Thursday, June 5, 2014

Who’s in “The Militia”?

let me ask u,     ~ “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole of the people, except for few public officials.”     — George Mason

    I’m not a soldier, and nor am I a proponent of violent solutions to any problem when violence can be avoided. I don’t like the idea of combat, and nor am I looking forward to it, but I consider myself a member of the militia because once you grasp the big picture of our precarious reality, you’ll realize that there’s no place else to go. My joining the militia movement began with the realization that it’s all we have left, and knowing that in times like this, being a member of the militia also happens to be the civic duty of all Americans. 

    Demonstrators are beaten and gassed, the elections process is a farce, the courts will only run you in circles or imprison you, and any cop you meet might easily kill you on a whim, and get away with it. We have absolutely no effective way of petitioning our government for a redress of grievances, and “our government” happens to be doing all they can to destroy our nation.

    The fact of the matter is that our government has been subverted by those who have made obvious their desire to kill us all, and we have no one to turn to for salvation from this horror except ourselves. None of us likes the idea, and none of us can change what’s coming, but the more of us who are ready for it, the easier it will be for all involved parties, including you.         

    I’ve heard varying estimates, but it’s generally understood by people who understand these things, that for every soldier killed in war, there’s between six and ten civilians that die too. What that means is that when war comes to America, you’ll have no place to hide from it, but you’ll have better odds of survival by being a soldier rather than being a civilian. And that means that every American capable of fighting should be ready to do so immediately, if he’s not too dim-witted to grasp the basic arithmetic in that formula. It’s very simple. We’re all being attacked, and although soldiers carry the means of defending themselves, civilians rarely do.      
    Hiding in your basement won’t help you when they plow your house over with a bulldozer. Begging for mercy won’t help when they’re holding you on the edge of a mass grave to help you receive your good-bye bullet. And as much as I’d love to live in peace, and escape any horrors of war, a decade of discovery has taught me to accept the fact that war is coming to me, whether I like it or not. 

    You see, we’ve all been declared the enemy because we happen to be patriotic Americans concerned for our future, and because of this we’re seen as a hindrance to America’s transition to the full-blown communist dictatorship our “representatives” have sold us out to. We also happen to be the owners of the nation they’re trying to steal, so it’ll be very convenient to have all of us out of the picture. 

    If you’re one of the many people who are “working toward peaceful solutions”, I thank you for your efforts, and no one hopes that you find peaceful solutions more than I do, but please also consider the possibility of your efforts being futile, and that the ugly future we all fear may befall us. Surviving that ugly future will require preparedness.  

    I first became aware of the Patriot / Militia Movement as a member of the 9-11 Truth Movement, because in your search for truth, you’ll soon discover that there are precious few sources of information that both know the whole story, and aren’t lying about it. The Patriots are that source of information because since all of their goals demand that the truth be widely known, they’ll never have a motive to lie. No true patriot has joined the movement because they’ve sniffed out a profit to be made, or are trying to sell books or videos. (Alex Jones is NOT part of the patriot movement; he’s an infiltrator who’s lining his pockets) The Patriot movement has taught me a lot, and has given me a truer understanding of our Bill of Rights, and a new knowledge of our court system and history that’s been kept hidden from us all. As you’re probably discovering now, most of what’s important is kept hidden from Americans, and the Patriots are breaking that ice with the more complete, accurate, and relevant information than anyone else.         
    “From the Trenches World Report” and “Liberty Tree Radio” have become the sources I turn to for important news, information, and education, because I’ve seen all of them, and there are no better. Please tune in and stay informed for everybody’s sake. Much too much of the “alternative media” is only an extension of the mainstream media, with the same agenda of deceiving you. The sources I’ve linked are listener/reader supported, and their information is never skewed or censored to protect anyone’s financial interests. It’s strictly “truth only” rather than the info-for-profit / deception that’s come to dominate the alternative news lately, and that’s a very rare commodity these days. 

    And as reluctant as you may be to accept the fact that we’re going to have to defend ourselves from a violent attack, you’re gong to have to make that realization eventually, and the sooner you do, the better your odds of surviving this mess, and saving our country. 

    And there’s plenty of ways to become involved and be useful. If you can’t fight, you can probably farm, and produce food. Or you can collect what’s needed to treat a wounded Patriot, and make it portable. If you’re a doctor you can brush up on your battlefield surgery, and be ready to move. If you’re an electrician or communications technician, you can help with the independent communications system that’s being built right now. Your rusty old truck might be worth its weight in gold if it’s readied to provide logistical support. The point is that there’s a lot to be done, and if this country is going to survive, you’ll not only have to prepare physically, but you’re also going to have to prepare yourself psychologically for the harsh future that all of us spoiled Americans will soon confront.

    Stop falling victim to the endless “divide and conquer” tactics employed by those who seek to destroy this nation, put your petty differences aside, and start uniting with other patriotic Americans to save this country before we’re all killed. 

    We have about twenty times the number of people we need to win right now, but we’ll be able to end this madness and restore our republic quickly, and probably without a shot being fired, if we have a fighting force and all the necessary support personnel in every American community. 

    They’re only attacking because they think you’re a helpless coward, and they’ve spent the last thirty years trying to accomplish that with media conditioning. If we show ‘em that we’re still real Americans willing to fight for our country and our freedom, our enemies will vanish like shadows from a floodlight. We have them outnumbered by an unstoppable ratio, and they know it. Our enemy’s only hope lies in you being afraid and uninformed. All we have to do is show the world that America isn’t filled with cowards and idiots, and we’ll quickly have our country back as it’s supposed to be.   — Jolly Roger 

 “The most effectual way of preserving peace, is to prepare for war” — George Washington.        “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole of the people, except for few public officials.”     — George Mason

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