“Chemtrails” Exposed – Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented ~ maybe the PsyOps is a cover for sum~thin else ,huh? maybe "they" r looking for somebody else... who kinda looks like us ....but is not US ? or maybe "they" r do~in ALL this shit to change this place ... because "they" is coming back & this place may not b to "hospitable" any~more fer ...um ?
By: Jay Dyer
From Chemtrails to Directed Energy Weapons, the System is Set on Total Control
There has been much speculation in the last few years as to the authenticity of the claims of “chemtrail” spraying of the ionosphere by secretive groups for unknown reasons, with such claims generally receiving the scorn of tinfoil hat insanity. Distinguished from “contrails,” the normal water and ice crystal formations that result from aircraft exhaust vapor, “chemtrails” is the popular name for aerosol spraying by planes in different layers of the atmosphere under the cover of numerous global geoengineering programs
Is this possible? Could there widespread global aerosol spraying programs
With this in mind, it is somewhat shocking the number of trolls and deniers that exist, telling us daily these are fictions of paranoid conspiracists, while any of the above notions can be easily verified with Google and a few minutes of research. Of course, this is not likely to happen, as the public has never heard of the Royal Society, much less “geoengineering,” since Kim Kardashian’s butt is a much more accurate weathervane
“Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty”
In this article, I will document
Our first document under survey
Given that the United Nations was established by Royal Society backing, the “Agenda 21″ implementation we have heard much about in the last few decades is part of a much larger strategy foisted upon the global community by these very shadow players. I have detailed previously the connection between mass depopulation, economic overhauls and realignment and the so-called dangers of resource-based economies being directed into a staged crisis by the corporate elite.
![Royal Society/IPCC image of methods of geoengineering. Image: assets.climatecentral.org](https://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/geoengineeringmethods-climatecentral.png?w=426&h=305)
Royal Society/IPCC image of methods of geoengineering. Notice the “space mirrors.” Image: assets.climatecentral.org
“Mimicking the effects of volcanic eruptions by injecting sulphate aerosols into the lower stratosphere..” (pg. XII)
“Of the Solar Radiation Management methods
considered, stratospheric aerosols are currently the most promising
because their effects would be more uniformly distributed than for localised
Solar Radiation Management methods, they could be much more readily
implemented than space-based methods, and would take effect rapidly
(within a year or two of deployment).” (pg. XIII)
This is an interesting claim, as Lord Rees, an important member and contributor to this report authored a book, Just Six Numbers,
on the mathematical tuning of the universe , expounding how it
demonstrates an amazing balance of symmetry creating the conditions for
life. Yet here, we are threatened with humans tipping the perfect balance because humans exist
as carbon-based beings, drive cars and fart – cows, too! Like an inside
joke from the kleptocryptocracy, the double-talk of promoting a
universe with telos and order, and at the same time requiring a
mass genocide and reorganization by the scientific priest-class smacks
more of a con job than a legitimate scientific endeavor. Rees would have
us believe the universe perfectly balances itself to “create” life, and
then the IPCC and U.N. will step in to save us from a conversely
chaotic, meaningless universe. Which is it? The following quote is
highly revealing:
“The greatest challenges to the successful
deployment of geoengineering may be the social, ethical, legal and
political issues associated with governance, rather than scientific and
technical issues. For some methods, like ambient air capture,
pre-existing national mechanisms are likely to be sufficient, for
others, such as ocean iron fertilisation, existing international
mechanisms may be relevant but require some modification. There will
however be some methods, particularly those that require transboundary
activity or which have transboundary effects, for example stratospheric
aerosols or space-based mirrors, which may require new international
mechanisms. Appropriate governance mechanisms for deployment should be
established before Carbon Dioxide Removal or Solar Radiation Management
methods are actually needed in practice.” (pg. 13)
Translation: The pesky humans (carbon) and their morals will get in
the way of our program, so we will need to do it covertly under the
guise of science and global crises. Space-based mirrors will be needed
to aid in the reflecting process, we are told, yet if my analysis is
correct, and the invention of the climate threat is a scam, the real
reason for “space-based” technology of this sort would likely be
weaponized. Modern science itself is not based on altruism – on the
contrary, most modern technological advancements are based around
militarization and global population management (and destruction).Have we seen any examples of some space-based weapon with similar features? In fact we have, as I have written numerous times about the Skynet grid that will incorporate the Internet, global tracking, micro chipped humans and directed energy weapons. A “mirror” in space to reflect “radiation,” or a space based directed energy weapon named Skynet – which do you think is more likely? The 1996 fas.org paper from the Air Force has Skynet described as “Figure 4-1. Cyber Situation Vision: “Eye” See Everything.” I believe this “eye” is the real “mirror,” as the geoengineering programs are intimately connected to weaponized weather control programs and psychological warfare, as we will see.
![Space-based directed energy weapons.](https://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/img00008.gif?w=395&h=275)
Space-based directed energy weapons. Image graphic from the Air Force report on the “Eye in the Sky” that “sees everything.”
“A wide range
of types of particles could be released into the stratosphere with the
objective of scattering sunlight back to space. Important factors that
differentiate the effects of different types of particles include their
size, and whether or not they conduct electricity (Teller et al. 1997,
2002). For non-conducting particles, the optimal size for scattering sunlight is a few tenths of a micron. Particles much larger than this become effective at scattering outgoing long wave (heat) radiation and thus have potential to cause a warming influence.” (pg. 29)
The Teller mentioned is Dr. Edward Teller, the maker of they Hydrogen bomb and physicist who is a big name in pioneering atmospheric spraying and weather modification. Teller
is cited often in on these reports and papers, and his high pedigree as
a bomb manufacturer should immediately raise eyebrows concerning his
weather and climate modification designs. Is the bomb creator now
suddenly a humanitarian who wants to save earth from the “climate” and
“carbon”? Or are they part of the shadow military industrial
subversion complex that seeks full spectrum dominance over all life?
Let’s be realistic here. The manipulation and control envisioned here
is the weaponization of the entirety of man’s environment, ultimately for the purpose of control and depopulation: The same establishment behind the NSA and its eye in the sky is behind the climate façade.2002). For non-conducting particles, the optimal size for scattering sunlight is a few tenths of a micron. Particles much larger than this become effective at scattering outgoing long wave (heat) radiation and thus have potential to cause a warming influence.” (pg. 29)
“Various other types of stratospheric aerosol particles have also been suggested (Teller et al. 1997; Blackstock et al.
2009; Keith in press (b); Submission: Katz). Engineered aerosols might
enable scattering that did not produce so much diffuse illumination,
potentially circumventing a significant side-effect of sulphate
aerosols. Alternative materials might also avoid the coagulation and
vaporisation problems that will be significant for sulphate aerosols.
Finally, it is possible that advanced engineered particles could be
designed that had longer lifetimes, or that were lofted out of the lower
stratosphere, so reducing the impact of the aerosol on ozone chemistry,
or enabling radiative forcing to be concentrated in special locations
such as the polar regions.” (pg. 29)
Is this a hint at nanotech or RFID “dust” that might be sprayed for the purpose of creating the “Internet of Things,” a
Google-associated project that aims to coat the surface of the globe
with a form of nanotech? While there has been much speculation
regarding this in alternative media, we do know plans for an Internet of
Things are real, even to the extend of your dishwasher spying on you as former CIA head David Petraeus stated,
as well as further designs for nano “dust.” The report states, back in
2009, engineered particles would have a longer lifespan, and presumably
this means nanotechnology. The report does cite two papers dealing
with nanotechnology and food, so we can assume this notion is not far-fetched. In analyzing these documents, it is important to remember this
establishment is operating under a worldview of eugenics and biotech
that has long dropped the Hitlerian racial component for the pragmatic
Fabian approach where the entire globe is a test lab.![The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) - a form of directed energy, figures prominently in the 1995 Bond film, Goldeneye. Image: Wikipedia.com](https://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/goldeneye_poster.jpg?w=250&h=365)
The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) – a form of directed energy, figures prominently in the 1995 Bond film, Goldeneye. Image: Wikipedia.com
Our next piece of evidence concerns the US Naval use of HAARP, the infamous Alaskan facility that pioneered weather modification and weaponization. Some have speculated that HAARP is now outdated and purely a research facility nowadays, yet recent papers such as the Navy’s work with plasma as well as the Stanford documents I will cite below speak otherwise. Newer models of manipulation do appear to be connected with Nexrad and Doppler towers, particularly in regard to harnessing lightning as DARPA’s budget shows (see here, page 55). However, HAARP is still an important part of that research, if we are to believe these reports. It is also important to keep in mind the Navy is a defense and wartime institution, not a humanitarian one. This supports my above thesis that weather and geoengineering strategies are for militaristic purposes, not the “common good.” 21stCenturyWire writer Shawn Helton explains of HAARP:
“Rain producing cloud seeding operations,
drought linked chemtrail programs and directed energy technology have
been working in tandem, altering the world for sometime under the
umbrella of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,
better known as HAARP, a joint project funded by the U.S. Air Force,
Navy and DARPA. At the core of the program’s development is said to be a
“unique high frequency ionospheric heating capability.” In addition to that, there is the mention of ELF waves, Geophysical probing and other military applications.”
The Navy report in question states:
“U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
research physicists and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division,
working at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
transmitter facility, Gakona, Alaska, successfully produced a sustained
high density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere. “Previous
artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or
less,” said Paul Bernhardt, Ph.D., NRL Space Use and Plasma Section.
“This higher density plasma ‘ball’ was sustained over one hour by the
HAARP transmissions and was extinguished only after termination of the
HAARP radio beam.
These glow discharges in the upper
atmosphere were generated as a part of the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored Basic Research on Ionospheric
Characteristics and Effects (BRIOCHE) campaign to explore ionospheric
phenomena and its impact on communications and space weather. Using the
3.6-megawatt high-frequency (HF) HAARP transmitter, the plasma clouds,
or balls of plasma, are being studied for use as artificial mirrors at
altitudes 50 kilometers below the natural ionosphere and are to be used
for reflection of HF radar and communications signals.”
![Directed energy satellite weapon from the 2002 Bond film, Die Another Day. Ironically, the villains in the film are North Koreans. Sound familiar?](https://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/die-another-day-icarus-satellite.png?w=532&h=307)
energy satellite weapon from the 2002 Bond film, Die Another Day.
Ironically, the villains in the film are North Koreans. Sound familiar?
The Stanford VLF Group
Next in our series of documentation is the Stanford University’s database dedicated to very low and extremely low-frequency programs. The radio waves mentioned above are merely one piece of the massive programs based at universities and government institutions globally focused on environmental dominance. Stanford stands out as a major hub of such programs, and blasting the atmosphere with such frequencies reveals much deeper designs than mere “weather experiments.” HAARP has long utilized VLF/ELF waves to cause different effects in weather patterns, but what we see in the VLF group is the synthesis of all the above. A sampling of hundreds of papers dealing with the following are linked:
- Energetic electron precipitation induced by space based VLF transmitters
- 100 days of ELF/VLF generation via HF heating with HAARP
- ELF/VLF recordings during the 11 March 2011 Japanese Tohoku earthquake
- DEMETER observations of the ionospheric trough over HAARP in relation to HF heating experiments
“Alvin Toeffler has written about this in
terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain
types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just
eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing
some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific
crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely
through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
![Scaramanga's Directed Solar Energy Weapon in the 1974 film, The Man With the Golden Gun. Image imfdb.org](https://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/500px-mwtgg-solex1.jpg?w=700)
Scaramanga’s Directed Solar Energy Weapon in the 1974 film, The Man With the Golden Gun. Image imfdb.org
“19 Atmospheric electromagnetic (EM)
activity: The Human body communicates internally by EM and
electrochemical impulses. The EM field displayed in Kirlian photographs,
the effectiveness of acupuncture, and the body’s physical responses to
various types of EM radiation (X-rays, infrared radiation, visible
light spectra, etc.) are all examples of human sensitivity to EM forces and fields. Atmospheric EM activity is
regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. LJ. Ravitz:
regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. LJ. Ravitz:
Electromagnetic field constructs add fuel to the assumption unifying living matter harmoniously
with the operations of nature, the expression of an electromagnetic
field no less than non-living systems; and that as points on spectrums,
these two entities may at last take their
positions in the organization of the universe in a way both explicable and rational … A tenable theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, developing not from functional demands, but instead deriving as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total
field pattern. Living matter on has a definition of state based on relativity field physics, through which it has been possible to detect a measurable property of total state functions. (Ravitz, State- Function, Including Hypnotic States” in Journal of American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)
positions in the organization of the universe in a way both explicable and rational … A tenable theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, developing not from functional demands, but instead deriving as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total
field pattern. Living matter on has a definition of state based on relativity field physics, through which it has been possible to detect a measurable property of total state functions. (Ravitz, State- Function, Including Hypnotic States” in Journal of American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)
20 Ionization of the air:
An abundance of negative condensation nuclei (“air ions”) in ingested
air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive
ions enhances drowsiness and depression. Calculation of the
ionic balance of a target audience’s atmospheric environment will be
correspondingly useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition –
caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water – rather than one which most be artificially created.
(Detonation of nuclear weapons, however, will alter atmospheric
ionization levels.) Cf. Soyke, Fred and Edmonds, Alan, The Ion Effect.
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.
21 Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves:
ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can
also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine
for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed
by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body
has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional
distortion. Infrasoundvibration (up to 20 Hz) can
subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta,
alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything
from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as
ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in
conjunction with media broadcasts as well. See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-140.”
![The real golden gun, like the control of all life, is the control and direction of energy. Economics itself is a directed energy weapon, too.](https://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/the-man-with-the-golden-gun-04.jpg?w=473&h=271)
real golden gun, like the control of all life, is the control and
direction of energy. Modern fiat economics itself is a directed energy
weapon. Image: the007dissier.com
It is not merely an attack on some single aspect of organisms, but a dominance of all aspects of organic life. The technocratic dream of transhumanist transcendence is the reason for all this, the assumption being that to go to the next level, the existing order must be utilized for mass experimentation to determine which genetic strands can best adapt and conversely which means are the best appropriation to attaining singularity in a Skynet-ruled, RFID dust-covered nanotech planet. In the wake of the destruction, the forced Darwinian evolution will cause a “leap” in those able to adapt, pure order out of designed chaos. “Chemtrails” and geoengineering are clearly a part of this mass engineering. When we step outside the compartmentalized framework, we can clearly see the pattern I have elucidated emerge.
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