Disturbing developments arising from the Sandy Hook school massacre are prepared to exploit the circumstances of the situation:
Adam Lanza’s dead body will be used to criminalize innocents who have similar “evil gene.”
This, to me, is reminiscent of the movie: Gattaca from 1997, a film depicting a future where the genetic screening of applicants for highly reputable positions has become common practice.
The film portrays a genetically inferior man who submits a blood sample from a superior man, assuming his identity in order to pursue a lifelong dream of space travel. Gattaca is the name of the space agency in the film.
A genetic registry database uses biometrics to instantly identify and classify those created as “valids” while those conceived by traditional means are derisively known as “in-valids”. While genetic discrimination is forbidden by law, in practice it is easy to profile a person’s genotype resulting in the valids qualifying for professional employment while the in-valids – considered more susceptible to disease, educational dysfunction and shorter lifespans – are relegated to menial jobs.

more sinister aspect of what is transpiring can be found in the Nazi
cabal of WWII Germany, the Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage Research and
Teaching Society) – an organization that morphed into a pseudoscientific
think-tank, massaging compiled data into accepted dogma that would
later justify the depredations that would evolve into the Reich’s own
screening filters: straining the in-valids from the Übermensch.
The Sandy Hook incident is a prime example of how such horrors are ripe for manipulation after all of the public’s hot buttons have been pushed. Even though all of the facts relating to the event remain muddled and uncertain, and as many others have pointed out, there is technically no solid evidence to suggest that Adam Lanza was even responsible for the brutal slayings. Since the media giants have already declared Lanza’s guilt, an effort is now afoot to manufacture a square peg that will fit into that round hole.
Because of the question amplified by those teleprompt reading bobble-heads from lame stream media, researchers from the University of Connecticut have now been tasked with dissecting the dead body of Adam Lanza, the young man accused of killing 20 children and six adults at the school, in search of a malformed or mutated gene that may have triggered his alleged bout of violent rage.
the Evil Gene has been mapped the word will go out into peer-reviewed
publications, while the Pharmaceutical Industry will be standing by with
patented concoctions in hand
to chemically castrate and lobotomize the infected sea of flesh into a
conformity to autonomous mediocrity prescribed by state social
engineers. This not withstanding the fact that many of the
drug industry’s diabolical concoctions have already been found
as participants at previous other such crime scenes.
American Eugenics Society, founded in 1926, supported a restriction on
immigration from nations with “inferior” stock, such as Italy, Greece,
and countries of eastern Europe, and argued for the sterilization of
insane, retarded, and epileptic citizens.
Sterilization laws were passed in more than half the states, and isolated instances of involuntary sterilization continued into the 1970s. The assumptions of eugenists came under sharp criticism beginning in the 1930s and were discredited after the German Nazis used eugenics to support the extermination of whatever undesirables happened to cross their path.
U.S. Administration Weeps Crocodile Tears Over Slain Sandy Hook Children
Mapping the Evil Gene: Sandy Hook, Eugenics and the Nazi Ahnenerbe
Disturbing developments arising from the Sandy Hook school massacre are prepared to exploit the circumstances of the situation:
Adam Lanza’s dead body will be used to criminalize innocents who have similar “evil gene.”
This, to me, is reminiscent of the movie: Gattaca from 1997, a film depicting a future where the genetic screening of applicants for highly reputable positions has become common practice.
The film portrays a genetically inferior man who submits a blood sample from a superior man, assuming his identity in order to pursue a lifelong dream of space travel. Gattaca is the name of the space agency in the film.
A genetic registry database uses biometrics to instantly identify and classify those created as “valids” while those conceived by traditional means are derisively known as “in-valids”. While genetic discrimination is forbidden by law, in practice it is easy to profile a person’s genotype resulting in the valids qualifying for professional employment while the in-valids – considered more susceptible to disease, educational dysfunction and shorter lifespans – are relegated to menial jobs.
The Sandy Hook incident is a prime example of how such horrors are ripe for manipulation after all of the public’s hot buttons have been pushed. Even though all of the facts relating to the event remain muddled and uncertain, and as many others have pointed out, there is technically no solid evidence to suggest that Adam Lanza was even responsible for the brutal slayings. Since the media giants have already declared Lanza’s guilt, an effort is now afoot to manufacture a square peg that will fit into that round hole.
Because of the question amplified by those teleprompt reading bobble-heads from lame stream media, researchers from the University of Connecticut have now been tasked with dissecting the dead body of Adam Lanza, the young man accused of killing 20 children and six adults at the school, in search of a malformed or mutated gene that may have triggered his alleged bout of violent rage.
Sterilization laws were passed in more than half the states, and isolated instances of involuntary sterilization continued into the 1970s. The assumptions of eugenists came under sharp criticism beginning in the 1930s and were discredited after the German Nazis used eugenics to support the extermination of whatever undesirables happened to cross their path.
U.S. Administration Weeps Crocodile Tears Over Slain Sandy Hook Children
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