Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Over the Counter Programming

Over the Counter Programming


The paranormal idea of thoughtforms manifesting into either tulpas or egregores can be a hard concept to grasp, but it is a very powerful reality as groupthink can take a story or a concept and define it as real – even though it may not have any basis in fact.
An egregore is a powerful occult concept representing a powerful thought form that his held as “truth” amongst a certain group. Egregores also can be created and programmed as a form of psychological warfare and the power behind the group mind can utilize some effective tools to make sure that no one denies the conclusions of the groupthink process.
Always remember that a tulpa and an egregore grow with intent. It is given life by the intent of its creator and is initially designed to fulfill a certain goal. When it becomes independent of its creator and exists as an imprint on the mind then we know the success of the programming that was involved to keep the egregore alive.
When the executives for KFC or McDonald’s go home for the evening, the egregore of the Colonel or the clown or the arches goes on. In fact, it will go on no matter which executives come and go. It will never leave unless we ignore it and not feed it.
However, it has left the realms of being a tulpa or a servitor and is now part of our group think or collective consciousness.
Ronald McDonald as an egregore has been programmed into our collective consciousness and like it or not he will never leave. He has become an independent thought that has left its master to now live in the minds of all of us because of skillful programming.
Using the examples of Colonel Sanders or Ronald McDonald is fundamental because there has to be a way to demonstrate how propaganda when used properly can be imprinted into the psyche.
Colonel Harland Sanders died in 1980. However, he continues to live as he has gone beyond the confines of this existence and now exists forever in our minds and on every bucket or box of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
If a thoughtform with intent is successfully turned into an egregore, it will pass from generation to generation as a fact — even though it may not even be real or alive.
As I was explaining with Slenderman, Slenderman himself is not real. He was a creation on the internet. However, he has now independently leapt from the Internet into the collective psyche. This is why now, what was once buried in the collective unconscious manifests as a phantom that has the same traits as Slenderman eventually making him as powerful as Colonel Sanders or Ronald McDonald.
I actually met Colonel Sanders as a kid, and anyone can dress as a clown for a fast food chain, keeping the egregore alive. People have also seen Slenderman and so one cannot deny how the power of groupthink can produce and manifest any idea or even icon and making it an actual entity in the world we call ‘real’.
This is why the media today is a very powerful tool for creating and nurturing the typical egregore.
The mass media and the diet of mass media that we take in on a daily basis is now fully aware of its ability to generate group think and the various egregores that remain with us and will remain with us for as long as we give them life.
As a term or an idea passes through more and more heads its identity expands further until it is held as “real” in the global mind. As the thoughtform and groupthink shapes the egregore, it begins to yield more of its identity to the mass culture.
It then grows beyond the control of those who created it.
That is why you may want to stop and ask yourself at what point are your thoughts your own and what are some of your attitudes towards certain words are phrases. Are these attitudes based on your own personal research or are they part of the group think that has been pushed by a powerful group or agency?
Dennis Healey, former British Secretary of Defense once stated that, “World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt shared the same thoughts when he stated that when America fails or even succeeds it is not done by pure luck or by some esoteric cycle, it is because it is planned that way.
There are many people who are of the opinion that government work with the media to generate a Luciferian egregore. One of brute force and vengeful attitude that now places us on the offensive instead of the defensive when it comes to war. It also creates thought forms of hopelessness with regard to counter revolutions against tyranny, breeds thoughts of scapegoating and racist stereotyping and also marginalizes those who question the motives of government as seditionists and even domestic terrorists.
These are very powerful thoughtforms that run the risk of existing independently from its creators. All media executives and reporters can go home for the night and still return the next day to generate the same thoughtforms that will leave an indelible imprint on every single American citizen.
Advertising, as well as movies, TV series, and Internet games and features are now more than likely being dominated by institutionalized occultism in order to create new realities for the consumer world to purchase and new ideas for the uninformed to absorb and agree upon as real and keen to the intellect.
Aleister Crowley, the great Satanic magus, known to many as the ‘Great Beast’, had much to say about magic and creating egregores. He merely stated true black magic is the ability cause change in conformity through will.
If the media and the government can create group thoughts that survive independently of their creators, then what we see is a dominating egregore generator that when placed in the hands of the few becomes a tremendously powerful psychological weapon.
The big secret that needs to be unveiled is that none of us are supposed to wake up out of the trance they create. The Luciferian egregore is supposed to hold us in the trance forever and the manipulators and masters will continue to generate thoughts and ideas to keep the egregore intact and the feeding frenzy towards the egregore continuous.
However, the hold on all groupthink is losing its grip with the advent of counterprogramming.
What is unfortunate is that soon some of the counterprogramming that exists will be marginalized with fortified efforts to vilify it. In some ways, the campaign to do so has already happened.
The perfect example of counter programming that is destined to be vilified and marginalized is Russia Today, or simply, ‘RT’.
The State Department is concerned about the content of Russia Today and other non-U.S. media like the BBC and Al-Jazeera beginning to break through as their content becomes easily accessible because of the internet.
The State Department is now saying that these networks are propaganda networks and should be avoided by American citizens. Other networks that the State department is warning against are China’s CCTV TV and Press TV from Iran.
You may remember that Russia Today recently came under fire and was criticized by the American media as a Russian propaganda network after reporter Liz Wahl quit on air.
Back in March, Ground Zero covered this incident and reported the truth as to why Wahl left Russia Today.
Journalists Max Blumenthal and Rania Khalek started a firestorm when they reported that Wahl had quit on air as a neo-Con controlled publicity stunt in order to tarnish the reputation of Russia Today.
According to Blumenthal and Khalek, Liz Wahl’s resignation was all thought up by the Foreign Policy Initiative headed by Robert Kagan. Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland, the architect of the Ukrainian crisis. Kagan has also backed Arizona Senator John McCain on his curious relationships with known neo-Nazis, Svoboda and the Banderists.
The American media is seeking a common enemy, and since the United States and Russia are on the fast track to becoming enemies of war, we may see some serious actions being taken against Russia Today and several other world news outlets that have no duty to smooth over the criminal behavior of our government.
The American hold on information to its people is loosening up and it is becoming uncomfortable as issues and ideologies meant to be planted for groupthink are losing their appeal as smart Americans are finding new media and over the counter programming that does not promote the same old worn out propaganda.
The trance that the Neo-cons and war hawks think they have on Americans is lifting because of “counter media.”
For example, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC Poll:
“Americans in large numbers want the U.S. to reduce its role in world affairs even as a showdown with Russia over Ukraine preoccupies Washington… In a marked change from past decades, nearly half of those surveyed want the U.S. to be less active on the global stage, with fewer than one-fifth calling for more active engagement—an anti-interventionist current that sweeps across party lines.”
Oh, but that doesn’t stop war hawks like former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski from saying that we should arm the Ukraine and stand up to Russia’s Putin.
Oh, what a joy it would be if one of our media reporters were courageous enough to tell this fossil to shut his pie hole and that no one really cares about what he thinks or says.
I know it won’t happen but we can always hope.
A USA Today/Pew poll is finding that Americans now believe by a 50%-38% margin that the war against Iraq was stupid. In fact, there is a similar margin that shows that many Americans thought that the war against Afghanistan did nothing to keep us safe from terrorism and that it was a waste of time.
Here are some other interesting findings via Washington’s Blog:
Most Americans are now strongly opposed to intervention in any Arab country… the American people are sick of the war on drugs… Americans are ready to significantly reduce the role of the criminal justice system in dealing with people who use drugs.
Furthermore, according to the recent Pew poll:
63% of Americans think that we should stop mandatory prison terms for drug law violations
54% are in favor of marijuana legalization
67% say the government should focus more on providing treatment for people who use drugs like cocaine and heroin, and only 26% think the focus should be more on prosecuting people who use such drugs
People are equally appalled by Obama’s war on income inequality. Mainly because it is a pipe dream and is nothing more than a nice slogan and really does nothing to reduce the problem.
Most Americans are now realizing that the political two-party system is a sham and that neither party represents the interests of the people according to recent polls.
As I am reporting this I am realizing just how liberating and rewarding it is to be in the business of lifting the curtain and showing how the puppeteers love to put on a show and that Americans are waking up to the lies and corruption that exists today in government.
I think now is the time to start thinking about ways we can now move forward with constitutional methods that can be used to show our government leaders from both parties the door.
We have occultist makers of egregores that survive beyond their creators. Our government has been enabled by the media to label those who stand up to government tyranny as terrorists, repaint military coups as elected governments in other nations and say that wiretapping and data mining is necessary evil.
The news we receive from American media is obviously coming straight from the State Department, otherwise the State Department would not be deeply concerned with the counterprogramming provided by the Internet.
The frightening question is: How long before someone vilifies the independent media to the point of demanding the blocking of certain websites like they do in China?
Time will tell.

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