Other Hoaxes Zionist Terror — 21 December 2013
UPDATED: Paul Walker’s Crew Busted for Faking his Death
Updated, again, Dec. 27, 2013.It is now absolutely confirmed. For reasons yet to be fully determined Paul Walker, along with Roger Rodas, faked his death. It was a fake supported by Mr. Walker’s family, although lately, notes Paul Walker, Sr., he and his son don’t always see eye-to-eye. This hoax was achieved with collaboration of the entire crew and production team of the Fast & Furious cabal in collaboration with Universal Studios.
The inanity of Jim Torp alone demonstrates the nature of the scam, as does, through a careful review, the behavior, comments, and body, as well as facial language, of the interviewees. Torp says the girlfriend was there and “collapsed,” while the company Website said she wasn’t there. At once, Torp claims, the accident occurred a mere 5 minutes after the departure of the two men, then changing the story to “2o minutes.”
No matter: there are simply way too many anomalies to regard it at real. Like, for instance, the fake warning that Mr. Walker issued to his fans a number of times to be happy, to “smile,” in the event that he might die a violent death in a fast and furious car crash.
Let us take these individuals at their words: that Walker and Rodas took off for a short journey and never came back, dying in fiery car crash. No one knew it happened until an explosion was heard. Torp, with his magic ball, said he “knew it was an accident” right away. Sure he did – sure he knew all about it. It is, after all, nothing other than a magic trick.
It was sure that the world would know how devastating these senseless deaths would be, as the two men prepared to depart on their five-minute joy ride.
It was all Hollywood in action, though few people realized it. How could they? It was all done under the utmost disguise, with plenty of smoke and mirrors.
This is what people were led to believe the initial scene looked like, even though fire-proof Mario can readily be seen in the frame. Notice the fire extinguisher laid on the pavement, but end against the curb, as a prop.
Imagery of a man in a white suit involved in accelerating the pyrotechnic fire. This image is taken directly from the DailyMail. Here is the picture with embedded credit in the far left corner:

Fire extinguisher placed against the curb as a prop. Another example of the same seen here:
These are obvious Hollywood-style props and are not related to a car crash of any kind, the placement of the fire extinguishers in particular demonstrating the fabricated nature of this scene. Place these compressed cannisters near the fire so they could explode?
This is essentially the same scene for public consumption taken as a screen shot from the fabricators who rolled up on the scene, acting as if they were accidental by-standers. Regardless, who can refute it? That is a person in the midst of the pyrotechnic burn wearing a fire-resistant suit. That person, oddly enough, bears a resemblance to Roger Rodas.
There appears to be a man or two in fire-proof
That really is a person, and that person really is wearing a fire-proof suit. Here is a more likely example of such a suit:
This is from a film uploaded by HerreraVip, a Walker associate, who was on-site. It can be seen that there is a man in a white suit who is firing a flame-throwing device into the car, when the observable smoke tunnel suddenly forms.
On the other side of the pyrotechnic fire (darker side), two men, one apparently in a protective suit.
Here is an example of a smoke bomb, which was dropped to disguise the event, not normal behavior for a fiery, deadly car crash.
Doubt that people were really working the site of the fake car crash? Then, there is this battery of screenshots seen in this post courtesy of an individual with the moniker, HerraraVip.
Who is HerraraVip?
Herrera provides music for the F&F entity and can be seen with Walker in videos on sets, as discovered by a nodisinfo poster. Everywhere, wherever he posts he puts “RIP Paul Walker.”
This is the picture he uses on his twitpic.com feed. What does this represent? Could it get any more bizarre than this? This is, after all, the man who put on such a dramatic act which substantiated the hoax, pulling away from the microphone as if he couldn’t take it any more, as if he was crying.
What is he wearing on his head? Hard to say but the Walker clique does like Viking hats, as seen in their beach party after the fake death. And what is a bombon production?
He is apparently a hip-hopper and formerly worked out of New York:
It’s obviously what kind of manure he keeps in the sewer of his mind. It is, this fake death and phony car crash – a Satanist act, despite the fake acting, the handsome green-blue eyes (of Walker), and more. He is being called out for his constant support of a fake.
Is it the same person who acted as the hoaxer who acted like he was dying in grief? An older version, it could be: look at the broadening of the nose, double-diamond ear rings is a key player in this hoax.
One of the most convincing actors of all, he had all the emotions and body language, which convinced millions of his desperate despair. Yet, it was all a fake: no tears, here. Then, why do the wiping? The point is what is the act about, the fake tears, unless the entire operation is fake?
Additionally, a planted hat to depict the hat of one of the occupants:
There is no doubt that this hat is a prop; it is clearly planted. There are no bodies, by the way, under the tarp.
A similar tarp, if not the same tarp, was seen previously inside the studio. Note the central lines, highly similar:
On the ABC video when the fire truck sirens sounded and it started pulling up, this Walker scene produce (or coordinator) called it down, frantically.
Or, more likely, she was telling her friend or associate, Alofoke or other, not to film this specific scene or that she didn’t want to be filmed. The waving off effort is rather vigorous. No wonder: she herself doesn’t want to be filmed, because this person bears a strong resemblance to Walker girlfriend, Jasmine Gosnell-Pilchard.
Regarding the crash hoax here is what Alofoke uploaded. Poor job. He revealed the whole scam in the rush to defraud the world. This is a crucial finding that proves that the official claims, no matter how much fake emotion is shown, is a lie:
That’s right, just as is seen so clearly, just as the pyrotechnic display begins there is an entire entourage of Walker collaborators on the scene. Where? Right in the middle of the road in close proximity to the burning car. Torp & Co. never gave the world this view of the scene. Nor did “Fire Extinguisher” Herrera.
Another view from an ABC exclusive video:
There are three people, left-screen, another, mid-screen, and two on the far right screen.
What is behind them? It is a law that when doing pyrotechnics that supportive protection must be available, just in case the fire or explosions get out of hand. Is that a fire truck behind on the far right screen? Regardless, it makes absolutely no sense that just as this fire is ignited there would be such a mass of people surrounding the car, while clear and obvious pyrotechnic smoke abounds, likely as a means of disguise.
No one can say that this isn’t a group of humans congregating next to the initial setting of the fire.
There are all sorts of people, here, some close to the Hollywood hoax display, others on the far side of the road, still others in their cars. Is that really a fire truck in the back?
Is that a water cannon, then, on the back of that fire truck in the back, as seen on the back of this truck?
Here is hard proof that it is the same truck, right there before any major fire is started, the image on the left being from the HerraraVip film, the other a still image at the PW site:
All ready to got, just in case the artificially created fire gets out of hand.
Regardless, the finding of all these fabricators and hoaxers on site, smoke machines as a disguise and then the explosion of pyrotechnic fires: all this is proof of a staged death. Who can prove otherwise?
Regardless, these hoaxers are busted completely. They were right there, not merely ‘on the scene’, as they claim but, rather, creating this scene. Busted to the moon: the deaths are faked, absolutely proven by the presence of the crew just as the pyrotechnic fires are ignited.
A number of people have said, including astute nodisinfo.com posters, that two different cars were used based upon the licence plate left at the scene by a van, as a part of the memorial. However, close inspection demonstrates the number to be nearly the same – but not exactly so:
A screenshot from an actual video where Walker is directly associated with the car on that day (Nov. 30):
Notice the fact that it tends in the numbers “90.”
Different licence plates, therefore, confirmed? Regardless, how did the licence plate get placed just there, propped up like that? That means the plate was planted, which confirms the hoax; it is planted for full camera view. This alone is cause for suspicion of this event as a hoax.R.I.P Paul Walker Crash Dead "NEW FOOTAGE" Fast & Furious!!
Two different licence plates is proof of the use of two different cars. The “Always Evolving” seems to be missing at the bottom, but that is a difficult call.
The licence plates are slightly different, mainly in the missing under bar, “Always Evolving.” This proves that this is an elaborate, staged hoax.
Regarding the use of two cars there is also this issue that has been observed by a number of people, so it will be covered, here, although it is irrelevant:
To clarify this is not as was once thought as proof of two cars. Instead, this the norm, that such Porsches have blue center hub color on the right, while red on the left. So, the hub color is not evidence of two different cars.
However, the difference in the licence plates may well demonstrate that two cars were used, the junker or less valuable one being burnt up, while Walker & Co. made their escape in the more valuable one.
Regardless, the existence on the scene before the main fire of dozens of people and a number of cars proves the case. Busted: HOAX level, 1000%.
More evidence? How about plenty of smiley faces “at the site of the crash,” per the DailyMail:
These people, including all the staff, the directors, the producers, and the co-stars, know it is a hoax. At least the American people should know the same. People are spending their money wildly believing in this fraud. All levels of this fabrication must be boycotted.
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