Monday, August 5, 2013

Ross Perot, vindicated again.

hehe that lil feller was right huh!  :o    “Giant Sucking Sound.”      hows them 10.50 hr  welcome to wal~mart motherfuckers jobs ..working OUT fer U.S.     huh America ?    um ah oh yea ..wait til the republithugs get back in ... no ,no no wait til the next ass~slam~our~asses~yer~momma  gets back in  or .or or how about the hell~ery /billy boy  great American combo ...gets back IN     “Giant Sucking Sound.”  you fucks are/have been leading U.S.  down the shitter  tube for what ..about 125 yrs now?   ...hows it going America ?  ...loooking gooooooooooooood huh !                monkeys throwing 'their' on shit on the budget wall ..would/ could  DO better   & here's the truly sick part ..these ass pipes we got roaming the halls ( D.C. degenerate city & ANY city hall)   preen around wit their surgical/drug ass pipe faces  ....thinking "they"  are all that ?  .........just spewing shit ALL over THIS once Great Country  & you's keep voting this shit in ,year after year after year ....  & the "best"  you 's can come up wit is .............  well um  voting the lesser of 2 evils in :o               even fucking being edu~ain't in  OUR great every dumb ass gotta pass cuz ..we can't hurt ANYBODY'S  ...'feeling's '  schools               evil  + evil  ,  fucking = EVIL    :o                 yea read that in a sacred book some where ?             Book  Fuck Me ,Chapter Up the ass, Verse  again !   Oops    “Giant Sucking Sound.”

Ross Perot, vindicated again.

by Craig Masters
Ross Perot was not a politician, he was a businessman who believed in building America through business investment and job growth. He saw a problem coming and he wanted to fix it. What he didn’t understand was that politicians in America have a very closed club which quickly closes ranks to protect their own.
In his 1992 campaign for President, Ross Perot said that jobs lost due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would create a “Giant Sucking Sound.” The liberal mainstream media had a lot of fun with the phrase at Perot’s expense. The media supported Bill Clinton. Clinton won the election and stated on September 14, 1993, “I believe that NAFTA will create 200,000 American jobs in the first two years of its effect.” Three months later, in December 1993, Clinton signed the NAFTA and it took effect January 1, 1994.
But like nearly everything else about Bill Clinton, he was either wrong or lying. The “Giant Sucking Sound” was deafening to the U.S. manufacturing sector jobs. The AFL-CIO reports that in the year prior to NAFTA taking effect, the U.S. sold $1.6 billion more to Mexico than we bought from Mexico. In the first two years after NAFTA, the U.S. lost more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs to Mexico. By 2010 the trade surplus had become a $66 billion deficit and some 700,000 American jobs had been lost or displaced, according to a report by the Economic Policy Institute.
Also from 2010, a statement released by the White House, Office of the Press Secretary, “I am very pleased that the United States and South Korea have reached agreement on a landmark trade deal that is expected to increase annual exports of American goods by up to $11 billion and support at least 70,000 American jobs. ” But in the first year after Obama signed the trade agreement with South Korea the U.S. exports to South Korea fell by $3.5 billion and imports from South Korea rose $2.3 billion, increasing our South Korean trade deficit by more than 39 percent. Those trends are on track to increase in 2013 as South Korean auto manufacturers Hyundai and Kia experience record sales in the U.S. market.
Instead of creating 70,000 American jobs, the U.S. has lost more than 40,000; most of which were good paying manufacturing sector jobs. Instead of South Koreans driving American made cars, Detroit is bankrupt.
Now, Obama is working on an even larger trade scheme, another trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). China has considered joining with several Asia-Pacific region countries in the TPP. Several of these countries have histories of unfair trade practices involving everything from producing counterfeit products, dumping goods on margin, and currency manipulation. If the TPP is approved, that “Giant Sucking Sound” may well be the noise from the bottom of the U.S. manufacturing sector jobs well.
In less than three years of the conflict, 50,000 American soldiers died to keep South Korea free. American tax payers have paid for the ‘defense’ of South Korea ever since. Now it seems we are paying with our jobs.
The “fundamental transformation” continues!

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