Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We can track a shark across the Atlantic, but flight MH370 can’t be found

We can track a shark across the Atlantic, but flight MH370 can’t be found

By now, many have heard that Flight MH370, a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, mysteriously disappeared during its flight

By Tim Brown
(INTELLIHUB) — Terrorism has not been ruled out, as evidence has emerged that two of the passengers on the missing Malaysian Airlines jet were traveling with stolen passports. Somehow, we can track a 14 foot great white shark across the Atlantic, but can’t find a Boeing 770-200 Type 2 Class aircraft.
Chris Carrington reported:
An Austrian and an Italian both reported having passports stolen, one two years ago and the other at some point during the last 18 months, reports vary as to exactly how long ago the passport was stolen from a rental car. Both passports were stolen in Thailand.

Other questions are starting to be asked, like why no distress call was made. The 777-200 would have been at cruising altitude and experts say that even if all engines had failed there would have been ample time to send a mayday call. The fact that there was no call could indicate that there wasn’t time to put in a call before whatever happened to flight MH370 occurred.
Investigative journalist Aaron Klein posed the theory that the jet was possibly brought down by a North Korean missile. He writes:
While the international probe is in its early stages and questions are being raised about the prospect of terrorism, investigators would be wise to thoroughly examine the possibility of a missile attack, however remote, in light of recent information about the global proliferation of projectiles capable of downing civilian airliners.

Further, China has issued a series of warnings about North Korean missiles, including one that crossed paths with a Chinese airliner carrying 220 people just last week.

On Friday, China complained to North Korea when one of its missiles came dangerously close to a civilian jet last Tuesday. The airplane had departed Tokyo’s Narita airport en route to the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang.

One day earlier, South Korea’s defense ministry released a statement saying the Chinese civilian plane had “passed as the ballistic missile (from North Korea) was in the course of descending.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters, “On this issue, we have already contacted the North Korean side to convey our deep concern.”

“If any country is to hold training or exercises, it should take measures in accordance with international practice to ensure the safety of civil [facilities] in relevant airspace and maritime space,” said Qin.

Qin said the jet was flying over international waters at an altitude of 10,000 meters, or 32,800 feet.

“The rocket could have hit the plane on its way down,” he said. “North Korea had not given any warning. It was an unexpected and immoral act that goes against international norms.” One week earlier, North Korea reportedly test-fired two short-range missiles into the sea.

The Malaysian Airlines flight reportedly lost contact with air traffic controllers some 2 hours after departing Kuala Lumpur, when the plane was about one-third of the way into its trip.
According to Klein, airplane parts have been discovered by Vietnamese searchers, but have yet to determine if they are part of flight MH 370.
However, there is another concern, one that we and others warned about years ago when the US government under Barack Hussein Obama, aided al-Qaeda in their overthrow of the Libyan government. During that time, 20,000 shoulder-fired missiles were obtained by jihadists. At the time of the writing of my article (May 2012), only 5,000 had been recovered.
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Then there was Benghazi. We learned that Benghazi was nothing more than an international Fast and Furious involving stinger missiles. This is what they do not want to come out, but all the pieces are there.
Just this past January, former CIA Director David Petraeus warned of a “nightmare” scenario in which the proliferation of missiles could provide terrorists the ability to shoot down passenger airplanes.
“I mean, shooting down a helicopter with an apparent shoulder-fired missile is a big deal,” Petraeus said. “As you know, that was always our worst nightmare, that a civilian airliner would be shot down by one. Which is why we were so concerned when they moved around,” he said.
Now, the Associated Press is reporting that nuclear experts want to check to see if the plane exploded.
The head of the organization that monitors the nuclear test ban treaty said Monday he has asked its experts to see if they detected an explosion at high altitude of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane.

Lassina Zerbo, executive director of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization told a news conference that the CTBTO uses “infrasound” — or infrasonic sensors — to monitor the earth mainly for atmospheric nuclear explosions.

“Infrasound is produced by a variety of natural and man-made sources: exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, storms and auroras in the natural world; nuclear, mining and large chemical explosions, as well as aircraft and rocket launches in the man-made arena,” the CTBTO said.
I’m with my friend Shea Bernard on this one. He commented:
A Boeing 770-200 Type 2 Class aircraft, weighing 545,000 lbs, at 209ft in length and a 200 ft wingspan sporting state-of-the-art navigation and other electronic tracking, 2 massive Pratt and Whitney 4700 engines spitting out 77,000 lbs of thrust each, carrying 239 people, just ups and drops off the map, radar, GPS, satellite, and other tracking technologies, including every military satellite over the region, with likely 3/4′s of the passengers using cell and data connections, without a trace, no wreckage, and no data from a myriad of sources as to where it last was or what happened.
Got it.
Not possible. I smell a rat.

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