehow all made whole again with an empty apology and court settlement. Priests and teachers can all be sexually abusing the young and virtuous, and it seems that a simple I’m sorry or a court settlement changes the attitude. It doesn’t change or alter the damage that is done. You can’t put a price on the psychological damage and what might happen in the future to that spiritually disfigured human being.
When murders happen all things are washed clean with the state-sponsored execution. A murder carried out by the state is called justice, merely a synonym for vengeance. No matter where you stand on capital punishment , ask yourself if you would be able to carry out the killing of a convicted murderer. Many can’t, that is why it is the government’s job to do it.
We have a hired hit man with our government, a full on killing machine we can rely on to whack that which we find unpleasant. This is evident in that we are still fighting an extended war. No matter how society views this McJustice, it is becoming more evident that those in power are shaping a brave new world without us.
War and the threat of war are central to U.S. foreign policy. Not just a war against us domestically, but war that shapes the globe and prepares us for a new world order, where the classes are destroyed and the rich remain sovereign over a enslaved workforce that is fed the idea that they are working for their freedom.
It used to be that winning wars and declaring peace made us feel good. Now waging wars and continuing them in the name of some dream of freedom keeps us all feeling good about ourselves. As the prospect sickens the heart thickens, and soon we forget just why we fight and accept it as the way the world operates.
I worry a lot about the dissociative opinions I hear by other talk show hosts and people who really don’t stop to ponder what is really going on. Either they are in denial, or the trauma-based programming has numbed them to the consequences that await them.
The very thought of “the end” is now on the minds of Washington. We are now learning that core intelligence points to different doomsday scenarios where millions of people could be displaced, injured or killed. The remaining survivors are supposed to be awaiting a new dawn in time, and a new age — an age of Aquarius.
The age of Aquarius was allegedly pitched as an age of enlightenment. However, it is now beginning to appear that this new age will be an age of the super-state. It will be an age of the new law, the new constitution, and the age of the authoritarian status pushing what is believed to be conservative values.
The truth is that the values these authoritarians preach as we move to the new age are familiar to us all, and have been part of the programming process for nearly 50 years.
In Dr. John Coleman’s book The Committee of 300, it is documented that there have been plans in the works to socially engineer the populace into accepting a “controlled super-state.”
This super government can only be implemented if the people demand it. The way it is engineered is through several shocks to the system, which in turn manipulate and wear down the populace into adjusting their principles for the coming changes. The idea is to allow the idea of transcendence to die off in the human being, making him more of a beast or an animal, easily controlled and manipulated through trigger phrases, sounds, numeric sequences and other stimuli. The subject is then reborn, and reprogrammed to do the will of its master.
In 1980, a book appeared called The Aquarian Conspiracy that put itself forward as a manifesto of the counterculture, defining the counterculture as the conscious embracing of irrationality — from rock and drugs to biofeedback, meditation, “consciousness-raising,” group therapy, UFOs and psychodrama. The Aquarian Conspiracy declared that the 15 million Americans that were involved in the counterculture were about to start a revolution.
This revolution was believed to have been left in the haze of marijuana and LSD. It is theorized that this revolution and experiment has failed, and that in the 21st, century the sleepers within the old revolution would rise again and finish what was haphazardly started in the 1960s.
While many have praised the Aquarian revolutionary book for its positive and constructive views, there were others who saw it as a guide for the programmed “flower children” to rise up and begin the task of a collectivist “conspiracy” — one where the world would come together in a common cause, similar to what was predicted in the writings of Karl Marx.
It is argued, however, that the author, Marylyn Ferguson, was not asking that the revolution be based on the “Marxist model,” but a new internal process, where disillusioned “hippies” would create a new society within the old one, a coalescence of a new social order.
The counterculture, it seems, was actually a programmed sleeper cell that was ready to be activated at a future time. With all of the same whistles and bells that started the revolution of ‘flower power’ back then. This time “flower power” had changed into a more accepting attitude to socialism and the ideas of Hegel – and Marx.
Thirty years after The Aquarian Conspiracy was published, many of Marilyn Ferguson’s forecasts for change have become social realities. Spurred by the student movement of the sixties, the New Age movement that followed, the educational transformation, and a controlled liberal media, America has indeed been changed by “people’s conspiracy” blindly led by the media, schools, and “power elites.”
Most of the people simply drifted along. They didn’t know what was happening or where they were headed. Even churches failed to notice the rising hostility towards God’s truth and values.
Much of what the counterculture left us in the 1960s was a romanticized view of the era. If you have noticed, many events of that era have been somehow been sanitized by media moguls who grew up then, telling future generations that there was a time when protests, revolutionary thinking, and disruption opened the dialogue for a government that would provide for the necessities of the people.
All that was needed was to have you as an individual break away from old collective views that held you hostage — namely regarding government and religion — and open your mind to a new way, to the new dream of the ages — a dream of hope and change and fraternity.
In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine voted John Lennon’s song, “Imagine,” the third greatest song of all time. Former president Jimmy Carter observed that “in many countries around the world… you hear John Lennon’s song, ‘Imagine,’ used almost equally with national anthems.” The song is indeed beautiful. However, Lennon was quoted in the book Lennon in America, by Geoffrey Giuliano as saying that the song is “an anti-religious, anti-nationalist, anti-conventional, anti-capitalist song, but because it’s sugar-coated, it’s accepted.” Lennon also described the song as “virtually the Communist Manifesto.”
Songs like “Imagine” were believed to be a product of the Tavistock/Fabian philosophy of “collectivism,” philosophies emphasizing the collective over the individual fighting for a common cause or threat. Marxism, more than any other philosophy, has influenced modern collectivist thinking by adding equality and fraternity to the traditional collectivist values.
Tavistock and social engineering groups like the Rand Corporation have broadened the appeal of collectivism in a more sophisticated way than it has been previously. Through media, music and drugs our culture has become easily manipulated into accepting a form of socialism and eventually the United States may see itself creating a model of government similar to state socialism.
H.G. Wells authored a book called The Open Conspiracy. This book was an expose on what the elite were planning for the future and how a “Fabian” socialism would gradually take over the world, creating a “New World Order” that would replace world religion and world government. He stated that it all would be replaced by collectivism. He stated that collectivism would kill religion by replacing it as the new religion and philosophy.
The only way it could be secured is to find ways to put programmed leaders into religious and political positions so that they can convince the consensus to accept collectivism as the replacement for religion.
Just weeks ago we were discussing the new accepting attitude of the Pope and the possible stepping stones he has laid out for the Catholic church to be part of an ecumenical universal collective.
We have a pontiff saying that everyone, even atheists, are destined for heaven. The Pope has also extended his fellowship to homosexual priests and to all lesbian, gay, and transgendered individuals.
The Pope has stated that aliens are God’s creatures. He also espouses the Big Bang and evolution, stating that God is no magician, and that through the Big Bang and evolution God shows his hand in creation.
The Pope has also said that the end of Communism some 25 years ago was not exactly the best thing for the Church, as tensions resurfaced between Russia and Rome after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Does this surprise anyone who knows anything about the agenda of the Aquarian conspiracy?
The Aquarian conspiracy is also about healing and the use of drugs. Note that the drugs most people are on today – antidepressants and antipsychotics – are of the same type that Aldous Huxley claimed men of the future would welcome, causing chemical enslavement. Huxley foresaw that mankind would mainly welcome the use of drugs to numb him from the woes of the world.
Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I and the spiritual grandfather of the “Aquarian conspiracy.”
Ferguson accurately sees the counterculture as the realization of what Wells called “The Open Conspiracy.” In his book of the same title, Wells wrote:
(It) will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving . In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government.
Wells was proposing a sort of mental policing and chemical compulsion to help us to be in a sort of hive mind, controlled and policed by the government using various health care and mental health models.
Under Wells’s tutelage, Huxley was first introduced to Aleister Crowley. Crowley was a product of the cultist circle that developed in Britain from the 1860s under the guiding influence of Edward Bulwer Lytton, who, it will be recalled, was the colonial minister under Lord Palmerston during the Second Opium War.
In 1886, Crowley, William Butler Yeats, and several other Bulwer-Lytton proteges formed the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn. This Isis cult was organized around the 1877 manuscript Isis Unveiled by Madame Helena Blavatsky, in which the Russian occultist called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis priesthood.
This Isis priesthood would eventually lead us to a new government that would be headed by a representative of the sacred feminine, and that it would eventually create what is known as “the new man as god.”
The cult of Hermes Trismegistus in Alexandria was one of the main influences behind Western occultism. Traditional Christians have decried Hermeticism as “Luciferianism,” or “Satanism,” and prophesied that it will be the state religious philosophy in the end times New World Order. Hermes, they say, was considered the replacement for Jesus Christ as the perfected man and god.
The Antichrist of course will make the claim that he is the leader of this Hermetic order, and will replace Hermes the perfect man and god in the Apocalypse. His order will use the symbol of the dragon or the serpent.
Many times on Ground Zero we have spoken of the revelation of the method, and how occultists use symbolism to communicate with other occultists because some things have to be hidden in plain sight. This is because they can’t be openly discussed amongst the unwashed masses, and most people don’t notice or recognize the symbolism unless it is pointed out to them.
Most of the time, highly charged symbolism resonates with people, and they don’t know why they are mesmerized by symbols like the Star of David, or the swastika, or even the rising sun symbol that is associated with the new dawn, a symbol that is now used by the Obama administration.
from New Age WWII-contemporary group Alpha Galates showing the United
States of the West as the rode to the Age of Aquarius
The Obama symbol and the Age of Aquarius symbol
Health care, DNA databases, genetics directives, and groups that have the power over life and death are now being put into play, and the symbolism is only part of the plan. This is a plan that, with all of its difficulties, is being embraced by those who do not understand the art of mesmerism and the programming that is used to make an impression on “groupthink” or “crowd psychology”.
If anyone notices the symbolism and what it indicates, then the ambiguity of the symbolism always allows it to be denied and the finger pointers ridiculed.
The caduceus symbol was originally associated with trickery and negotiation. It was associated with Hermes, the god of commerce, who originated the art of business when he stole Apollo’s cattle and tricked him into making a deal that allowed him get away with it. The symbol later evolved and its meaning changed. It became the universal symbol of alchemy, and in the 19th and 20th centuries became the official symbol for medicine and health care in the United States.
The symbol, when used for medicine, has been met with controversy and has long been frowned upon by medical professionals because of its original association with money and commerce.
Many believe that its mistaken use as a medical symbol originated from the military, and to this day we see the symbol on ambulances, doctor’s offices, and in hospitals. It is becoming the symbol of universal health and healing as more people are adopting it, unaware of its mistaken identity. (The Rod of Asclepius, still used by dentists, veterinarians, and ambulances, is the proper symbol of medicine going back to ancient Greece, and it only has one snake on the staff, not two.)
Before her death in 2008, Marylyn Ferguson had stated:
There are legions of [Aquarian] conspirators. They are in corporations, universities, and hospitals, on the faculties of public schools, in factories and doctors’ offices, in state and federal agencies, on city councils, and the White House staff, in state legislatures, in volunteer organizations, in virtually all arenas of policy making in the country.After her death we are now hearing about the surveillance health care apparatus, the over-medicating of the nation, accusations of Marxism being cast towards the President, public school systems changing their curriculum to “Common Core,” music and entertainment used for social change, the elimination of religion in favor of the worship of the state and the slow unveiling of what can be called the priesthood of ISIS, where that powerful meme is used as a tool for ritualism on earth, and, it seems, ritualism in outer space as well.
Marylyn Ferguson may have properly called out the conspiracy, and its blueprint to bring about a state where men will no longer have wills of their own in the One-World Government-New World Order of the fast-approaching New Dark Age.
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