Illegal Alien Pedophiles: 4,317 Charges Filed Against Illegals in ONE YEAR… in ONE STATE (and it’s only our 10th largest)
Universal Free Press reports:
Between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014, there have been 4,317 charges of child sexual assault filed against illegal aliens in North Carolina, according to the citizens advocacy group known as NCFIRE.Are you kidding me?
As if we don’t already have enough reasons to question Obama’s illegal amnesty agenda…
NCFIRE is an acronym for North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement. The organizational website was updated on December 1st and some of the newest data is beyond appalling.
For example, in August of 2014 there were 5,955 illegal aliens charged with DUI — just in North Carolina. I find it offensive that there are even 5,955 illegal aliens in North Carolina, let alone that many who are dumb enough to drink and get behind the wheel.
Unbelievable! That is just in one month and only one state.
We have heard of a few cases recently in which illegal aliens took the innocent lives of law abiding citizens as well as those in law enforcement. One might think that these cases are somewhat isolated. Not so.
In the preceding two years (2012, 2013) illegal aliens took the lives of 22 people and, again, this was in North Carolina alone. Multiply that number by 50 and you will get a rough estimate of what the number may have been nationwide.
Keep that in mind the next time your government tries to vilify gun owners over a few unfortunate deaths in a random mass shooting.
Illegal aliens are not the only individuals that rape and murder, but the point is that America certainly does not need any help in these departments. We certainly don’t need Obama opening the doors and sending personal invitations to 3 of the top 5 murderous countries on the planet (Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala). These places make Chicago look tame.
We don’t need the red carpet rolled out for Islamists who think that having sex with 9-year old girls is perfectly normal.
We don’t need any outside help to add to our dark perversions in this country. Enforce the law and protect the borders. Period.
There are 49 other states that share a concern similar to that of North Carolinia.
Dave Gibson sums it up very well by saying, “Of course, this abomination will only worsen with Obama’s recent executive order amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. It would appear that both parties view the stolen innocence of North Carolina’s children as a completely acceptable aspect to the continued influx of cheap labor from south of the border.”
Cheap labor?
How about amnesty for all and jobs for none?
America has been sold out and Dave is absolutely correct.
They only pretend to care about our kids.
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