Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hint to the Media: Coming Ice Age Is Already Here

hehe & this fucking kook made millions LOL NOT "inventing" the "net"   hey al's gonna b "hot"   where yer going  ? :o   piece of shit  lol   An inconvenient truth for Al Gore, who has become a multimillionaire with his doomsday message. But a cold fact.

Media Ignores Falling Temps To Push Global Warming

The irony cannot be overhyped: a ship full of "global warmists" on an expedition to Antarctica to prove that the ice shelf there is melting at record pace got stuck in the ice. Then, the ship sent to free the ship stuck in ice also got frozen in.
And then, the ironic cherry on the top, out came a report that said there was more ice on the shelf than ever.
"Scientists at the British Antarctic Survey [BAS] say that the melting of the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf in Antarctica has suddenly slowed right down in the last few years, confirming earlier research which suggested that the shelf's melt does not result from human-driven global warming," the UK's Register reported.
Said Dr Pierre Dutrieux of the BAS: "We found ocean melting of the glacier was the lowest ever recorded, and less than half of that observed in 2010. This enormous, and unexpected, variability contradicts the widespread view that a simple and steady ocean warming in the region is eroding the West Antarctic Ice Sheet."
Now, it's fine, really, that scientists are doing hands-on research. That's the whole point of science -- see it, prove it, first hand, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
But there is still much doubt about global warming (remember the "ice age" scare of the 1970s?). And the U.S. media, which should be skeptical of all things -- especially the official line from the government -- couldn't care less about proof, data, facts. News outlets simply parrot what a group of scientists say -- a weighty group, to be sure, but no more so than the massive group of global warming doubters -- without a word from the other side.
It's worth a blast of the past here: From about 1880, when accurate climate records first began, until 1905 or so, temperatures rose. Then, they fell for a few years before starting a steady climb -- nearly 1 degree F -- up to 1945. Over the next 25 years, up until 1970, temperatures plunged, nearly reaching the baseline set in 1905.
Fearmongers flourished. "Little Ice Age For Britain," said one 1964 headline. 'US Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming," blared a Washington Post headline in 1971. "The world could be as little as 50 or 60 years away from a disastrous new ice age, a leading atmospheric scientist predicts," the paper said. Even the New York Times said "Climate Changes Called Ominous." "There is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the Earth within the next hundred years."
Again, here, not mocking scientists. As every person soaked to the bone because the weatherman never mentioned that torrential downpour, knows that meteorology is difficult -- climatology even moreso. That's why it's important to note that since the 1970s, temperatures have gone up, then down, then up, then down -- up .2 degrees here, down .2 degrees there.
All that changed in the late 1990s, when temps spiked more than .5 degrees. But since 1997, temperatures have been falling. By the end of 2013, a few of the more skeptical news outlets, like Britain's Telegraph, were posting different stories.
"Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists," one September headline read. "Despite the original forecasts, major climate research centres now accept that there has been a 'pause' in global warming since 1997," the paper wrote.
As the United States is immersed in a record cold snap fed by a "polar vortex" (that just sounds cold, doesn't it?), perhaps its time to pay attention to the climatologists out there who hold that global warming is not settled science. Of course, America and the world should do everything it can to reduce carbon emissions, but just as science moved away from the "Little Ice Age" of the 1970s, so, too, they are now moving away from the "Brimstone and Fire" predictions of the 1990s.
An inconvenient truth for Al Gore, who has become a multimillionaire with his doomsday message. But a cold fact.

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