Monday, August 5, 2013

Anthony Weiner’s Sexting Partner Makes Porno Video

Kristin Tate

Just when we all thought Anthony Weiner’s situation couldn’t get any worse, his sexting partner released a porno video.
23-year-old Sydney Leathers made a video for a major porn distributor called Vivid, in which she undresses provocatively and gives information about her relationship with Weiner. She said, “He would always compliment me on my breasts and my butt and my feet, and he would always tell me I was the perfect height to wear heels.”
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Despite the wrench that Leathers has thrown in the path of Weiner, he is still running for New York City mayor. A mere two weeks ago, Leathers released al of the explicit conversations she had online with the ex-Congressman.
Vivid has been known to release high-profile porno videos. The company bought Kim Kardashian’s sex tape, and paid reality star Farah Abraham from Teen Mom hundreds of thousands to make her porno debut.
In her video, Leathers talks about how her “relationship” with Weiner began. She said, “I was shocked and flattered at the same time when I saw that he poked me and as the conversation progressed it quickly turned sexual and it was the same thing- I was just shocked an flattered.”
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As reported by the Daily Mail:
No other man appears in the video with her, and the clip blatantly shows that she will be pleasuring herself in the full-length version.
During the teaser clip, Leathers talks briefly about her own sexual experiences.

‘I am into sex, I’m pretty open about it honestly, especially for someone from the Bible belt- they’re not really used to that over there, so I’m a little different from the normal Midwestern girl,’ she said with a smile.

She went on to confirm her previously ‘sugar daddy’ relationships with older men, saying that one went on for three years and she led him to believe that they had a future even though she had no intention of getting serious with him.

She did not reveal the identity of that lover, but said ‘he helped me with rent, helped my pay for my car, just normal things like that.’
Good grief. For the sake of his wife, his family, and his own dignity (whatever’s left), Weiner ought to pull out of the NYC mayor race. This is just getting ridiculous.

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