YEP the crim's R as BRAIN DEAD as the BANNER KOOKS ? Hey crim's DON'T u think U should rob the home without the BOOM STICK ;0 dumb asses ! ..just an matter of TIME ...til U will B facing the wrong end of the BOOM STICK & you'll WISH U robbed the house without the BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!! :) --shouldn't u have 2 pass at least AN BASIC crim test ?-------U know 1. If house A has an gun in ? & house B doesn't which 1 should U rob ? :) & u teach -is get the hammer ready ? hehe OUR SCHOOL'S R failing U.S. in so many ways ! & what the fuck!'s no wonder E.T. is probing us UP the ass? Oops ;0
The burglars couldn’t open the safe and the owner wasn’t at home. But this incident has led to speculation that the map is now being used by criminals for targeted gun theft.
Deliberately targeted? This home is White Plains, New York, featured on the controversial gun map and was broken into on Saturday
The thieves broke into the property at 9.30pm on Saturday, using a ladder to enter through a second story window.
According to Newsday, the burglars then headed for the safe where the homeowner, a man in his 70s, stores his legally owned guns.
The intruders abandoned their attempts when they couldn’t crack the safe, and police say that one suspect has been taken into custody.
The home owner declined to comment while police continue their investigations but a New York state senator has again blasted the gun map after this incident.
‘No comment’: The homeowner told News12 he had nothing to add while police continued investigations into the burglary
‘It is reported that the burglar used the Journal News’ interactive gun map to target a home included on the map,’ Ball said in statement.
‘The Journal News has placed the lives of these folks at risk by creating a virtual shopping list for criminals and nut jobs.
‘If the connection is proven, this is further proof that these maps are not only an invasion of privacy but that they present a clear and present danger to law-abiding, private citizens.
‘Former convicts have already testified to the usefulness of the asinine Journal News ‘gun maps’ yet the reckless editors are evidently willing to roll the dice, gambling with the lives of innocent local homeowners,’ the senator continued.
‘Reckless’: A New York State Senator blasted the Journal News for their controversial gun map
The New York newspaper reportedly hired a team of armed guards to
patrol the paper’s headquarters in West Nyack after publishing the names
and addresses of nearby gun permit owners.
The paper caused a stir on December 23 when it listed thousands of pistol permit holders in suburban Westchester and Rockland counties just north of New York City in an interactive map.
The Rockland County Times reported that Journal News editor Caryn A. McBride hired gun-toting security guards to guard the paper’s offices amid a flurry of angry emails and phone calls in the following days.
Along with an article entitled ‘The gun owner next door: What you don’t know about the weapons in your neighborhood,’ the Journal News map was compiled in response to the December 14 shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut, editors of the Gannett Corp.-owned newspaper said.
The publication prompted outrage, particularly on social media sites, among gun owners.
‘Do you fools realize that you also made a map for criminals to use to find homes to rob that have no guns in them to protect themselves?’ Rob Seubert of Silver Spring, Maryland, posted on the newspaper’s web site. ‘What a bunch of liberal boobs you all are.’
for change: The paper said that they produced the map because in the
wake of the Newtown shooting many people wanted to know who had legal
guns in their neighborhood, and there were protests across the country
The newspaper’s editor and vice president of news, CynDee Royle, defended the decision to list the permit holders.
‘We knew publication of the database would be controversial, but we felt sharing as much information as we could about gun ownership in our area was important in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings,’ she said.
Some critics retaliated by posting reporters’ and editors’ addresses and other personal information online.
Howard Good, a journalism professor at the State University of New York at New Paltz, called the critics’ response childish and petulant.
On the list: As well as Journal News the website Gawker published a 446-page list of licensed gun owners in New York City
‘It doesn’t move the issue of gun control to the level of intelligent
public discussion,’ he said. ‘Instead, it transforms what should be a
rational public debate on a contentious issue into ugly gutter
Good said the information about permit holders was public and, if presented in context, served a legitimate interest.
But media critic Al Tompkins of the Florida-based Poynter Institute wrote online this week that the newspaper’s reporting had not gone far enough to justify the permit holders’ loss of privacy.
‘If journalists could show flaws in the gun permitting system, that would be newsworthy,’ he said. ‘Or, for example, if gun owners were exempted from permits because of political connections, then journalists could better justify the privacy invasion.’
Tompkins said he feared the dispute might prompt lawmakers to play to privacy fears.
‘The net effect of the abuse of public records from all sides may well be a public distaste for opening records, which would be the biggest mistake of all,’ he said.
Here They Come: Burglars target homes of gun owners after their names and addresses featured on weapons permit map published by newspaper
January 15, 2013- Address in White Plains, New York, appears on map of legally owned guns published by Journal News on December 23
- Thieves break into house and attempt to steal guns on Saturday
The burglars couldn’t open the safe and the owner wasn’t at home. But this incident has led to speculation that the map is now being used by criminals for targeted gun theft.
According to Newsday, the burglars then headed for the safe where the homeowner, a man in his 70s, stores his legally owned guns.
The intruders abandoned their attempts when they couldn’t crack the safe, and police say that one suspect has been taken into custody.
The home owner declined to comment while police continue their investigations but a New York state senator has again blasted the gun map after this incident.
‘Criminal’s shopping list?’ The house that was burgled featured on the controversial map that listed the names and addresses of legal gun owners
Republican Senator Greg Ball has proposed legislation that restricts
gun permit information to law enforcement authorities and he strongly
criticized the Journal News.‘It is reported that the burglar used the Journal News’ interactive gun map to target a home included on the map,’ Ball said in statement.
‘The Journal News has placed the lives of these folks at risk by creating a virtual shopping list for criminals and nut jobs.
‘If the connection is proven, this is further proof that these maps are not only an invasion of privacy but that they present a clear and present danger to law-abiding, private citizens.
‘Former convicts have already testified to the usefulness of the asinine Journal News ‘gun maps’ yet the reckless editors are evidently willing to roll the dice, gambling with the lives of innocent local homeowners,’ the senator continued.
The paper caused a stir on December 23 when it listed thousands of pistol permit holders in suburban Westchester and Rockland counties just north of New York City in an interactive map.
The Rockland County Times reported that Journal News editor Caryn A. McBride hired gun-toting security guards to guard the paper’s offices amid a flurry of angry emails and phone calls in the following days.
Along with an article entitled ‘The gun owner next door: What you don’t know about the weapons in your neighborhood,’ the Journal News map was compiled in response to the December 14 shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut, editors of the Gannett Corp.-owned newspaper said.
The publication prompted outrage, particularly on social media sites, among gun owners.
‘Do you fools realize that you also made a map for criminals to use to find homes to rob that have no guns in them to protect themselves?’ Rob Seubert of Silver Spring, Maryland, posted on the newspaper’s web site. ‘What a bunch of liberal boobs you all are.’
‘We knew publication of the database would be controversial, but we felt sharing as much information as we could about gun ownership in our area was important in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings,’ she said.
Some critics retaliated by posting reporters’ and editors’ addresses and other personal information online.
Howard Good, a journalism professor at the State University of New York at New Paltz, called the critics’ response childish and petulant.
Good said the information about permit holders was public and, if presented in context, served a legitimate interest.
But media critic Al Tompkins of the Florida-based Poynter Institute wrote online this week that the newspaper’s reporting had not gone far enough to justify the permit holders’ loss of privacy.
‘If journalists could show flaws in the gun permitting system, that would be newsworthy,’ he said. ‘Or, for example, if gun owners were exempted from permits because of political connections, then journalists could better justify the privacy invasion.’
Tompkins said he feared the dispute might prompt lawmakers to play to privacy fears.
‘The net effect of the abuse of public records from all sides may well be a public distaste for opening records, which would be the biggest mistake of all,’ he said.
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