Thursday, August 22, 2013

TIME CATALYST: The Formation of the FDA
Posted by George Freund on August 20, 2013

There are patterns in time and events that are easily recognized once you understand the methods to the madness. As we discussed in the previous TIME CATALYST, the only winning move is to change the rules. That is how Satan's minions advance. They, of course, have to take advantage of human emotions first by creating a crisis the first step in the Hegelian Dialectic. It is so easy when you know how, and they know how.

The call to action disarm WE THE PEOPLE. In this case small, concealable handguns.
We react like cattle when threatened. We stampede. The powers of the New World Order have devoted much time to the problem, reaction, solution scenario. They orchestrate a crisis and then submit to our reaction with their contrived solution. We beg them for enslavement due to our lack of understanding. The problem is frequently termed a false flag operation to ensure no one figures out the true reasons and culprits. Whether it is to orchestrate war via an attack like the USS Maine in Havana harbor or the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it stokes the emotions to get we the people agitated for war. In terms of the loss of liberty and power of we the people actions like assassinations or mass shootings are par for the course. They have advance, of course, to the catchall phrase known as TERROR! As Hitler said, "What luck for rulers that men do not think." What advantage for us that we do.

The trophy shot. Attack mail order guns to disarm WE THE PEOPLE. And if we knew it was an inside job from the start, we would be thinking.

Even when we fail to eliminate the primary target, we can advance the agenda with the call to disarm The Brady Bill. The useful idiots are lined up for their moment of fame to destroy the Republic by hook or by crook or both. The fact the assassin's father was meeting with the Vice President's son Neil meant nothing. Later brother Marvin Bush would surrender the most famous piece of real estate in the United States, the World Trade Center, days before the most infamous date in American history 9/11. Details. Details.

The pattern presents itself with virtually every event that commands the banner headline. Like a cheap dime store novel, we can practically write the scripts. So as we descend into the past, we can see very clearly that previous crises were orchestrated outside of war. Have you ever wondered where the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) came from? I never gave it much thought until I read a great book from my collection THE DEMON UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: From Battlefield Hospitals to Nazi Labs, One Doctor's Heroic Search for the World's First Miracle Drug. It is the story of disease and the drug that first brought us relief from the greatest killers of the ages. We almost laugh them off today because anti-biotics have taken the battle to the enemy. There was a day however, when staphylococcusstreptococcustetanuserysipelas, and childbed fever were the greatest killers of the ages. President Harding's son, Calvin Jr., died of infection from a blister on his foot. Any open wound could lead to a painful death from infection in those days. Twenty to thirty per cent of women died in child birth from infection. Do the math.

Hospitals were not clean places. Doctors didn't wash their hands or change their clothes. They were the most common transfer vector of disease. It was common to autopsy one woman and then touch another. Midwives had a third of the risk of childbed fever for that reason.
Sulfanilamide saved the day. It was a non-patentable chemical. Bayer tried to attach it to another chemical to patent the effects. Millions died in the years to bring it to market. The Pasteur Institute discovered it was sulpha that killed bacteria. In time the gold rush occurred as everyone and his brother in law in the drug industry marketed a version. In the 30's, you didn't need a prescription. You were the master of your own body and what went in it good or bad. Of course that wouldn't sit well with the New World Order. They would need to have control. There was a Food and Drug Administration, but they lacked the all-encompassing power to have the state control every aspect of your health. A bill was before congress to give it POWER! It was stalled. A propaganda wagon was making the tour to show people how bad things were. A media campaign was commenced in 1936 called "Chamber of Horrors." It even went on a road show and developed into a book The American Chamber of Horrors. The people weren't swayed. They weren't giving up their right to choose. Then a 'miracle' happened. There was a crisis.

So while I have no mercy for unscrupulous peddlers of poison. I see the FDA has the drug peddlers' brother in arms to wage war on natural products that are far safer than drugs prescribed by doctors. Pharmaceuticals kill far more that small, concealable handguns and nothing is done because they have been approved and doctors have licence.

So a good three generations after the passing of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act SB 3073 things appear to be getting worse not better. However, our time catalyst is a chemist for a drug company named Massengill operating out of Kansas City. The chemist, Harold Watkins, looked for a fluid to mix the sulfanilamide with. They were looking for a niche market that included children and coloured people. A sweet tasting elixir would fill the bill. He had a known poison diethylene glycol. There were three reports out in 1937 attesting its dangers. Ethylene glycol was developed in 1926. It is better known as anti-freeze. Its advantage as a poison is it tastes sweet. Harold mixed the sulpha with diethylene glycol. Massengill's Elixir Sulpfanilamide was widely distributed. In time people got sick and many died. In Tulsa there was a cluster of bizarre deaths shutting down the kidneys. Dr. James Stephenson found the common link Massengill's Elixir. All 239 FDA agents were mobilized. There were over 100 deaths. There was the classic if it just saved one life letter to the President to mobilize empathy. The public demanded action. The FDA bill was no longer stalled. It got BIG TEETH.

All in all this is a textbook story on the development of law or the changing of rules if it saves the one life. As we see in the graph above many thousands are falling and it doesn't seem to matter for some reason. However, it is the pattern we're after. Chemist Harold Watkins committed suicide. He was shot in the heart they say cleaning his gun. You'd think a chemist would know of a good poison to go clean. Obviously he wasn't well versed on poisons or was he? What if we do what Hitler said we shouldn't and think? What if diethylene glycol was put in the Elixir on purpose as part of the problem, reaction, solution equation? What if?
You see there was another bizarre death after the bill came into law June 2, 1938 it's sponsor Dr. Royal S. Copeland. To add insult to injury he was a naturopathic doctor as well as an M.D.  He died suddenly of arterial collapse June 17th. What would you want to bet if we exhumed the body that we found he was poisoned. Of course it's natural to cash in your chips if your involved in one of these crises. Ask Senator Wellstone or Congressman Larry McDonald or Congressman Leo Ryan.

Dr. Copeland carried the common denominator of belonging to a plethora of secret societies. He belonged to the New York group called Tammany Hall. It was the who's who of the political establishment.
Tammany depended for its power on government contracts, jobs, patronage, corruption, and ultimately the ability of its leaders to swing the popular vote. The last element weakened after 1940 with the decline of relief programs like WPA and CCC that Tammany used to gain and hold supporters. Congressman Christopher "Christy" Sullivan was one of the last "bosses" of Tammany Hall before its collapse. Manhattan District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey also got longtime Tammany Hall boss Jimmy Hines convicted of bribery in 1939[2] and handed him a 4-8 year sentence.[41] The loss of Hines would serve as a major blow to Tammany, as he had given the political machine strong ties to the city's powerful organized crime figures since the 1920s.[42] A few years prior, Dewey also had powerful mobster and strong Tammany ally Lucky Luciano convicted of racketeering and handed him a 30-50 year sentence;[43] however, Luciano was still able to maintain control of the powerful Luciano crime family from prison until his sentence was commuted to deportation to Italy in 1946.[44] Several Tammany Hall officials affiliated with Hines and Luciano were also successfully prosecuted by Dewey as well.

The more things change the more they remain the same
Copeland was a member of several honor societies and fraternal organizations, including the Pi Gamma Mu, international honor society in social sciences, which he served in various positions, Delta Kappa Epsilon, the New York Athletic Club, the National Democratic Club, the Elks, the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Shriners, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, and the Sons of the American Revolution.
You see Lyndon Johnson, Lester Pearson, and Admiral Byrd in Pi Gamma Mu along with a host of globalist conspirators. The Bush's and President Ford and the Roosevelt's and J.P. Morgan were Delta Kappa Epsilon members. The doctor on the USS Maine who died in the explosion was a lesser known member. They sacrifice their own as predators. Many Presidents were members of the Sons of the American Revolution including Warren Committee Ford and the Bush's.
We see the typical pattern. We have to anticipate that this was a classic false flag operation to change the rules to get the New World Order established. So as a catalyst Harold Watkins had great effect. We all squirm under its mandate without ever know the 'CONSPIRACY' behind it.

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