if this is TRUE ? ..FOLKS what KIND of MONSTERS R we C ' ing ? U tell U.S.
Since then, however, so many inconsistencies, anomalies, and unanswered questions have arisen about the official version of the Sandy Hook massacre, that doubt and skepticism increasingly are expressed. Where is the school’s security surveillance tape? What about those police and eyewitness reports of other suspicious individuals on the scene, including at least one man wearing camo pants whom police handcuffed? Why is there such a strong resemblance between some of Sandy Hook parents and families and professional “crisis actors”? For these and other anomalies, go to FOTM’s new “Sandy Hook” page.
With no intention to downplay the gravity of Sandy Hook or to disrespect the victims and their families, I must ask certain uncomfortable questions about child victim Emilie Parker and her family. I don’t have any predisposed assumptions or conjectures concerning those questions and their implications. I am simply exercising my First Amendment free speech right by asking questions. (My questions below are colored red.)
On the same day, December 14, someone — either a family member or a friend who has the family’s permission — created the Emilie Parker Fund page on Facebook to solicit donation for her family. Here’s a screenshot of Emilie Parker Fund‘s “Info” page showing its date of creation:

The donation page was created a day before the actual memorial page, R.I.P. Emilie Parker, was created on Facebook! Here’s a screenshot of the Info page of R.I.P. Emilie Parker, showing it was created on Dec. 15, 2012, a day after Emilie Parker was killed:

If your precious 6-year-old daughter had just been shot to death, would you immediately think about soliciting money from strangers for yourself, as well as have the presence of mind to set up a page on Facebook with the following detailed instructions?:
2. The Strange Behavior of Emilie’s father, Robbie Parker
On December 15, 2012, a day after his daughter had been brutally
murdered, Robbie Parker choked back his tears (no tear actually
materialized) as he made a statement to the press. The only problem is
this: Mere seconds before Parker began his anguished tribute to his
slain daughter, the grief-stricken dad was laughing and joking!
Here he is again, going from grinning happily to being grief-stricken in the blink of an eye:
If your precious 6-year-old daughter had died a horrible death just a day ago, would you be smiling, laughing, and joking?
left to right: Robbie Parker (his face obscured, holding a blonde
girl), Obama, Alissa Parker, unknown woman holding another blonde girl.
If your precious 6-year-old
daughter had been brutally slaughtered just two days ago, would you
smilingly pose for a photo-op with the president? For that matter, why
is Obama smiling? What’s the happy occasion?

See that angelic-looking blonde girl in that darling black-and-red dress standing in front of Obama?
Here’s that girl again in the Parker family portrait below — or is it?:
From left to right: mom Alissa Parker, 4-year-old Madeline, Robbie Parker, 3-year-old Samantha, Emilie.
Who’s the blonde girl wearing Emilie’s dress posing with Obama? Emilie’s younger lookalike sister, Madeline?
To help us compare, I’ve cropped pictures of Emilie and Madeline and put them side by side (see below):

1 = Emilie
2 = Madeline
3a and 3b = unknown girl posing with Obama

Good grief. Am I losing my mind? Where are Madeline’s and Samantha’s legs?
And isn’t little Samantha’s left hand making a devil’s horn sign, and little Madeline’s right hand also making a devil’s horn?
Here’s a blow-up of their hands:

Making the devil’s horn hand sign isn’t easy. You try it.
Imagine getting a 3- and 4-year-old to do it….
Maybe that’s why the only way to get 3-year-old Samantha to make the sign is to stuff the two middle fingers into her mouth.
Devil’s horn sign aside, doesn’t Samantha’s left hand (two fingers in her mouth) look deformed to you?
I have not tampered with or photoshopped the Parker family portrait. The picture was taken from the R.I.P. Emily Parker Facebook page. You can verify this for yourself by going to the Facebook page.
H/t HenryMakow
Sandy Hook: The curious case of Emilie Parker
When news came on December 14, 2012, that a gunman had killed 6 adults and 20 young children in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, I was in shock — like you were. Even after the many gun shootings of the recent past — in Aurora, CO; Tucson, AZ; Virginia Tech, VA; Columbine, CO — Americans were stricken by this latest massacre because 6 and 7-year-old little children were the victims. A moral barrier was crossed, which even the most cynical among us find intolerable.Since then, however, so many inconsistencies, anomalies, and unanswered questions have arisen about the official version of the Sandy Hook massacre, that doubt and skepticism increasingly are expressed. Where is the school’s security surveillance tape? What about those police and eyewitness reports of other suspicious individuals on the scene, including at least one man wearing camo pants whom police handcuffed? Why is there such a strong resemblance between some of Sandy Hook parents and families and professional “crisis actors”? For these and other anomalies, go to FOTM’s new “Sandy Hook” page.
With no intention to downplay the gravity of Sandy Hook or to disrespect the victims and their families, I must ask certain uncomfortable questions about child victim Emilie Parker and her family. I don’t have any predisposed assumptions or conjectures concerning those questions and their implications. I am simply exercising my First Amendment free speech right by asking questions. (My questions below are colored red.)
1. The “Emilie Parker Fund” Facebook Page
On December 14, 2012, angelic-looking 6-year-old Emilie Parker was brutally murdered by Lanza. Reportedly, he had shot every child multiple times, some up to 11 times.On the same day, December 14, someone — either a family member or a friend who has the family’s permission — created the Emilie Parker Fund page on Facebook to solicit donation for her family. Here’s a screenshot of Emilie Parker Fund‘s “Info” page showing its date of creation:
The donation page was created a day before the actual memorial page, R.I.P. Emilie Parker, was created on Facebook! Here’s a screenshot of the Info page of R.I.P. Emilie Parker, showing it was created on Dec. 15, 2012, a day after Emilie Parker was killed:
If your precious 6-year-old daughter had just been shot to death, would you immediately think about soliciting money from strangers for yourself, as well as have the presence of mind to set up a page on Facebook with the following detailed instructions?:
Instructions on the Emilie Parker
Memorial Account at America First Credit Union (account #5001359). For
AFCU members making a transfer, select the Savings as the type of
account, and the last name on the account is Parker. For non AFCU
members, the AFCU routing number is 324377516. This account has been
shared by several Utah media outlets and can be trusted. Thank you.
A PAYPAL account is also available if you use the email
That email address presumably belongs to Brooke Prothero. A woman by that name, Brooke Ann Prothero, has a Facebook page, with an “About” page
devoid of information, other than that she lives in Ogden Utah — in
which the Parker family had lived before they moved to Sandy Hook,
2. The Strange Behavior of Emilie’s father, Robbie Parker
On December 15, 2012, a day after his daughter had been brutally
murdered, Robbie Parker choked back his tears (no tear actually
materialized) as he made a statement to the press. The only problem is
this: Mere seconds before Parker began his anguished tribute to his
slain daughter, the grief-stricken dad was laughing and joking!Here he is again, going from grinning happily to being grief-stricken in the blink of an eye:
If your precious 6-year-old daughter had died a horrible death just a day ago, would you be smiling, laughing, and joking?
3. Robbie and Alissa Parker smiling with Obama
On December 16, 2012, Barack Obama visited Newtown, CT, during which this photo was taken with Emilie’s parents, Robbie and Alissa:4. Emilie’s Double Posing With Obama
Then there’s the now-famous photo of a girl who looks very much like Emilie, wearing Emilie’s dress, posing with Obama during his visit to Newtown two days after Emilie’s death:See that angelic-looking blonde girl in that darling black-and-red dress standing in front of Obama?
Here’s that girl again in the Parker family portrait below — or is it?:
To help us compare, I’ve cropped pictures of Emilie and Madeline and put them side by side (see below):
1 = Emilie
2 = Madeline
3a and 3b = unknown girl posing with Obama
5. The Weird Parker Family Portrait
Do you remember the Parker family portrait? Did you notice anything strange about it? Here it is, again (take a close look at the yellow circles I’ve drawn on the picture):Good grief. Am I losing my mind? Where are Madeline’s and Samantha’s legs?
And isn’t little Samantha’s left hand making a devil’s horn sign, and little Madeline’s right hand also making a devil’s horn?
Here’s a blow-up of their hands:
Making the devil’s horn hand sign isn’t easy. You try it.
Imagine getting a 3- and 4-year-old to do it….
Maybe that’s why the only way to get 3-year-old Samantha to make the sign is to stuff the two middle fingers into her mouth.
Devil’s horn sign aside, doesn’t Samantha’s left hand (two fingers in her mouth) look deformed to you?
I have not tampered with or photoshopped the Parker family portrait. The picture was taken from the R.I.P. Emily Parker Facebook page. You can verify this for yourself by going to the Facebook page.
H/t HenryMakow
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