Tuesday, July 2, 2013



Posted by George Freund on July 2, 2013 at 8:50 AM

The greatest novel of the 19th century and the best selling book after the Bible was Uncle Tom's Cabin the story of the reality of slavery in America and how it could be overcome by Christianity. It was said it laid the groundwork for the U.S. Civil War, but Lincoln himself said that slavery was not an issue. It was states' rights and of course money. The North was facing financial issues that the South was required to satiate. 

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union." (Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862)
Uncle Tom was a character in the novel. He has been judged by time as being a symbol of subservience to immoral authority. He would be more than willing by that standard to  compromise his own people in the errant belief that cooperation would be the best course. The term Quisling was used in Norway after the German invasion after the then leader. In France sympathizers were in size and scope the government of the Vichy. There are times when the forces of darkness have such power over the oppressed that buying a little time is a sensible strategy. However, the end result has to be the eradication of oppression not rapproachment.
In this light we 'elected' a President who ran on a platform of high ideals over the previous one. He was trusted with the task of restoring liberty and justice on several key issues regarding the horrid wars America was mired in and the evil practice of running a prison outside the norms of any civilized society. He paid lip service to the electorate and then assumed the same role of his predecessor. By the next term he got so good at it, he had established a national surveillance grid that is the model for the world at this time. He sees as routine spying on his friends. His minions respond; everybody's doing it. Perhaps they are. My mother was quite adamant that just because everybody's doing it that doesn't make it right. If everybody jumped off a cliff, would you join them. That is a childish explanation for a Secretary of State to make. If anyone spied on a friend like that they would be jailed. It cannot be right. 
Victim of Obama drone attack the blood is on your hands
There is no moral high ground that the administration is walking. It is actually the lowest and most reprehensible form of behaviour, and we haven't even mentioned the issue of mass murder. The Obama administration started the mass serial killing of 'enemies' of the state. Was this what you tell your children freedom and democracy are about the lowest common denominator of tyrants and despots? The Christian value of loving your enemy as yourself dictates arrest on real charges, fair trials and upon conviction humane treatment. Where the dictator can get away with excesses, he fools himself to think his nation won't be harmed by said policies and actions. There are laws of the universe that cannot be ignored. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is more than a law of motion; it is a law of the universe. It applies to our actions as well. Every evil deed will fall back upon us in equal and opposite reactions. We die from lack of knowledge. Large parts of America are in decline because of the dark age thinking that in effect might makes right. It only increases the reaction coming back at us significantly. 
Obama made an African sojourn this past week. He went to South Africa to walk in the steps of Nelson Mandela. In the past the liberal left would be swooning over the event. Now they are in full damage control mode. You see there were protesters lots of them calling Obama an Uncle Tom. They were unhappy about his receiving an honourary degree at the University of Cape Town. The police were required to fire rubber bullets into the crowd. Now if that isn't an Uncle Tom scenario, I don't know what is. 

It is sacrilage that Obama can even walk upon the ground that Nelson Mandela walked upon. Nelson Mandela didn't run a spy surveillance grid. Nelson Mandela didn't have a murderous drone program that at one time murdered 69 children in Chenegai on October 30, 2006 in a school. So mass murderers should arm themselves with drones and not AR15's to walk the moral high road. Nelson Mandela didn't wage immoral wars in many regions of the world. It is an abomination that Obama fouled the air near Mandela's place of imprisonment for he runs a notorious prison just as bad if not worse that Robben Island. 

The predictive programming of this picture is interesting. We see Obama as Hitler which is in fact quite correct. We see a reference to WWIII. That could be our future. We see the nuclear power plant in the background. The good thing is people are figuring it out. South Africa's largest union was involved in the protests. There is plenty of time for real change.
It's not too late to shut the door on Uncle Tom's cabin

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