
It appears our coders at Google have taken us by the slender thread into an understanding of things past and by virtue of that into the future. In a way it is fitting because the more modern classic A Christmas Carol involved the ghosts of the past, the present and the future. Time is an unusual feature of our dimension. It is lived through in every moment, but the next is uncertain in spite of the fact it has already been lived through. The term the fabric of time was established to understand it as a thread more fittingly described in physics as string theory. But of course Conspiracy Cafe is not limited by conventional thought. We will dare to untie the riddles with broader interpretations. One of the most prolific is the shadow cast by Google the military industrial complex as it exists today. It's hand is set to grasp the threads, but inside the code will ensnare the culprits instead.

The winter solstice has been and always will be a time of ritualistic ceremony. It is a time when the shortened days reach their maximum duration of night and return on the journey to the maximum amount of light. In this regard it has always been thought of as a period of rebirth. It was also a time of great fear because in days of yore there was no guarentee that there would be an ability to survive the long winter months. Starvation, disease and unrelenting cold taxed the most hardy of souls.

In many cultures the Gods and Godesses took prevalence. In fear dark rituals including sacrifice were involved. That is why these days are so well admired by the Satanic influences of the world. As a matter of expediency livestock were slaughtered for their meat and to reduce the competition for food. The ancient sites of Stonehenge and Newgrange are still focal points to this day.

The symbolism of the doodle bears great significance in mythology. In classic Greek mythology there were white robed incarnations of destiny known as the Moirai or the Fates in English. They were Clotho the spinner, Lachesis the allotter or drawer of lots and Atropos the unturnable or inevitable cutter of the thread of life. In this regard the threads have great significance. It is a warning of the things to come. Clotho spun the thread of life and was commonly called upon in the ninth month of pregnancy. Lachesis measured the thread of life. In Latin she was referred to as Decima. The major poll company bears that name. Atropos chose the manner of death that cut the thread of life. The doodle is a forboding. The limit of the thread has been reached. The manner of the cut has been decided. The time is nigh to us and established for them. The thread is being knitted into a New World Order.
The three Moirai, or the triumph of death, Flemish tapestry ca 1520, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Illustration by Fred Barnard of the Wine-Shop in St. Antoine; Madame Defarge is seated with her knitting, her husband Ernest Defarge standing behind her
An interesting variation of the three Moirai arose in the Valkyries detailed in the Maria Callas Google doodle. You see the line of the shadow is still the same and still on course. A denouement is approaching. It can be read in the signs based on the wonders. Another classic spinner of the threads was Madame Thérèse Defarge a fictional character in Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities. Madame was a worker in the French revolution. She sought tirelessly for revenge. Defarge represents the Moirai. She knits. In the threads she encodes the names of those to be killed in retribution for their crimes. It is a prolific portion of the doodle. There will be revolution. The names of the slain are known. The sentence is soon to pass. Whether intended or not the story is clear. It is a Dickens tale. Take heed lest ye fall victim to the 'conspiracy.' The shadow of the solstice is the light of the morrow. Until then enjoy the victory of the light.
Categories: New World Order
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