Saturday, May 17, 2014

FBI releases heavily-censored documents on Sandy Hook massacre

FBI releases heavily-censored documents on Sandy Hook massacre

Wolfgang Halbig, a former state trooper and current school safety consultant, repeatedly has asked entirely reasonable questions about the alleged massacre of 20 students and 6 women at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012. In his quest for answers, Halbig has even invoked the Freedom of Information Act. (Go here to see his questions.)
To this day, however, Halbig has received no response, not even one, to his questions from local (Newtown) and state (Connecticut) officials, even when he personally posed the questions to the Newtown Board of Education, after traveling thousands of miles from his home in Florida. (See “Citizens confront Newtown Board of Education about Sandy Hook hoax”)
One of Halbig’s questions is:
Why did the FBI classify the Sandy Hook massacre? This has never been done before. Even the Columbine School massacre was not classified information. To this day, the FBI report on Sandy Hook remains classified information, not releasable to the public.
On April 24, 2014, Dave Altimari reports for The Hartford Courant that, in response to a Courant Freedom of Information (FOI) request, the FBI has released about 175 pages of documents from the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre investigation. The Courant submitted its FOI request in January 2014 after Connecticut state police had released its report.
Alas, the documents “released” by the FBI were “heavily blacked-out,” i.e., censored.
Of the 175 pages released, 64 were completely redacted (blacked-out). Of the remaining 111 pages, “most were heavily redacted.” Below is an example:
FBI report on SD
As you can see from the page above, it is nearly devoid of information other than that Adam Lanza allegedly was “a troubled kid” and “interested in Japanese techno music.”
Assuming that the other 110 “heavily-redacted” pages are like the page above, this means that the FBI’s release is almost devoid of information.
The Courant says “The names of all witnesses interviewed by federal agents have been removed and there are no references to attempts by federal authorities in Washington, D.C., to recover information from a computer disk that shooter Adam Lanza destroyed.”
That is most interesting because in the days immediately after the alleged massacre, we were told by the news media that Lanza had smashed the hard-drive of his computer. Despite that, the State of Connecticut’s Final Report on Sandy Hook included detailed descriptions of what the FBI presumably had retrieved from Lanza’s computer — about pedophiles, child porn, serial killers, and hatred toward his grandmother. You name the vile evil, he (allegedly) was into it.
Having been trained in scholarship and research, I prefer to see for myself the primary source instead of rely on a secondary account. But The Courantprovided no link to the FBI documents.
A blog called Sandy Hook Facts & Research claims that “What [Courantreporter] Altimari fails to point out, or intentionally hides, is that the documents that the FBI released to the Courant were the same public record that had already been released in the final report. There was nothing new here; he could have written that article in December; but the Courant wanted to feed the ignorant.”
But Sandy Hook Facts & Research didn’t give a link to the FBI documents either. So I went on the FBI’s website and searched for the elusive Sandy Hook documents but found nothing. The closest is a page on “Shooting Incidents Reports” that contains a report on the Sandy Hook shooting which, as the FBI admits, was not authored by the FBI, but instead is the Connecticut state police’sreport.
In other words, one year five months after the alleged massacre, the FBI still has not released its Sandy Hook report.
The FBI is a bureau within the Justice Department of the Obama administration. On August 21, 2010, Obama grandiloquently declared: ““The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.”               tele~pump~terd

Obama Speaks...

What about the Sandy Hook massacre is the Obama administration hiding?
Only those who lie and deceive fear the light of day.
For all the posts FOTM has published on the hoax, go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre” page.
Dr. Eowyn’s article first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds.

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