Saturday, January 25, 2014

American Holocaust: Executing The Perfect Cut

American Holocaust: Executing The Perfect Cut


I know that we live in times where we are obsessed with the final chapter, as opposed to going through the entire book of life. It seems that with headlines the way the are, we often wonder how we get through our day safe and without incident. The truth may be stranger than fiction and many of us are unaware just how safe we truly are.
The media is so quick to spotlight crime, police brutality and riotous behaviors of people who are fed up with the system. These images are purposefully being presented in order to harden the resolve of the planners that wish to implement a police state to combat a perceived predatory state.
The modus operandi of the oligarchy has always been problem action and solution that is actually controlled and implemented by the military industrial complex, the national security apparatus, and various branches of law enforcement.
The actions of the few have influenced the masses, coercing them to comply with all sorts of solutions that we have been programmed to accept as absolute truth.
In war, or when there is an air of war, there are no real absolutes and the biggest casualty of any war is the truth. I guess in times like these the only thing that is secure is insecurity and in this state of mind we find ourselves in a miasma of paranoia.
We have covered before that crime rates are lower and yet we are seeing a gradual militarization of the police. We hear that people are more likely to be hostile in police situations and so police officers are always on edge, wondering if this will be that day that someone decides to commit a violent crime with a gun. We see the cycles of gun crime being reported in the news. These situations are becoming fodder for media that pushes an anti-gun agenda and the political debate wears thin, as does the constitution that now has become a suggestion for ‘law’, rather than the cornerstone for it.
We see people who are adamant about saying that they have a First Amendment right to say and do whatever they want. Lately, the First Amendment warning is given by anyone wishing to spew hateful and divisive speech. When the words are questioned or evaluated for meaning and are dismissed as harsh or defamatory, the First Amendment becomes important to the person who has uttered the words. Yes the right exists, but the constitution says nothing about consequences. There is a responsibility to know what the law is rather than couching it in a hateful and divisive way.
I have constantly been fighting to put the spotlight on the 4th and 5th amendments because in the police state we live in now these amendments are important to reiterate and to stand in support for.
The Fourth Amendment gives people the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. The national security state will see to it that the fourth amendment is violated in the name of preventing terrorism.
On January 18th, 2014 Barack Obama once again issued yet another speech about the NSA. This sends a signal to me that there seems to be a bit of conscience check, or at least a feigned conscience check on behalf of a President who swore that he would ease up on the police state. Even though the president spoke of a possible overhaul on the procedures of the NSA, he pulled a number of coercion tactics that should be addressed.
Unsurprisingly, the President was supposed to speak about NSA reform and actually rejected nearly all of the important recommendations that his own review panel suggested in the wake of the leak scandal of Edward Snowden.
His speech was more about dredging up the trauma of the 9/11 attacks by stating that if we don’t allow the NSA to do what they want we can’t blame them if there is another attack on the United States. I am sure he was hoping that the collective chill would be felt, by Americans, but any more those who are awake are fully aware of the neuro linguistic programming that he spews forth at every turn.
In his 45 minute speech he mentioned 9/11 eight times. The words ‘terrorist’ or ‘terrorism’ were used 16 times, which goes to show you that there are three magic words that can dissolve the Fourth Amendment and that is 9/11, terrorist, and terrorism.
Moral objections to Fourth Amendment violations are now seen as old fashioned and way-out-there as are any objections to the Fifth Amendment violations or the negation of due process.
Now it seems that the Eighth Amendment, a part of the Constitution that has been violated with regard to torture and judiciary executions is also being negated and literally trampled on because, once again, we do not care if the government is into torture, murder and executions.
These tortures and executions are no longer reserved for perceived enemies, but for criminals that are jailed and are given the death penalty.
We all know that there are people who are divided on the death penalty, however the pro death penalty stance is based on the assumption that the system is fair and that the decision to carry out the death penalty is based on a true assessment of the evidence, that the person who is sentenced to death had the best defense attorney’s and that they had the amount of money necessary to establish a proficient defense.
Pro-death penalty supporters have to prove that the court system now is acting on behalf of constitutional law and not on some provision like the Patriot Act(s) or the NDAA.
The question is: Can they prove it now that the constitution is slowly being nullified? Does the death penalty have the potential of becoming a tool for culling citizens rather than lessening crime rates and being used as a deterrent?
In the past, the argument could be that the criminal received a fair trial and that capital punishment is carried out fairly and equally according to law. Now it is hard to prove this in a country where judges and legislators create laws on a whim and ignores constitutional compliance.
I always get e-mails telling me that I should focus on the fringe stories that have been spread regarding the United State government purchasing some 30,000 guillotines. It is said that 15,000 of them are being held in storage in the state of Georgia, and that the other 30,000 are being stored in Montana. It is believed that the guillotines are being stored until a mass insurrection happens in the country and the government is forced to execute those who do not wish to comply to the new laws. To some conspiracy theorists, this is known as the American holocaust conspiracy.
Now, usually I pay no mind to these horror stories because the e-mails often lead to stories of how the guillotines will be used on Christians. It is there where I think that this is a Christian horror story that is passed along without anyone thinking about outrageous it is.
Well, lately things don’t sound so outrageous anymore.
After the reports of the botched execution of Dennis McGuire there have been some interesting stories that have been published on the internet. There are a few that go into the horrid details of how McGuire suffocated for 26 minutes, gasping for air before he died.

First Person: Ohio Executes Inmate With One-Drug Injection

This has sent a number of people into fits over cruel and unusual punishment and whether or not his execution violated his Eighth Amendment rights. Of course, these arguments become hollow to those who sympathize with his victim; Joy Stewart was brutally raped stabbed and had her throat cut by McGuire. Stewart was also going to give birth to a child just two months before her murder.
While it is easy to take the discussion into the direction of whether or not McGuire deserved his 26 minutes of suffering, there was another component to this story that I think should be discussed and that is the story that the reason why McGuire died his agonizing death was because of a shortage of the three drugs necessary to create the cocktail that is used to execute prisoners.
The reason for the shortage is because Hospira, the company that manufactures sodium pentothal, has decided to stop making it for fear of liability in lawsuits over executions.
The European Union has also banned European manufacturers from exporting drugs to the United States that are to be used to execute prisoners. So now with shortage prisoner are now given a two drug cocktail that results in the air starving process where condemned prisoners can spend a half hour gasping and choking until they finally die.
This has now placed the government into the position of exploring the possibility of eliminating execution by lethal injection and bringing back firing squads and the use of guillotines for executions.
This is a convenient solution to the problem of having to procure the right drugs for humane executions.
Now I know that the origination of the idea of guillotines being purchased by our government was confirmed by the late Ted Gunderson, a former FBI agent in 2009. However, the reports of these guillotines have been around since the 1990’s as it was reported that they were ordered for mass executions in internment camps that were created for Operation Garden Plot in the Reagan era.
Since that time there have been a number of people who have tried to discredit the story. However, Garden Plot was activated during the 1992 Los Angeles riots and was renamed “Noble Eagle” to provide military assistance to civil authorities following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The Department of Homeland Security has reviewed the model of Garden Plot which includes mass arrests, mass detainment and if needed mass executions in times of insurrection.
Now the guillotines and firing squads are being reviewed in lieu of drug cocktails that make criminals suffer.
Does this mean that there are 30,000 or even 100,000 guillotines at the ready for the mass culling? Not necessarily, but it does raise a compelling self-fulfilling prophecy.
Now it would be enough to just say that the idea of mass execution is highly unlikely in the United states, however I was sent a very interesting e-mail that reported that more than more than 68,000 new codes have been added to Obama care. One of those codes, ICD9E978 made me laugh uncomfortably.
The number code related to legal execution.
In the list, lethal injection is not specified.
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:
asphyxiation by gas
beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
capital punishment
other specified means
These codes were actually created by the WHO (World Health Organization). The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
These codes were not created by the authors of the Affordable Healthcare Act or Obamacare, however it is being said that they have been added in order to prove that in our future there will be a mass culling of citizens under Obama.
There is no proof of this.
The only thing that is quite interesting is the fact that Obamacare is trying to use coding for every American citizen under international codes that link to the “international” system provided by Serco and other companies that have bid to process your insurance claims.
On October 1, 2014, the ICD 9 coding will no longer be used. ICD 10 “mandated” medical coding will add 68,105 codes. As Freedom Outpost wrote: “The ICD-10-PCS (Procedure Code System) has an additional 86,000 codes totaling approximately 155,000 new medical codes for medical professionals.
After that date, American doctors will be required to use an international coding system. That means you and I will be subjected to an international healthcare coding system. This also means that the national coding system includes legal judiciary execution that is not under the direction of American legality, but world legality. Does the future hold a worldwide legalization of execution by guillotine or firing squad under the direction of the world court?
This means that perhaps the power to determine the eradication of human sprawl will be left to organizations that support Agenda 21 and sustainable development goals that promote global sustainability plans that include culling, and reduction of population.
So, with this in mind can we still argue that the death penalty is something that can be argued in the same old fashion?
Well, remember, we are told it is nothing to lose your head over.

History of the World Part 1 by Mel Brooks PART 8

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