(Pt 9)
Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior.
You only think you know what's coming...
Posted: January 29, 2013
8:00 am Eastern
of anomalous cryptids
moving in and out of
man’s reality such
as described in the
previous two entries
were once considered
fact in ancient times.
Early people around
the world viewed
“them” as
coexisting with man
and who could be seen
whenever the
netherworld beings
willed it. This
included the opening
of portals or spirit
gateways and the idea
that through these
openings could come
the sudden appearance
of werewolves, ghosts,
goblins, trolls, and
those mythical beings
of legend that have an
even more interesting
connection to modern
UFO lore known as fairies.
the 1960s, legendary
French UFO researcher
Dr. Jacques Vallée
began to explore these
commonalities between
UFOs, alien abduction,
and fabled figures
like fairies in his
book Passport
to Magonia: From
Folklore to Flying
(this work by
Vallée is no longer
available but will be
provided free in
digital format with
the release of the
book Exo-Vaticana
that this series is
based on). Out of this
research he developed
a “multidimensional
hypothesis” beyond
space-time that would
allow for undetected
coexistence between
humans and non-human
beings, which have
been seen and detected
for thousands of years
and that seem to
present themselves in
a way that suggests:
1) either they are
mutating their persona
to match our current
belief systems (i.e.
they once were called
the little people of
Elfin lore who stole
and replaced children
with “changelings”
while today they are
the little grays of ET
abduction who steal
and replace embryos
with hybrid babies);
or 2) they are doing
what they have always
done and we are the ones interpreting their presence in ways that accommodate
our current
understanding of
science and religion.
For Vallée, the
comparisons between
the ancient fairy
stories and modern
alien-abduction phenomenon
were too similar to be
coincidence. He cites
the work of Walter
Yeeling Evans-Wentz
(1878—1965), an
anthropologist and
expert on
“fairy-faith” in
Celtic countries
(whose 1911
book/dissertation on
the subject is also
free with the data
packet that comes with
as powerful evidence
for consistency of the
phenomenon throughout
UFO researchers go so
far as to call the
Reverend Robert Kirk
“the first genuine
martyr of the exo-politics
His seminal The
Secret Commonwealth of
Elves, Fauns and
Fairies provides a
wealth of parallels to
modern UFOlogical
research (which is
also included in the
free data packet
that will come with Exo-Vaticana).
Was Kirk spirited away
to the ever-enigmatic
place called Magonia?
Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior.
You only think you know what's coming...
Posted: January 29, 2013
8:00 am Eastern
and the False Messiah from MagoniaBy Tom Horn & Cris Putnam |
variety is
considerable and
listing each type here
is beyond the scope of
our interest. However,
some of them are
virtually identical
with ancient
descriptions of demons
including a particular
one called the bogie
or “bogeyman” who
haunts the dark and
enjoys harming and
frightening humans.
These fairies appear
very similar to
descriptions of
“Bigfoot” with the
same furry bodies
together with fiery
red eyes. Other Fairy
classifications are
indistinguishable from
the flying witches of
Classical Antiquity
and the Ancient Near
East. Olaus Magnus,
who was sent by Pope
Paul III in 1546 as an
authority to the
council of Trent and
who later became canon
of St. Lambert in Liége,
Belgium, is best
remembered as the
author of the classic
1555 “Historia de
(History of the
Northern Peoples),
which chronicled the
folklore and history
of Europe. In it, he
provided engravings of
fairy-demons carrying
women away for
intercourse. Before
him, in 1489 the legal
scholar Ulrich Molitor
did the same,
providing etched
plates in his Latin
tract on sorcerous
women (“De laniis et
phitonicis mulieribus”)
depicting demons
abducting women for
coitus. Besides such
similarities to
current UFO and
activity, these
fairies often left
“the devils
mark”—a permanent
spot or scar believed
to have been made by
the demon (or the
devil himself) raking
his claw across the
flesh or by the red
hot kiss of the devil
licking the
individual. This
happened at night, at
the conclusion of the
nocturnal abduction
episode. This mark was
also known as “fairy
bruising” and as the
“witche’s teat”
and appeared as a
raised bump or scoop
mark in the flesh
often on the most
secret parts of the
body. In modern times,
alien abductees often
bear the same marks as
those described in
olden days as the
Devil’s Mark—cuts
or scoops on the backs
of the legs, arms,
neck, purplish
circular spots around
the abdomen and
genitals, and in
patterns consistent
with those from
medieval times
ascribed to witches,
incubi and fairies.
Thus the actual
mythology of these
creatures and the
“little people”
that traveled with
them between our
reality and fairyland
or “Elfland”
portrays an image
quite different than
that of cutesy
fluttering overhead at
Disneyland! Fairy
legend includes the
alien-sounding roles
of abduction, inducing
some type of paralysis
in which the victim
can see what is
happening but is
powerless to intervene
(the Oxford Dictionary
of Celtic Mythology
says the colloquial
English usage of
‘stroke’ for
cerebral hemorrhage
derives from its
relationship with
“paralysis” and
originated with the
“fairy-stroke” or
“elf-stroke” of
levitating of people
and flying them away
to “fairyland” (or
what some today call
“Magonia”), and
traveling in UFO-like
discs or circular
globes of light.
also a theosophist, is
famous for compiling
and editing the sacred
texts on Tibetan
Buddhism which were
published by Oxford
University Press in
the early twentieth
century. Consequently,
he is widely credited
with pioneering
western Buddhism
associated with
Astrobiologist Chris
Impey (whom we discuss
later). However,
before his travels to
Sri Lanka and India,
Evans-Wentz wrote his
doctoral thesis at
Oxford University on
the Celtic belief in
fairies. He approached
the subject as a
scholar examining the
history and folk-lore
of the British Isles
through the lens of
anthropology and
psychology. It is
perhaps one of the
most thorough and
scholarly endeavors
ever conducted on the
the nineteenth century
rolled over into the
twentieth the
industrial revolution
was driving the
populations toward the
cities and the
population was
booming. Evans-Wentz
did extensive
ethnographic fieldwork
interviewing folks in
Ireland, Wales,
Scotland, Brittany and
the Isle of Man.
Encounters with
fairies were plentiful
enough to be
commonplace in the
early nineteenth
century, but as
modernity approached
they waned. Today
fairies are largely
forgotten, relegated
to old wives tales and
legend, albeit the
phenomenon still
Vallee is convinced
that the fairies were
not only real but that
they currently endure
under the modern guise
of extraterrestrials.
What Evans-Wentz was
able to capture was
the time of transition
when the entities
plagued by the
encroachment of
modernity transformed
themselves. Through
his field work
Evans-Wentz noted that
the nearly all of the
older folks had
witnessed fairies or
believed in them. It
transcended legend as
a commonly accepted
fact. However, the
next generation,
influenced by the
industrial zeitgeist,
lacked fairy belief.
John Bruno Hare,
founder of the
internet Sacred-Text.com
archive, surmised,
“We come away from
this study with a
multi-dimensional view
of the fairies, who,
much like the grey
aliens of UFO belief,
inhabit a narrative
which seems too
consistent to be the
product of insanity,
yet too bizarre for
This suggests a line
of congruence between
the accounts of
fairies and that of
today's so-called
Vallée writes:
have now examined
several stories of
abductions and
attempts at
kidnappings by the
occupants of flying
saucers. These
episodes are an
integral part of the
total UFO problem and
cannot be solved
separately. Historical
evidence, gathered by
Wentz, moreover, once
more points in the
same direction.
sort of belief in
fairies being able to take people was very common and exists yet in a good many parts of
West Ireland. . . .
The Good People are
often seen there
(pointing to Knoch
Magh) in great crowds
playing hurley and
ball. And one often
sees among them the
young men and women
and children who have
been taken (emphasis in original).
only are people taken,
but—as in flying
saucer stories—they
are sometimes carried
to faraway spots by
aerial means. Such a
story is told by the
Prophet Ezekiel, of
course, and by other
religious writers. But
an ordinary Irishman,
John Campbell, also
told Wentz:
man whom I have seen,
Roderick Mac Neil, was
lifted by the hosts
and left three miles
from where he was
taken up. The hosts
went at about
Kirk gives a few
stories of similar
kidnappings, but the
most fantastic legend
of all is one attached
to Kirk himself: the
good reverend is
commonly believed to
have himself been
taken by the fairies.
J. MacGregor who keeps
the key to the old
churchyard where there
is a tomb to Kirk,
though many say there
is nothing in it but a
coffin filled with
stones, told me Kirk
was taken into the
Fairy Knoll, which she
pointed to just across
a little valley in
front of us, and is
there yet, for the
hill is full of
caverns and in them
the “good people”
have their homes. And
she added that Kirk
appeared to a relative
of his after he was
who reports this
interesting story,
made further inquiries
regarding the
circumstances of
Kirk’s death. He
went to see the
successor to Kirk in
Abcrfoyle, Rev.
Taylor, who clarified
the story:
the time of his
disappearance people
said he was taken
because the fairies
were displeased with
him for disclosing
their secrets in so
public a manner as he
documented how “the
physical nature of
Magonia, as it appears
in such tales, is
quite enigmatic.
Sometimes, it is a
remote country, an
invisible island, some
faraway place one can
reach only by a long
journey. Indeed, in
some tales, it is a
celestial country….
This parallels the
belief in the
origin of UFO’s so
popular today. A
second—and equally
is that Elfland
constitutes a sort of
parallel universe,
which coexists with
our own. It is made
visible and tangible
only to selected
people, and the
‘doors’ that lead
through it are
tangential points,
known only to the
elves. This is
somewhat analogous to
the theory, sometimes
found in the UFO
literature, concerning
what some authors like
to call the ‘fourth
of course, this
expression makes much
less physical sense
than does the theory
of a parallel Elfland.
(It does sound more
however!)” [v]
argument is persuasive
given the history of
demonic entities and
their deceitful record
of assuming any
appearance that gains
them acceptance into
society. Recall the
creatures in the film
“They Live” and
their ability to
appear quite human.
According to 2
Corinthians 11:14 even
Satan himself can
manifest as “an
angel of light”!
Vallée also notes
this deception on the
part of the modern
alien-fairies seems to
be for the purpose of
taking and replacing
babies or smaller
children with
“changelings.” In
alien abduction many
women report the
removal of their fetus
followed later by
introduction to
(supposedly) the
post-gestational baby.
In fairy lore the
child is removed and
replaced with a
“changeling,” a
human-looking copy
especially of Western
European folklore and
folk religion.
Numerous theories were
developed between the
13th and 15th
centuries to explain
the reason for this
abduction and
replacement of
children including
that the earthly child
was a “tithe to
Hell” or tribute
paid by the fairies to
the devil every seven
years. But Vallée
updates this point,
noting how the modern
phenomenon and the
numerous accounts of
abductions by the
fairies focused
“especially on
pregnant women or
young mothers, and
they also are very
active in stealing
young children.” He
they substitute a
false child for the
real one, leaving in
place of the real
child …one of their
children, a
changeling: By the
belief in changelings
I mean a belief that
fairies and other…
beings are on the
watch for young
children…that they
may, if they can find
them unguarded, seize
and carry them off,
leaving in their place
one of them. [vi]
then points to a
television series that
capitalized on the
aspect of UFO lore and
the connection between
modern and ancient
the show, the human
race has been
infiltrated by
extraterrestrials who
differ from humans in
small details only.
This is not a new
idea, as the belief in
changelings shows. And
there is a well-known
passage in Martin
Luther’s Table Talk,
in which he tells the
Prince of Anhalt that
he should throw into
the Moldau a certain
man who is, in his
opinion, such a
killcrop, as they were
called in Germany.
was the purpose of
such fairy abductions?
The idea advanced by
students of folk talks
is again very close to
a current theory about
UFO’s: that the
purpose of such
contact is a
genetic one.
According to Hartland:
motive assigned to
fairies in northern
stories is that of
preserving and
improving their race,
on the one hand by
carrying off human
children to be brought
up among the elves and
to become united with
them, and on the other
hand by obtaining the
milk and fostering
care of human mothers
for their own
offspring. [vii]
switched with a
changeling in “The
legend of
St. Stephen” by Martino di Bartolomeo
St. Stephen” by Martino di Bartolomeo
the idea of deceptive
nighttime creatures
probing humans to
gather genetic
material for use in
generating hybrid
offspring agrees with Vallée
and his contemporaries
who, following
research, determined
that whatever the
modern alien abduction
encounters represent,
its goal is a repeat
of ancient activity
involving the
collection of DNA for
1) a Breeding
Program, followed
by 2) a Hybridization
Program, and
finally 3) an Integration
Program, exactly
what Watchers
accomplished with
Nephilim in ancient
But why would
“aliens” be
involved in such a
program? Over the last
few decades secular
alien abduction
researchers like Budd
Hopkins and Dr. David
Jacobs have posited
that the aliens are a
dying race and must
pass on their genetic
material through
hybrids to maintain
their species. The
Barney and Betty Hill
case of September
19–20, 1961, marked
the first
claim of such alien
abduction and the
beginning of the
public’s knowledge
of the phenomenon. Yet
the part of their
story often overlooked
is how ova was
reportedly retrieved
from Betty Hill’s
body and sperm from
her husband Barney,
presumably for use in
the hybridization
scheme. In the years
since, tens of
thousands of people
have slowly emerged
from around the world
to claim they too have
been subject to a
mysterious alien
procedure in which
human genetic material
is harvested including
sperm and eggs for a
reproductive agenda
involving human hosts
as surrogates and
incubatoriums for
fetuses wherein
alien-human hybrids
are produced. Entire
communities have grown
up around the idea
that children now
exist on earth that
are part-human and
part-alien. Some
claiming to be parents
of hybrid children
have their own
websites, host
conferences, and are
building social
networks across the
web. These people
include academics,
attorneys, actresses
and school teachers.
Furthermore, according
to researchers, it
isn’t just child
hybrids that are now
among us. Adult
versions have spread
throughout society
too. Budd
Hopkins—who, before
he died of cancer at
the age of 80 in 2011,
was considered the
father of the
that he and Dr. Jacobs
especially were
building new case
files containing
disturbing evidence
related to specific
entities and their
integration within
human society. He was
planning to illustrate
that the science
fiction-horror film
“They Live” was
not that far off after
all, and that, from
local bread factories
to halls of congress,
alien-human hybrids
are now firmly
entrenched within
earth’s cultures.
Not long before he
passed away, he wrote
on the Journal of
Research (JAR)
investigated the
reports of two women
who described seeing
an adult male hybrid
wearing glasses. Each
made a drawing of the
hybrid, and the two
drawings are amazingly
similar. Both portray
a strange-looking man,
with sharp cheeks,
wearing oddly-shaped
glasses. The two women
independently drew the
same person. Some of
these hybrid beings
have been seen by more
than three people at
once and they are
described by the
witnesses the same
way. As far as hybrids
operating in the human
world, we have many
reports of them
driving automobiles,
shopping in stores,
and behaving more or
less naturally in
other mundane places,
but manifesting the
kinds of powers aliens
seem to have, i.e.,
the ability to control
minds, and to
telepathically. The
powers the gray aliens
possess in the world
can entail a complex
series of repeated
similar events, as if
these adult hybrids do
not really understand
our world and our
behavior but are
trying to learn
exactly how we act and
what we say, all of
which gives us an
uneasy feeling of what
their agenda might be
leading to. There
definitely is strong
evidence that an
infiltration into
human society is
taking place. [viii]
up next:
Servant Magicians,
and the Darkness
Coming Through Them
Passport to
Magonia: From
Folklore to
Chicago, IL,
U.S.A.: Publ.
Henry Regnery
Co.. 1969, pp
Ibid. 102
Ibid. 104
Ibid. 105
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