
The time is nigh. For those of you who were always faithful to the word in spite of all the interference, know you were right. In the next few days to weeks a threshold may very well be crossed. We have cued up Sept. 5th, 11th, and 22nd in our Google decrypts. The exposure of the false flag primary target has eulogized a future time catalyst. For years an apathethic citizenry has preferred privilege to moral duty. The ballot box and even the cartridge box left by America's founders have been squandered. A dangerous fifth column of what are termed globalists have usurped the powers of nations and waged war against states not aligned to the Rothschild bank system. The dominoes have fallen to the last. The final form of resistance will be other nuclear powers in this case Russia and perhaps China doing it for you.
The most useless award in human history Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize
Since they have the ignominious duty to clean house, they chose the means and the extent. Our leaders are moral reprobates and cowards of the highest order. Already their mouthpieces are folding like deck chairs. The opinion cartel are saying hey wait Obama not WWIII. Vladimir Putin is not a pussy like they are. As long as somebody else is doing the killing they are heroes all. They are even braver in their bunkers when the others do the dying. The time has come for a quantum shift. If I was Vladimir Putin, the United States Navy would have to start a massive rebuilding program and recruiting spree. Diego Garcia would be a nuclear wasteland. Obama would be dealt the hand that would make him execute tens of millions of his people. The Nobel Peace Prize winner would have to PUSH the button, but I play tough hands. I understand bullies especially the ones in the expensive suits.

Reports are coming in that there are volunteers from Russia and the Ukraine preparing to go to Syria. That is the crack in the dike boys and girls. Syria will offer them citizenship and insurance for their families. They'll probably get a better deal than returning western vets. Russia's greatest weapon is us. If I were him I would mobilize everything I've got and prepare to launch in full view of the international media playing copious amounts of post apocalypse scenarios while extolling the virtues of Moscow's newly built shelters. Vladimir Putin has the Clint Eastwood go ahead and make my day persona. I see you Mr. Obama, and I raise 50 million dead Americans, 20 million Europeans. Of course one former President in jail awaiting execution for treason and war crimes allows me to fold my hand. What will you do America? Live or die it's you move. GO!

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