MTV VMAs 2013: It Was About Miley Cyrus Taking the Fall
Aug 27th, 2013 | 2013 edition of the VMAs was not about music. It wasn’t even about the symbolism I’ve described in past years. It was basically MTV saying: “There is nothing to celebrate in pop music this year, here’s an awkward, cringe-worthy display of everything that is wrong in the entertainment industry”.
I’ve written extensive articles about past VMA awards because they were filled with occult symbolism and messages. This year, not so much. It was about promoting major artists and their newest albums. But mostly, it was about providing a “shocking” moment that would get mass media talking for days. Miley Cyrus provided it.
Miley Cyrus: The Industry Slave Chosen to Take the Fall
Miley Cyrus’ display at the VMAs was qualified by many as “trashy” and “embarrassing”. It was indeed a strange sight to see. It was as if she was doing it on purpose to embarrass herself. Well, here’s a moment of clarity: It WAS done on purpose and, moreseo, it was ALL staged. People commenting on Miley Cyrus appear to forget one, massive detail: There is an enormous marketing machine behind Miley Cyrus and there always was.
image has been heavily marketed by Disney since the days she took on
the role of Hannah Montana – a girl who (appropriately enough) had a
stage alter persona, with a different wig. Hannah Montana products often
had butterflies on them, a slick reminder of how she was a Disney
programming slave.
Miley’s VMA performance is about a child star who was beloved by millions of young people showing what the industry has done to her. It is about shattering the innocence of her fans by having them witness her metamorphosis into one giant sex-obsessed caricature. I’m using the word caricature because it is safe to say that Miley was not 100% herself during the VMA’s. Her oversexualized demeanor was characteristic of a Beta programming slave who had the switch turned “on”. It was, however, not only about being overtly sexual. It was also (and mostly) about being annoying and embarrassing herself – as if it was a sick, humiliating ritual. Dressed and styled to look like a bratty child, jumping around with giant teddy bears, Miley’s performance was all about getting a negative reaction from the public while continuing the ongoing agenda of sexualizing everything that is related to childhood.
Things got even stranger when Robin Thicke came out to perform Blurred Lines. As its name somewhat stipulates, that song blurs the line between being a flirty and all-out creepy. Its video has a strange handler-slave vibe, where Robin, Pharell and T.I. are all sharply dressed while the women dancing around them are completely naked … and being sung lines such as “You’re an animal”.
“Blurred Lines” appears to be nothing more than a “fun and sexy video”,
the fact that the singers are fully dressed while the models are
completely naked denotes a strong relationship of dominance. Forcing
slaves to be naked while the masters are dressed is a classic
psychological ploy to make slaves feel powerless, vulnerable and
“Blurred Lines” Miley acted like a true Beta programming slave – while
Robin acted like a handler. His strange suit featured a dualistic
pattern that is used during the programming actual MK slaves. There was
also something strange about seeing 20-year-old girl (dressed to look
younger) rubbing herself on this 36-year-old (married) man.
The one-eyed pedo-bear shirt she had on told her entire story.
The one-eyed, wasted pedo-bear basically told the world who was behind this staged “false flag event”.
This performance and the public backlash that followed is proof of the tight control the industry has on its slaves. I am pretty sure that, deep down inside, Miley knew that this is all ridiculous and embarrassing. But there’s nothing she can do about it.
Lady Gaga
There wasn’t much more to the VMAs this year. I can imagine MTV execs telling Justin Timberlake’s people:- What song will Justin perform?But seriously, other than Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga also got a little attention. Her new single Applause is basically a continuation of her “Fame Monster” theme where she’s a performer that desperately seeks attention and fame. Gaga is ready to do anything to get it, even if that means doing the elite’s bidding and throwing around its symbols.
- His latest single.
- That’s not enough. We’ve got a lot of dead time to fill here.
- How many songs do you want him to sing?
- Huh?
- Make him sing EVERY DAMN SINGLE he ever recorded. Bring back goddamn NSYNC if you have to. We’ve got a whole of free time to fill here.
- Um, OK.
began her performance with her head inside a white square – as if
saying that she’s a “blank canvas”. She is ready to be painted in any
way possible to get applause.
During her first verse, Gaga wears the wig she had in the videos from her first album such as Paparazzi (read the article about it here). She does the one-eye thing to make sure you know that her blank canvas was filled by the Illuminati Agenda.
During the second verse, she wears the wig she had in the video “Telephone” – the video was about MK programming and killing civilians … remember? She does the one-eye thing again so you know that was also part of the Illuminati Agenda.
the last part of her performance, Gaga unveils her last “persona” – an
embodiment of the goddess Venus as depicted in “The Birth of Venus” by
did Gaga embody Venus? The association between the planet Venus and
lust goes back thousands of years – since the times of Ishtar, the
Babylonian goddess of sex and lust who was associated with Venus.
“As the morning star, Venus is visible before sunrise, and as the evening star it shines forth immediately after sunset. Because of these qualities, a number of names have been given to it by the ancients. Being visible in the sky at sunset, it was called vesper, and as it arose before the sun, it was called the false light, the star of the morning, or Lucifer, which means the light-bearer. Because of this relation to the sun, the planet was also referred to as Venus, Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, and The Mother of the Gods.”The “Mother Monster” is apparently now the “Mother Goddess”. Gaga’s performance was, in short, a tribute to her past personas, and the “birth” of a new one – one that fits with the mythology and symbolism of the occult elite.
- Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages
In Conclusion
While mass media backlash against Miley Cyrus is solely directed at Miley Cyrus, the big picture is completely being missed (or ignored). If “observers” and “critics” took their faces out of her bony behind and took a step back, they would maybe see what is truly happening: Miley Cyrus is, more than ever, owned and controlled by an enormous machine. Her image, her music and her performance is fully determined by her handlers. For some sick reason, she was chosen this year to embarrass herself and to traumatize all of the young people who grew up watching her. Miley was offered as a “sacrifice” to the public while adding to the complete breakdown of popular culture. Her performance was choreographed and staged to be as annoying and distasteful as possible. From the bratty hair, to the unflattering outfit, to the constant sticking out of the tongue, to the obsession with “twerking” without having the physical attributes to pull it off … it was all planned to piss the world off.While the masses are laughing and pointing at Miley Cyrus, those who handle her are laughing and pointing at the masses … because they’re falling right into this sick humiliation process. While I am not looking to add to the Miley Cyrus noise, someone needs to say it: She’s a puppet and we need to look at those who are pulling the strings. We also need to look at what they are doing to people such as Miley Cyrus and, more importantly, to our youth in general. This is not about a single girl who lost her way, it is about a system making the world lose its way.
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