Monday, February 17, 2014

Room 641A: The All-Seeing Ear

Room 641A: The All-Seeing Ear

ROOM 641A:

When we approach the very important issue of illegal spying in the United States, there are many true believers in the government and the Obama administration that will defend the practice.
They will defend it even though it violates the Constitution. The slow twisting of attitudes about what is most certainly an unconstitutional practice has been the real battle for those who wish to preserve a modicum of rights in this country.
The argument has been that what our government is doing can be similar to finding that terrorist needle hiding in the haystack. The truth is that to find that terrorist needle our spying apparatus feels it necessary to gather the haystack first.
The haystack I speak of is piles of data that our overlords have scooped up. It is no longer a secret that the data that they are gathering includes call records, e-mails, tweets, address books and more. These acts of constitutional violation are actually given the blessing of the Obama administration, congress, and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court.
Many Americans – or many American conspiracy theorists – had reported that this was happening for a long time. Edward Snowden was the whistleblower that actually revealed the extent of the programs.
Now, there are plenty of people that wish to see Snowden hang, and there are others who see him as a hero. With no disrespect to Snowden, I would like to demonstrate to you that the fight to get this information out to the public has been ongoing for decades.
In the beginning, we had the conspiracy theory.
During the running of the revelation we had the frustration of being told that it was all paranoia.
In the end, we had the death toll of previous whistleblowers, names, dates, room numbers and evidence that proved that – not only was the FBI, CIA, and the NSA part of a sophisticated “Big Brother” network of the “all-seeing eye” – there were also part of an even more sinister net of the “all-seeing ear.”
A story broke in November of 1998 out of Australia and it went virtually ignored. It was about a rumored surveillance system called ‘Echelon‘. The system it was rumored was sophisticated system that used a satellite position some 100,000 miles in space.
This began an all-out rumor mill investigation into whether or not Echelon was just a pipe dream thought up by some paranoid genius or a very real system that was in operation in order to track and control every American and every world citizen at all times.
Echelon was reported to be a sophisticated satellite surveillance network that was the result of a proposed CIA spy satellite treaty in 1948. We were told that these systems weren’t anything new. In fact, the Internet was relatively new and stories like Echelon were reported outside of the United States and bulldog reporters and conspiracy theorists were looking for vindication by reading reports from other countries about what our government was up to.
It was reported that these sophisticated surveillance networks apparently had been in place since the 1980′s.
It may be hard to imagine what an impact a story like this had on people who were already worried that there was intelligence overreach already taking place in the United States.
What it meant to researchers was confirmation that the government proposed and implemented a massive surveillance system that monitored every fax, every phone call, every e-mail, every communication that used fiber optics or wires or even radio and television transmissions in the country.
Echelon was reported to be an ominous and intrusive tool that illustrated the darkest imaged of Big Brother and the technotronic Orwellian nightmare.
Echelon was quite literally a listening and observation relay that set up ‘listening posts’ in four countries. It included a grid of spy satellites in geosynchronous orbit, all linked to supercomputers capable of analyzing massive amounts of Internet traffic and voice phone calls.
Back in the 1990’s it was estimated that Echelon could process 3 billion e-mails, phone, and fax a day. The introduction of cell phones created yet another advantage for the alphabet agencies. The system reportedly was able to scan electronic data from satellite communications and cellular telephones all over the grid looking for certain “trigger” key phrases.
Back then we could only speculate who started this intrusive gathering of data. All lines could be traced to the National Security Sgency.
However, the insidious part of Echelon is that it was part of a deal that practiced its bit of constitutional negation by operating in an area that could not be touched by the legislature. How can anyone fight against a worldwide spying system where world powers share the cost and set up clandestine listening posts all over the globe?
Wikia says: “Echelon is said to be the system capable of operating worldwide on the basis of cooperation proportionate to their capabilities among several nations. The participating nation states were the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
There has always been a question as to how our overlords are capable of dodging constitutional bullets when it comes to spying and technological overreach.
It is simple, what was once a conspiracy theorists pipe dream is a reality and with the participation of several nations, we can circumvent constitutional entanglements by asking a cooperating Echelon partner to do the data collecting for us.
Candidates for the interception of international communications are not usually targeted at residents of the home country. Therefore, the person whose messages are intercepted has no domestic legal protection, not being resident in the country concerned.
We now have a network of fascist overlords who all agree that there needs to be a system of intrusion to protect their power hold on their citizens. They all can do favors for each other and all can agree on who needs to be surgically removed from this planet with a drone.
The fictional Skynet system has been achieved and it has been with us long before ‘The Terminator’ movies were produced and shown as predictive programming.
Echelon was also said to have employed the Prosecutor’s Management Information System or PROMIS. This has given the NSA the power to also monitor and download financial and personal files of all American citizens.
Before Edward Snowden there was another whistleblower that got too close. His name was Danny Casolaro.
Danny Casolaro planned to write a book exposing the misuse of power in government. His book was about to connect the dots of what many conspiracy theorists called the ‘great beast’.
Casolaro called it ‘the Octopus’. It was an appropriate name, because Casolaro uncovered one conspiracy after another, reaching out like deadly tentacles from the body of that slithering, sea monster. He was about to unload the secret of PROMIS and its connection to an unnamed surveillance apparatus.
We now can speculate that it was Echelon.
According the Casolaro it was some foreboding “big brother” master data base designed to list political dissidents, subversives, tax protestors, whistleblowers, snoopy journalists, conspiracy theorists, illegal aliens, and of course terrorists and criminals.
The more he delved into the story he discovered that there were shadowy agencies whose sole purpose was to destroy the United States.
His research was about to blow the whistle on the dirty deeds being carried out by a shadow government, a fifth column that was in the process of taking over our constitutional government.
This ‘shadow government’ was allegedly profiting from peddling oil, drugs, sex, and weapons. Many conspiracy theorists have been speculating about these shadow government operations since the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.
Casolaro got too close and just as he was about to blow the lid off the entire Big Brother network, he died.
On August 10th, 1991, Casolaro allegedly met with an unnamed CIA agent. This agent allegedly arranged a meeting with then-President George Bush Sr.’s Justice department official Peter Videnieks.
The next morning Casolaro was found dead in the bathtub of his hotel room in Martinsburg, West Virginia. His wrists had been slashed a dozen times. It was ruled a suicide.
The powers-that-be had hoped that the silencing of Casolaro would stop the speculation of wrong-doing by various governments and their spying on citizens.

Danny Casolaro-Unsolved Mysteries part 1

As WikiBooks notes: “In 2003 Mark Klein, a technician at AT&T, stumbled across a project with national significance involving AT&T and the National Security Agency (NSA). Inside one of its San Francisco buildings AT&T had constructed a secured room that was fed a copy of all Internet traffic going through the building.
That room was 641A.
WikiBooks continues: “In 2002, while Klein was serving as an employee of AT&T in San Francisco, a representative from the NSA visited to interview AT&T employees for a special job.
Later, in January 2003, he observed that the AT&T central office in San Francisco had a room where access was limited to this special employee.
After Klein was relocated to this office in October 2003, he noticed clandestine activity regarding the room. In particular, several documents that Klein used, including a December 10, 2002 document titled “Study Group 3, LGX/Splitter Wiring, San Francisco”, led him to infer that signals from optical fibers carrying Internet traffic were being split and sent into Room 641A.
He claimed that the room contained a Semantic Traffic analyzer called the Narus STA 6400. Now it is believed that the Naurus -6400 is capable of monitoring over 622 Megabits per second in real time and capturing anything that hits its’ semantic triggers. The latest generation of monitoring machines are called the Narus Insight.
These machines were capable of monitoring 10 billion bits of data per second.
Klein suspected that the NSA was using this equipment to process large amounts of Internet traffic. Furthermore, he learned from other employees within AT&T that similar rooms were in Seattle, San Jose, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Klein concluded that the with tyese machines “the NSA would be capable of conducting what he called a “vacuum-cleaner surveillance of all the data crossing the internet”. However, his fear of losing his job kept him silent.
Klein retired in 2004. After information about warrantless wiretapping by the Bush administration was reported in December 2005, Klein was motivated to reveal his own information, feeling that it was his duty to “bring these facts to light”.
Klein tried to have the Los Angeles Times run a story based on his information[, but the newspaper backed down after The Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte met with the editors.
After this, Klein attempted to get an article in the New York Times, but they also appeared reluctant until the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) wanted to use Klein’s testimony in a case against AT&T, which bolstered the newspaper to proceed with a report.
Mark Klein’s belief that we have a right to privacy on the Internet eventually led him to blow the whistle on the NSA and AT&T. He blew the whistle in 2006 and he did it without the sickening political response of endangering lives, or giving terrorists the upper hand.
Now: Is Mark Klein a traitor? He certainly is not the political football that Edward Snowden has become. Was Danny Casolaro a traitor? Was he endangering lives of Americans by trying to blow the whistle on criminal activity?
This just goes to show you that the political tug of war over privacy has been muddied by outspoken jackasses in Washington that just want a moment in front of the camera to bully their straw man, Edward Snowden.
The media and Washington D.C. will not concede that – for at least 20 years – the sophisticated spying systems that were approved by the cryptocracy have been an omnipresent threat to privacy kept hidden from the public.
Global partners and other agencies have conspired against us. They have tapped into the backbone of the Internet and the communications network and have sold us the toys and tools to allow for their illegal infiltration. Edward Snowden is not a traitor. I think we know who the traitors are. The question is why we let them get away with it.

Sen. Rand Paul Filing Class-Action Lawsuit Against NSA                   

Rand Paul brings class-action lawsuit against NSA

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