Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bin Laden’s son-in-law quietly on trial over 9/11 attacks

Bin Laden’s son-in-law quietly on trial over 9/11 attacks

Apparently, we live in a time where the media would rather cover the ‘Blade Runner - Oscar Pistorius’ trial on CNN, instead of the trial of Osama Bin Laden’s son-in-law, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, and his alleged involvement in the 9/11/01 World Trade Center attacks

 By Stephanie Sledge
(INTELLIHUB) — Following the attacks, there has been an enormous amount of tyrannical legislation and police-state agenda strapped upon the American People’s backs, including: the creation of Homeland Security, and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). All in the name of post 9/11 safety to keep our nation protected from anymore so-called bad guys that want to allegedly attack us.
Why would the mainstream media and some of the alternative media want to provide little to no coverage of this trial? Wouldn’t this be the greatest opportunity to pick apart any alleged lies that the nation may have been told about what really happened that day? Why does CNN cover the Oscar Pistorius trial rather than a trial that involved the alleged deaths of over 3000 people? Do you find something odd about this? I do… just like I did when CNN chose to cover other Hollywood trials instead of the Aurora shooter trial or even the Boston Bombing trial.
Above Lower Manhattan, in a federal courtroom, the first trial of an alleged high-ranking al-Qaeda figure has begun related to the September 11 attacks, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, 48, is accused of conspiracy to kill Americans and faces three related charges of terrorism as the group’s chief propagandist. These charges are based upon a video that surfaced following the attacks showing Abu Ghaith as he sat cross-legged next to Bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan.
According to AP reports, prosecutors are currently portraying Sulaiman Abu Ghaith as a member of Osama Bin Laden’s inner circle, who allegedly had advance knowledge into the 9/11 terrorist plots. If convicted, Abu Ghaith could face life in prison.
On the other side, according to The National Memo, the defense said, “The government was counting on fear and anger generated by the September 11, 2001, attacks to convict a Muslim husband and father who had said some “dumb” things in the past.” Really? Is the nation sleeping? I wonder if the American People are under some sort of spell because what the government really wants is for everyone in this country to run with the original al-Qaeda cover story.
One of the most bizarre aspects of this so-called trial (besides no real media coverage) is assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas Lewin mentioned at least 50 times in a 25 minute opening statement the words ‘al-Qaeda’ repeatedly and referred to Bin Laden over and over again. If journalists and spectators have descended upon this trial as AP reports, then where is the live coverage? All we are getting is courtroom drawings and AP reports. Where are the families? Where is the real coverage of this trial? Why are Americans not interested in this first ever terrorism trial of the 9/11 attacks?
<a href="" ><img src="" border="0" alt=""></a>
It could be assumed the suppression of the trial, the obvious controlled released interviews, and the lack of real coverage serves a deeper agenda that is hidden from the America People. There are high stakes in the Obama Administration as officials seek to prove and prosecute terrorism cases in civilian courts. Why was Abu Ghaith not sent to Guantanamo Bay? As with many questionable crimes, there is an agenda that follows and the Obama Administration likes to seek ways to change the rules in the court system to include terrorism in civilian courts… how convenient for the NDAA and more justification for the continuation of terrorism and fear … Yes?
The truth is… Americans are suppressed from this particular trial and no real coverage will be provided because there are many smart investigators and researchers that have brought forth compelling evidence that 9/11 did not play out as we were all originally told. They (meaning CNN) cannot cover the trial live because it will end up being picked apart by real journalists and they would become a laughing-stock, therefore, it is safer to stick with Hollywood actors and their drama trials…
There is more to come as we follow the next phase in Hollywood court acting trials and trickery within our court systems to change the rules to include terrorism within civilian courts and hijack the system.. all in the name of safety for the nation, of course.
This article originally appeared on The Government Rag

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