Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Dr. Paul A. LaViolette, as we have discovered in our blogs of the past two days, made submissions to NASA when it sent out requests for “the best and most innovative” ideas in the country to make possible the space vision outlined by then President G.H.W. Bush, who wanted to be on Mars(this year, incidentally) and to have a permanent human  base on the Moon. Like many others, LaViolette submitted suggestions to declassify work done since the 1950s on Thomas Townsend Brown’s electrogravitics. What he found, instead, was a black hole into which his, and others’ submissions had disappeared, with all mention of exotic technologies being purged from the final RAND Corporation report.
But as we indicated yesterday, there was more. LaViolette noted that while some exotic technologies were excluded from the final public report, others – the most impractical – were included, such as antimatter propulsion:
The report’s discussion of antimatter annihilation propulsion is another case in point. It would take a million years using the current multi-billion-dollar CERN and Fermilab facilities just to accumulate 1 miiligram of antiprotons, enough to propel a 1-ton payload to escape velocity from Earth. Accumulating and storing such large quantities of antimatter is an even more formidable problem, from both the technical and the cost standpoints. If cost was really of any concern, the report should not have even bothered discussing the antimatter subject.(LaViolette, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, p. 387)
LaViolette’s conclusions were, first, that “it is obvious the screening process was set up so that any ideas that were truly new and revolutionary were omitted,”(Ibid., p. 386) and that it was equally obvious that “It seemed that I had exposed a very large black hole, one that happened to be centered right smack in the middle of NASA and was swallowing up a lot of money and with it a lot of good ideas.”(Ibid., p. 387)  In other words, LaViolette came very close to the conclusion that NASA was intended to be a theater, while the real developments were going on elsewhere, a view shared by many others.
Additionally, as soon as the SEOP project’s report was issued, the program was terminated, “with no plans in place for carrying out follow-up activities.”(Ibid., p. 388) So what was the SEOP program all about anyway? For LaViolette, it was entirely clear “that SEOP had been planned to be a one-way information-gathering intelligence operation.”(Ibid., p. 388)
Yet, this too was not the end of the story for LaViolette, for having found the black hole, he was determined to find the boundaries of this particular singularity. Noting that in the final report mention was made of a database of computer disks for a Macintosh computer, LaViolette filed a FOIA(Freedom of Information Request) that NASA release the database to him. Not surprisingly, the archives had lost both the disks and the original submissions.(Ibid., p. 388)
Whatever else emerges from LaViolette’s book(and that’s quite a lot folks. It is definitely a book well-worth buying and reading!), one thing seems very clear and unavoidable: NASA, or someone, is hiding something.
And that something goes directly to all of the strange technologies first mentioned in NASA’s own Brookings Report, that strange category called “magneto-hydro-dynamic drives,” or, to give it its more popular term, electrogravitics.

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