
Our Google friends are taking a decidedly easy approach to Christmas. The last doodle on knitting the yarn revealed far too much detail. A simpler picture has been used to fill the gap. However, every thought and image casts a shadow if one cares to see it. This image is no different. In its simplicity is complexity. The simple sleigh ride is posted on our site. It is the classic sleigh ride in the Tolstoy classic Dr. Zhivago. The scene is based on the arrival of Yurii, Lara and Tonya arriving in Varykino at the Ice Palace. It was one of the immortal scenes. Dr. Zhivago is fleeing the ill effects of the revolution. He is seeking solace in the past by returning to the remnant of grand splendor that is physically there but no longer a comfort. The ice implies a hard winter as was common in solstice. However, there was a departure scene as well. Lara was liberated by sleigh too. There is a deep messagee here. We will see great cataclysms perhaps Biblical in scope. We will find sanctuary. It will be difficult, but we will survive.

The next image is the typical street scene in any city. The center of the picture involves the bus. Though a common feature the bus has been the focal point of human history on many occassions. The most photographed bus was the one blown up in the London terror attacks of 7/7. In movie lore the bus from the 1994 movie Speed involves a terror plot. In history the bus was the location of the revolutionary action of Rosa Parks who brought race issues to the fore front and set the stage for Dr. Martin Luther King. In a well less known movie The Runaway Bus from 1954 involved stolen bullion being transported by a 'banker.' Time Magazine did the Top Ten buses in history. We would expect one to be the focal point of an issue soon. My favorite is the 2008 movie Traitor where a deep cover agent works to stop a plot by a terror network to blow up 50 buses during the Thanksgiving holiday. The agent is relentlessly persued as a suspected terrorist himself. Other deep cover agents may well have included Lee Oswald. Their lot in life can be denegrated to patsy as the circumstances warrant due to the fact few have the ability to see a complex plot.

In this seldom released angle of the Tavistock bus we see the advert on the side. The shadow language is right under our very noses most often yet people don't see it. In this particular case it was concealed purposely for obvious reasons. The image came from a site that alleges the roof was cut at the point of the arrow.
A closeup of the repressed advert. You can run, but you can never hide from the shadow of the fourth dimension even if you take the bus.
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